
Prologue: The Broken Heart

"What transcends time and life, Cupi?"



"You dumbass! Love! Love transcends time and life."

Cupidious Junior, just twelve years old and bursting with hormones, had his world turned upside down by his wise yet eccentric grandfather, Cupidious Super Senior.

He was a young boy with an insatiable fascination for the women of Snickerland Island, much to his mother's dismay and constant nagging.

While his mother dreamt of him becoming a skilled healer, graduating from the prestigious Royal Academy of Romantica, Cupidious Junior had a different aspiration. He longed to be a winged cupid, soaring through the skies and shooting love arrows that would pierce a woman's heart and body.

Unfortunately, for now, the only arrow he possessed was firmly glued between his legs, causing more frustration than romance.

His father, Cupidious Senior, was far from a skilled lovemaker, and the evidence of this was clear in his mother's constant nagging and disappointment. It was a disappointment shared by both Cupidious Junior and Cupidious Super Senior.

But Cupidious Junior was not one to give up on his name and heritage as a lovemaker.

"But Grandpa," Cupidious Junior said, his head throbbing from confusion, "you told me that boobies are the heavenly pillows that transcend everything. The ultimate power that exists in both Heaven and Hell." A single tear formed in the corner of his golden eye.

"Boobies are indeed the heavenly pillows, my dear Cupi," his grandpa replied, gently patting his head. "But, my grandson, they are not the only thing that transcends Heaven and Hell. Love, if done right, has the power to make Heaven blossom even in the depths of Hell."

"Ohhh," Cupidious Junior murmured, his young mind trying to grasp the complexities of love.

"Love is not about conquering someone's mind or body, Cupi," Cupidious Super Senior explained, arms crossed and eyes closed. "It's about a genuine connection that goes beyond physical attraction. You don't just lust after someone, you truly love them."

Cupidious Junior furrowed his brow. "But... why doesn't Keira even look my way? Why can't she see me?"

"Hmph," his grandfather huffed. "That girl, Keira, she's one of the most beautiful girls in all of Snickerland. It's no wonder you're smitten with her."

Cupidious Junior blushed, nodding in agreement.

"But you see, Cupi, Keira is well aware of her beauty. She already believes she'll be the most beautiful girl in all of Snickerland when she grows up. It might be a challenge to capture her heart."

"Then why does she always smile around Roland, Grandpa?"

"Well, Cupi, not everyone is worthy of love," Cupidious Super Senior replied. "You'll understand this as you grow older. There are plenty of other girls here for you to aim your arrow at. Why not consider someone else?"

"But they're not Keira. And I don't want anyone else," young Cupi stubbornly crossed his arms and pouted.

Cupidious Super Senior sighed, realizing the determination in his grandson's eyes. Then, a mischievous grin spread across his face as he remembered something.

"Ah, but Cupi, I have a secret weapon," he said, holding up his left hand to reveal a pitch-black, slender ring on his finger. "This, my grandson, is the ultimate lovemaker. It has the power to make anyone fall head over heels for you."

Cupi skeptically examined the ring. "Looks crude to me. Are you sure it works, Grandpa?"

Grandpa Cupidious chuckled. "Oh, it may not look like much, but trust me, it's a game-changer. Once my time is up, this ring is yours. Use it wisely and enjoy the wild ride it brings."

But little Cupi was so fixated on Keira that he didn't pay much attention to his grandpa's words. He had come seeking advice on how to win her over, not some mysterious ring.

In a fit of frustration, Cupi abruptly stood up and glared at his grandpa. "Hmphhh... I don't need your advice or your silly ring. I'll win Keira's heart my own way!"

And for the next six years, he tried his luck relentlessly to make the girl fall in love with him, only to be met with countless rejections.

Not only were his neighbors shaming him, but his own family joined in as well.

His little sister constantly nagged him, calling him a loser. His mother didn't voice her disappointment, but her mannerisms spoke volumes. His grandpa advised him to find another girl who would be more suitable, and even his father gave him the cold shoulder.

However, Cupidious Junior never lost hope.

The more Keira rejected him, the more he fell for her. The more people ridiculed him, the more determined he became to prove them wrong.

"This one's for you, my dear," he declared, his hair stylishly swept back as he presented her with a stunning velvet flower he had discovered in the depths of the sea.

The flower was extraordinary, never fading and emitting a captivating fragrance that could be detected from a distance.

Its petals were as pure as moonlight.

Keira, standing among her friends, gazed at the flower with curiosity.

"It's beautiful," she smiled.

"It truly is, but not as beautiful as you," he responded, handing her the flower.

"Thank you," she said, accepting the flower and inhaling its delightful scent. "It smells amazing."

Cupi's heart soared with joy. Finally, after all this time, she had accepted his gift.

But in a sudden turn of events, Keira glanced at him and dramatically dropped the flower to the ground. She then proceeded to stomp on it, crushing it beneath her feet.

"Stupid...gift from stupid Cupi," she sneered, thrusting her foot down on the crushed flower. "Did you really think I wanted someone like you in my life?" Another stomp. "You're a stupid idiot! Why can't Roland give me something like this!" She screamed at him, her anger echoing through the air.

"Hahaha..." Keira's friends joined in, laughing at Cupidious.

Cupidious was left speechless, his heart shattered into a million pieces. He couldn't comprehend why Keira was treating him this way.

The flower he had given her was a precious treasure, something he had personally collected from the sea. Yet, she had treated it as if it were worthless.

Without uttering a word, Cupidious turned away and walked off.

As he made his exit, he could still hear Keira's giggles and the mocking stares of the onlookers. But he didn't look back; he simply kept walking, leaving the painful scene behind.

My dear brothers of culture, please leave your brains in this box as you venture more into this journey. They will only hinder you, you don't want that to happen.

yours truly,

Author kun

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