
Descent To Insanity

Read the journey of a boy who wants to explore the world, and help his parents live a better life. But will he be able to do that with an ability like teleportation? Will he gain enough power to explore the Unknown? And Will the power descend him to insanity? Read the journey of Wand to find out whether he wins this race or not! ——————————————— Note: This is my work for the WSA 2024. So, don't hesitate to give those Power stones!! Universal Energy(Unie) is this world's equivalent of mana.

StrangerOfVoid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

I will eat you

Wand's punch broke the jester's hand blocking him and went on to hit the Jester in his head, killing him.

Jester's corpse got pushed back into the darkness near one of the walls.

"Damn, bastard! So you are the one who did all that!" Wand shouted

As he took a step toward Jester's corpse, he heard a familiar voice.

"Wand." An enthusiastic voice shouted.

"Skyler…?! Skyler where are you!" Wand asked.

"Here, Wand! Behind you."

Wand turned toward the sound and started walking towards the darkness as the bioluminescent fish's eyes could even light up most of the hall.

Suddenly Wand flipped backward and punched in the air as a 'clang' sound rang throughout the room.

"Your mind and body are quite sharp! I didn't think you would notice that at your current state…" The jester snickered."Looks like I need to take this seriously."

The jester stretched his arms as five sharp claws extended from the nails of the jester's hand.

Wand widened his eyes.

'If I hadn't made spatial sense to detect beings like him. I would have died there and then especially when my spatial sense is reduced to 30cm during battle situations.'

Wand ran towards the jester, coating his arms in a barrier.

Both of them exchanged blows as Wand punched and Jester blocked each punch with his sharp metal-like nails.

Through the fight, it was evident that Wand was in fact slightly physically stronger than Jester but the same couldn't be said when seeing things mentally.

The reason Wand couldn't land a good blow on the Jester was because he was seeing illusions of fighting Skyler instead of Jester and his mind was being invaded by the images of Jester eating Skyler's corpse.

'If this goes on for long, I will lose. I am already down to 23% Unie from creating the barrier and teleporting in the leader's room.' Wand gritted his teeth.

Wand looked at Skyler's face and the fist that was blocking his punch as he disappeared.

A heavy punch landed on the back of "Skyler's" head and a little bit of blood spurted out of his nose.

Jester flipped behind, looking at Wand.

"So you were hiding your true ability. You aren't as naive as I thought."

"Skyler is already dead. And, I won't let you disrespect you even if it means killing thousands more "Skylers"." Wand's voice was as strong as steel.

Jester snickered "We'll see about that."

Wand ran towards the jester and punched. The jester narrowly dodged the punch.

But, it wasn't over. Wand teleported in behind Jester's as he landed a blow on a familiar-looking torso.

Jester created a distance between him and Wand. 

"Come at me, kiddo. Don't you want to land more blows on your friend!" Jester taunted Wand.

Wand frowned as he tried to his kick was dodged with a crouch. He then Lowered his foot as he tried to kick the Jester's torso with his heel. But Jester rolled sideways and a nail detached from his hand, being thrown towards Wand at almost point black distance.

Wand teleported again. A small smirk could be seen on Jester's face as all the remaining 9 nails were also detached and thrown in all directions around him.

Wand had appeared behind Jester as he saw the nail, connected to Jester's finger with a white string, Approaching his torso. Wand dodged sideways but the nail was rotated sideways as it created a thin slit in his torso.

Wand winced.

Jester again quickly retracted his Back. Jester didn't give Wand time to catch a breath and lengthened his neck and stretched his face comically large as it stretched towards Wand.

Jester opened its mouth, showing thousands of sharp and pointy teeth. 

It was Wand's turn to run.

Wand ran all around the hall and approached the throne in the hall. Just a second before the Jester could reach him he teleported above the throne.

"I am here!!" Wand waved his hands.

Jester quickly stretched his large body toward's wand. Wand could see Jester's neck getting thinner and thinner as he approached the throne. 

Finally, Jester chomped on Wand but, Wand disappeared again. Wand was at the original point where their fight had started.

Wand looked a the torso of Jester which now looked like a cylinder that had small kangaroo-like arms.

Wand then punched Jester's torso. 

But! Before he could do that, Hundreds of sharp and pointy teeth attached to while string approached Wand along with the head of Jester.

Wand teleported in the Air as he dropped down and caught two teeth and detached them from the string.

The Jester's head had already attached back to the torso and he looked normal if we ignored his wide-open maw full of hundreds of strings going out of it.

Facing the attack of hundreds of teeth wand readied his own set of teeth.

"If I teleport anywhere in this room again, I would probably be shredded to pieces."

