

A/N -2.1K words

"Well some of you are slow," I said looking at the two.

"We were just stuck fighting the mobs, and what's up with your eye" Motoyasu spoke as I could see the red haired bitch trying to see where the soldier were.

"well the seal placed on me just lifted." I said as I turned back heading for the corpse.

"wait your powers were sealed?" Itsuki spoke up as I nodded, as I picked up the corpse of the chimera.

I looked at Naofumi who was looking at the corpse.

"70-30" I said as he just smirked.

"I protected you from the snake heads, 40-60." he replied, ah yes the negotiator.

"69-31, the best I can do, take it or I will take all of it and tell you fuck off" I spoke as I could see his mouth twitch,

"Fucking hell...deal"

"Oye what about us?" Motoyasu finally spoke up, I just smirked and stared at his sorry face, should I beat the shit out of him.

"what about you?"

"Yeah, the rewards need to be divided equally." Itsuki also joined in as I spotted a few of my original party members within their groups.

I couldn't help but laugh at their stupid reasoning, "ha....try and touch my belongings and I will slaughter you all" I replied

I activated dragon fear, almost by instinct as I could see their faces go pale, the legendary weapons glowed a little protecting their wielders from dragon fear.

"Stop it!" It was Motoyasu was the first one to come forward ready to fight. Must give him props on being an idiot who doesn't understand the playing field.

"why should I? you did shit all to the boss, at least if you were distracting the mobs and gave us a direct path to the boss then I would understand giving you some of the loot, but you did jack all we had to go through the mob to get to the boss."

Dragon fear was already making their knees weak as the holy weapons tried to shield Itsuki and Motoyasu.

"kugh....Sir Hero we will leave." Myne finally spoke up as she held Motoyasu for support. I frowned the aura around her was a little different from the others .

Humans of this world had a colorless aura around them, she had a slight shade of blue, Naofumi's was greenish-black, Motoyasu was bright red, Itsuki being yellow while yours truly had a black aura around him.

If I looked closely the party members had a slight hue to the hero they were following for example Motoyasu's party had a slight crimson shade, same with Itsuki.

I am assuming that my party also had a similar circumstance but Myne being a different hue was odd.

i switched off dragon fear as they breathed easy as she whispered something in Motoyasu's ear.

I didn't quite catch it as he stared at me, before turning away and storming off.

I looked at Itsuki,

"buzz off" I spoke as he too left.

"So your abilities were sealed," Naofumi spoke as I picked up the corpse.

"Yeah pretty much,"

"what would have happened if your powers weren't sealed?"

"well I was an A -rank so I would most likely be sitting on the throne by now." I replied as I could see Naofumi having a hard time believing it.

"well whatever, so all your powers are unlocked now?"

"Not really a part of them has been lifted."

We were walking back when I heard the commotion coming from the center of the village.

"....telling me that Adric killed the general?" I heard Myne's voice as she sounded irritated as I could see the soldiers standing in front of the princess, seemed like she was quite pissed off by what had happened.

We were given a wide breadth by the soldiers, as I placed the Chimera corpse down.

I looked around as I could see a lot of injured villagers and soldiers, and healers were barely able to keep and here these fucker were crying over a bitch.

I just smiled, the more they stumble the deeper I can bury them.

"hey you got potions with you?" I asked Naofumi who nodded.

"Good, help out the injured villagers with them"

"what why?"

"I will explain just follow what I say and you will be getting your sweet sweet revenge," I replied as he had a slight frown but followed through nonetheless.

I walked towards the injured soldiers as the healers were running low.

I went towards one of the more injured ones and cast heal on him, as his major wounds started to stabilize.

"S..sir hero?" he croaked as I looked at him,

"shut up and rest" I replied as he nodded, I went about healing up the others helping out, did I do it out off my goodwill?

heck no.

Slowly they will become good tools that will bear some hatred towards the royal family since they didn't help when the people needed it.

Small steps, Adric before you grasp this kingdom tight enough that nothing escapes.

I was just doing this when I sensed someone near the corpse of chimera, I looked around spotting the woman.

Farrie, my former party member who had joined Motoyasu's party after that wow seems like they have a lot of guts trying to get the expensive parts out of the corpse.

"Hey you seeing that right?" I asked the few soldiers that I had just healed.

"Yes I think she belonged to Sir Motoyasu's party.." one of them spoke up.

"So tell me what is the law in this kingdom for trying to get steal something" I spoke as the healer standing nearby stammered.

"uh..uh that can vary from light fines to death depending on the severity." he replied as I smiled.

"Then what kind of sentence would someone trying to steal the property of a legendary hero get?" the healer seemed to get what I was saying as the others seemed to have started paying attention to us,

"Sir Hero I will get her off that right away please have mercy!!" he wanted to move as I stopped him with telekinesis.

"I warned them very clearly, seems like they think I am a joke." I spoke walking towards Farrie who was currently dismantling the claws as I just smiled as I came right upto her before she could sense me.

