
Childhood days

My nam is Asanda Potwana , I am a female born in Cofimvaba Eastern Cape. I was born in a small village in a round house called u rontabile .My mother gave birth to me in the house and she did not make it.

After my mother's death my Aunt raised me , she survived by farming and cleaning houses. When I was 6 years old we moved to Capetown ,in a small township full of poverty. I had fun and made friends my aunt took care of me . I went to Imbasa Primary School on my first day I was bullied because I was different from other Children . During that time people were not used to people who are transgenders. They used to call me nokwekwe . Life was hard because I was poor I used to beg in the robots with my friends, aznd that's how we could get money .

I was very talented and good at drawing teachers loved me I entered competitions and I would win. When I was doing grade 8 I started to date and I would date girls . Life was hard people judged me and made fun of my sexuality.

In high school I started to change my style and I would wear things that I'm comfortable in. That made many people mock me. Changes started to happen and I started to look more like a man my body changed.