Wand did his best to deflect the onslaught of teeth as he gradually lost a little bit of Unie in enhancing his body. Wand could feel himself slowly getting overwhelmed by the attack.

'Looks like it's time for a rush!' Wand thought as he pumped a little bit of Unie to a gland above his kidneys, reducing his Unie levels from already low 17% to 16%.

Wand felt a rush like never before! He could even be addicted to this feeling! 

His brain was now more alert than ever and his heart was beating in inhumane levels!

Wand became visibly faster!

' What did this bastard do?' Jester thought as he widened his slit-like eyes.

'Well, it doesn't matter. After all, He is gonna die soon.'

As Wand was skillfully deflecting the attacks, a tooth pierced his left shoulder!

'Where did that come from? I am sure that wasn't even there! Although I can't feel its pain right now, I am sure that did a lot of damage' Wand looked at the tooth that was as long as his forearm and the string attached to it.

He quickly cut the string before Jester could pull back the teeth.

'Did this bastard cast an illusion on me so that I wouldn't be able to see that tooth coming? So that was the reason he hadn't cast it for a while.' Wand felt a tinge of anger.

'My Unie has already decreased to 15%. I need to end this fight quickly.'

The Jester's situation was also similar.

'Tch! Smart bastard. That 'mind domination' consumed a lot of Unie. If only I had finished the Skyler kid earlier instead of bringing an appetizer.'

'Well, this bastard will be a better meal than that kid. I am sure of it. I can already sense his organs and muscles soaked with Unie.' His mouth watered from excitement.

Wand looked at the Jester's watering mouth as an idea sprouted in his mind.

He covered the teeth in his hand with a diamond-shaped barrier that had sharp edges on its sides.

'If only I could use a full body barrier.'

He then disappeared from his position. Jester became excited as he had teeth ready to attack Wand all over the basement.

Wand appeared above Jester's wide open mouth and quickly cut most of the strings using his right hand's sharp barrier.

Wand then infused one of the teeth in this hand with Unie and with the sharp tip pointing towards the Jester's face and threw it!

It made a huge wound inside the Jester's throat and the worst part was that the teeth that wand attacked with fell from there making the Jester's throat bleed.

Wand moved the remaining teeth to his right hand as he saw a few remaining teeth approaching him.

He appeared above Jester's still huge head and Kicked with his heels on Jester's face.

Jester's hard face mask cracked a little bit. Jester quickly moved his head and threw Wand in the air.

Wand couldn't move his body mid-air and a few teeth were approaching him again.

He had an idea! He quickly created a small portal passing through his right foot that in turn connected the foot to the ground.

He then dashed!

He pierced the Jester's face with the bone and landed on the floor.

The jester made his face smaller and dashed away from Wand but still didn't retract the remaining teeth.

"You are really strong, I will give you that."

"Heh," Wand chuckled.

"But, I will defeat you," Jester said.

"You think you sound like some kind of hero," Wand questioned.

Jester turned silent as after a while few strings and teeth were carrying a few hundred teeth that Jester completely swallowed.

It was almost a comical sight. If not for the fact that another pair of string and teeth were carrying the corpse of a boy, appearing from the darkness behind Jester, with one arm and a leg.

Jester put the boy's corpse very close to his once again wide opened mouth.

"In terms of strength, you sure might be stronger than me but are you mentally strong?" Jester's cracked face now looked terrifying to Wand.

"You bastard. I dare you!" Wand shouted as he readied his weapon.

"Oh, sir. You don't need to dare me." The corpse started falling.

Wand teleported but alsa, Wand's teleportation was never exactly instant. It had a delay of a few microseconds.

Microseconds were enough for the corpse that was basically almost touching Jester's mouth to fall inside the now-closed mouth.

Wand widened his eyes as he pierced and punched the Jester's mouth which was making the sound of bone breaking.

The Jester couldn't attack Wand. Its unie reserves were almost empty.

Wand tried to pull open the Jester's mouth but it used its remaining Unie reserves to fight back Wand with that.

After what seemed like an eternity Jester swallowed. His face returned back to normal.

"You would have been proud of yourself for killing a Unie construct, but a man who couldn't even recover his friend's corpse from the mouth of his enemy should never be proud." Jester mocked Wand with its muffled voice.

Wand kept punching Jester.

"I will rip your stomach and get back his remains."

"By the time I die, my body would have digested his corpse. You need to face reality, sir."

Wand stopped and looked at him with hollow eyes.

"Then. I will eat you."

"I will make sure you like the taste of your friend mixed with my digestive juices." His raspy voice declared as his face mask was blown into bits.

Wand squatted and started picking the pieces of Jester's skull. As soon as it went inside his mouth the blood, muscle, and brain matter all melted.