"Wow! you are quite good!" I spoke squatting near her as she looked at me freezing in her place. I was just about to kill her when I sensed some of the soldiers standing nearby holding a crystal ball.

Seems like they planned this.

Well well you seemed to underestimate what I am truly capable of.

"Si..sir hero!" she seemed to hesitate as I saw Motoyasu was busy with Myne while the rest of his party was ready to spring into action.

Kelin seemed to have noticed them as he was already moving for the soldiers with the crystal ball.

Arna was already standing just a few meters away. I grinned at Farrie who was hesitating since things weren't going according to the script.

"Care to explain what are you doing?" I asked as Itsuki's attention finally directed at me along with Naofumi who had just helped the villagers.

Light the spark Kelin.

I saw him with the corner of my eye as he placed his hand on the crystal then crushed it with a mana enhanced palm.

"I..I was just...kugh!" she was replying but my hand had already gripped her lifting her small frame off the ground.

Motoyasu's party was already on move while Itsuki stopped his party from moving meanwhile Kelin was already beating up the three soldiers that were holding the crystal.

Arna jumped in intercepting Motoyasu's party which fell withing a few moves groaning on the ground as Motoyasu could finally see me holding Farrie by the neck,

"Adric!!" I guess he was already on edge since earlier as he was rushing at me with his spear but I think he forgot that I had a spear user too, Arna intercepted him as their spears clashed,

"Get out of the way!" Motoyasu said as he clashed with Arna,

"You think you are able to fight him, Stop Overestimating Yourself" Arna charged at Motoyasu as a spell was launched at her no doubt from Myne.

I saw her enhancement waver a bit as it burst as she ducked under it while attacking Motoyasu, as they clashed.

Kelin already finished the three soldiers as he jumped at motoasu's party trying to stop Arna.

Farrie struggled trying to get out of my grip the soldiers were too confused to do anything, as Myne wanted them to fight Arna and Kelin but then they had me on the other hand just smiling at them.

Arna and Motoyasu clashed many times as Kelin was now interfering with Myne trying to assist Motoyasu.

"What the hell are you all doing? stop them from attacking the spear hero!" Myne shouted as I saw the guy with a scar on his nose look at me as he stopped the soldiers by raising his hand.

I smiled as I sensed the sword coming for me as Naofumi was already here, as he deflected the sword before launching Meld in the air as Raftalia was there her enhancement seemed to flicker on and off since she didn't have a mana circuit. He hit meld who was barely able to block it as he was thrown into the ground, as Naofumi dodged a shot from Itsuki seems like he has finally decided to join the brawl.

So it was Arna and Kelin against Motoyasu's party while Naofumi and Raftalia against Itsuki's party with me holding Farrie by the neck.

I smiled perfect practice materials for them.

Shall I protect the others,

I gathered my mana,


a light golden light surrounded us pushing the soldiers back as I took out some gold coins since it would take time to repair the building that would be destroyed because of this brawl.

I could see the the people outside looking at the barrier as the fights continued.

I walked towards the edge as the scar man greeted me.

"Where is the village chief?" I asked as a man came forward he looked in his sixties,

"Y..Yes Sir hero?" he stammered as I took out a few gold coins.

"I apologies for this but somethings can't be settled without a fight, I hope this will be able to help, rebuild your village if you need more don't hesitate to ask." I said as I could see him staring at me.

"And don't worry, none of you will be scratched while this barrier is here," I spoke as I handed the coins through a cut in the barrier before looking at the scar man.

"what's your name?" I asked as he bowed.

"Loghain, Sir hero" as I told him to lean closer before whispering in his ear.

"Alright Loghain if the princess starts throwing a tantrum afterwards since you didn't step in blame it on the barrier alright, it will clear you soldiers" I spoke as he looked at me his expression somewhere between fear and admiration good enough reaction for me who wants to slowly wrap my hands around the soldiers.

I was still holding Farrie who was barely able to struggle now as I walked back and dropped her on the ground before slamming my boot into her head as I stood watching the fights.

Arna was in a stalemate against Motoyasu in terms of stats but her experience far outstripped Motoyasu, plus I trained her, if she lost I would have very disappointed in her and would have increased her training I thinks she and Kelin both didn't want that as Kelin was compeltely steamrolling over motoyasu's party.

2 V 7 - Arna & Kelin VS Motoyasu's Party - Anra & Kelin winning

As for Naofumi and Raftalia they were in a stalemate against Itsuki's party, I smiled as I saw Naofumi's mastery over enhancement was increasing greatly.

His talent should be among those that were said to reach S - rank hunters.

Itsuki too was good though he was making some of the dumb mistakes newbie hunters make like his flanks mana usage, attack distance stuff like that. b.ut overall I could see an archer in him. Unlike Motoyasu who needed to be beaten up like a dog until he got good.

Raftalia on the other hand was also quite good with the sword her hesitation was decreasing as I think seeing Naofumi taking on itsuki was stimulating her protective instincts as her attacks started becoming sharper with the intent to kill, while before they were just aimed to incapacitate

2 V 8 - Naofumi Vs Itsuki - Stalemate

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