

Thankfully I didn't have to make them MIA,

Since I am currently looking at Myne accusing Naofumi of sexual assault as I can hardly contain my smile.

Goddamm am I just lucky or is this a coincidence.

And looking at Naofumi who is currently in the realisation that he was stabbed in the back, I am sure he didn't even touch her.

Now that I look at Motoyasu's armour it's the fucking same as the one Naofumi was wearing yesterday.

Oh boy,

"I never did such a thing!! I went straight to bed..." Naofumi defended himself but the king cut him off.

"Shut up you scumbag!! To think the Shield hero would commit the most henious crimes in our country." He shouted as I looked at the dude that had come to save that spy before.

"According to the laws of Melromac, Sexual Assault on a woman is punishable by death." the man shouted as I decided to step.

"Wait a minute!" I said intruppting the flow as I saw the eyes turn towards me.

"Is there a problem Adric?" The king asked as he looked towards me clearly not liking my intrupption,

"Yes, there is your majesty. You see Naofumi never got fully explain his side of the story,"

"Sir hero, there is nothing to explain the evidence is clear as day" One of the priest standing at the side spoke as I looked at him adn smiled lightly excluding a tiny bit of mana turning the surrounding slightly colder.

"Can I ask who you are?" I asked keeping my tone polite, but I could see him sweat a little.

"Um..It's K..Karl sir Hero!" he stuttered out a response.

"SO Karl, let me ask you a question, WAS I TALKING TO YOU?" I spoke my voice being extremly calm in the now silenced court as I saw the priest shuffle about.

"Cat got your toungue Karl?" I asked again as he was about to speak up but the king broke in.

"That's enough Adric what he said wasn't wrong, the evidence is clear as day."

"Ah but here is the thing your majesty, Evidence can be planted"

"Why would anyone plan something like this against sheild hero?" Aultcray asked as I shook my head internally, at least he wasn't calling planting of evidence as ridiculous as I had initially thought he would. Guess he still has some comman sense.

"Why would you slaughter an animal? Beacuase it feels good to eat or has other uses!"

"Are you suggesting that this poor adventurer, planted evidence against the ehro stole his belongings?" Aultcray asked as I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry, your highness but calling your own daughter a 'Poor adventurer' is little excessive isn't it?" I said as I could hear the court starting to riot at that as I looked at Aultcray who was fuming this is fun.

"Arara, it seems my toungue slipped. Sorry guys it seems I overheard your conversation" I spoke looking at my so called party who seemed to be frozen solid.

"Sir Hero! I am speaking the truth! The sheild Hero assaulted me last night!" Myne interjected as the court quitened out.

"Yes that's right Adric she has nothing to gain from falsely accussing someone who was called to save this world." Motoyasu spoke up in her defence.

"I too agree, even though your points are valid, this is to who would want to jeprodise thier own world for such a thing?" Itsuki also piled in.

I looked at them raising an eyebrow, Do they not know anything about the world or are they just idiots?

The first one seemed more likely in Itsuki's case as for Motoyasu seeing how he was melting when Myne hugged her he is just a fucking Idiot.

"Ah I see, But Motoyasu you recived this chain mail from Myne right?" I asked as he nodded smiling, yeah he is an idiot.

"Yeah she gave it to me as a gift along with some money to help me on my journey" He answered immeditely as i could see a look of panic in Myne's eyes.

"But here is the thing Motoyasu, you see Naofumi had a similar chain mail that appears to be missing this morning can we call in the Blacksmith to confirm that its not the one that he sold to Naofumi" I said as he seemed to be about to answer when Myne burst forth crying.

"WHY WOULDN'T SIR HERO BELIVE ME? DO YOU NOT HAVE A SHERD OF SYMPATHY?!" she started going on about it as I could see the guards tense up ready to spring in at me.

"That's all well and good Myne but you see I just want to confirm that you didn't Rob Naofumi. Because if it is proven that you are innocent then only solidifies your position doesn't it" I replied as I could see Itsuki frown and look at Myne with suspicion, first seed planted.

I was about to go more digging through but was intruppetd by the announcer.

"The pope wishes to enter the court your majesty" he annonced as I looked back to see an old spectacle man standing with about two female priesteses.

"Please enter Pope!" Aultcary seemed to have got an opening which he quickly used, I hadn't asked much about the church as religion was something that I avoided.

The pope walked in as he smiled at me and the others, but I got just one feeling.

Sly bastard.

"Your majesty it seems that the evidence of this case is very complicated, I ask for you to allow the Church to investigate this matter, I shall oversee it personally" He spoke as I could see the atmosphere change as almost everyone belived that he was right.

It seems the church has a lot of influence here, moreover not knowing this person would be disadvantageous,

"I belive the heroes will be satisfied with this?" he asked turning towards me specifically, oh it seems he already considers me a force huh? I don't want to expose all my cards here let's wait it out.

"I belive that might work but I do request we be reported of the findings in the case"

"Of course, I will make sure of that. I would also like to apolegise for Karl speaking out of turn while you were discussing with the king" The pope replied as the mood seemed to change, this man is dangereous.

"Its fine" I replied.

I looked at Naofumi who was glaring at Myne not saying anything, as I could almost see the rage inside of him.

I walked in front of him looking at him as he stared at me.

"What do you want Naofumi?" I asked as the court turned silent.

"I want to go back!" he answered without hesitation.

"Unfortunately we cannot do that, when the four heroes are summoned they can only be resummoned after they are all dead." The pope spoke as I looked at him, he didn't seem to be lying.

"Fine then what are you going to do? Throw me into a dungeon somewhere?" he asked looking at Aultcray who glared back.

"Unfortunately the waves are just around the corner, so I won't but the news of your crime..."

"Alleged crime" I intruppted as I could see his itrritation.

"...News of your Alleged crime has spread don't think that you will have an easy life in this country!"

"But your majesty, what if he is proven innocent?"

"Then he will be compensated for that."

"How? By the way things are going I doubt even if she offered her life it would compensate for the months of humiliation he would have to face" I added in as the corut blew up, I smirked as I could see the king fuming, yes come on, burst out you old fucker.

"I have had enough of this! I banish you both from this castle!" he shouted as I contained my smile looked at Naofumi who seemed to get it.

"Let's get out of here shall we?" I asked as he seemed to agree and we began to walk out, Only for Motoyasu to step in trying to stop me.

"Oi hold up a second you two!" he said grabbing my shoulder as I looked at him,

"Motoyasu, next time you grab me i will break your arm" I said smiling at him as he looked at me, I could see his grip tighten on the spear before Naofumi interjected.

"I have nothing to say to you, Motoyasu go back to your girlfriend" He spoke in a cold voice, putting a lid on his anger, yes padwan this is the way welcome to the dark side.

He took out some coins from his pocket and threw it at Motoyasu,

"if you want to take it then take all of it, bye" he said walking out as I followed behind him.

I need to guide this recurit properly, and red pill him to show him the truth of the Matrix.

Next chapter