
I'm just gonna lay here

Azan: So who are you guys exactly?" asked the teen as he stares at the unknown people in masks.

????????: We are the yovoken a group of people that serve an incredibly powerful god that battles to stop the ishmenders from coming into power" says the tall figure with a female voice. Azan: So you broke into my house while I'm home alone to ask for my help with something that could kill me?"

Before they can speak Azan pulls out a revolver and shoots through his room door. Seconds later they hear a thud and see blood coming from under the white door. Azan: I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO HAPPEN SINCE I WAS 10" he screams.

?????:You've been waiting to kill someone since the age of 10?" says the second figure sounding more childlike than the first. He then starts laughing with a cheerful grin on his face.

Azan: I have no moral compass Ms. lady" he then strips naked and reaches underneath his bed for three suitcases. ????????: MAYLA TELL HIM TO PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!!!!" screams the taller one while turning around. Azan: Don't yell in someone else's house that's rude" he goes under his bed to pull out two cases.

The first case had odd writing on it that resembled Egyptian writing. Opening it up It had a decent amount of expensive looking clothes.

Taking out a shirt from the box he outs it on. Its an all black thin slik T shirt with a tight fit. Pulling out a pair of a silk black pair of boxers with gold lining he puts it on which makes his ass look great.

Reaching for and pulling out a pair of white tight short that stop at his muscular thighs. He puts on slightly big black cargo pants that have every seem crested gold.

He puts on a proper T shirt thats all white with more weird symbols on it but fits like a normal shirt. Grabbing his jacket then his mask he outs it on.

He then puts on gold gloves with a white mask after putting on a bullet proof vest with a white and gold colour scheme he lastly puts on a big black white and gold backpack. Azan: When are gonna leave princes and bombshell?" the two stand there and look at him Mayla: Well we can leave now if you want but...where are your shoes?'.

After being remined of the a important piece of clothing Azan then puts on some black boots. Azan: Now lets get going shall we?" he then opens the door and moves the bodies out of the way. "Ladies first" says Azan in a sarcastic manor the two then walk ahead of him and escort him out the house and to the car. While getting in the car Mayla says "Jenifer get in the back seat" to witch Jenifer says "Why don't you get in the backseat?!".

Azan smirks and says with a sarcastic tone "Ladies ladies calm down please...how aboooouuuut...' he then shoots at the window of a car two houses down. Azan: Both of you get in the car and let me drive while you give me directions?" before the two can retort they hear a door open and someone scream "WHO SHOT MY CAR?!" Mayla/Jenifer: You drive!"" the both of them start climbing in the back handing him the car keys as they do. After grabbing the keys he starts the car and speeds off cutting through the backstreets.

When they get far enough away from the city Azan pulls the car over. Azan: Ask as many questions as you want but as many as you ask are as many as I ask now-" he turns off the light in the car "Start your questions". Mayla: I'll ask three for now...number one why did you shoot that car?" "Well if we want to get away then the police being all over the last place we where would be good but I'm also guessing that if your organization has had an eye on me that you would have people watching me so you'd put people in coffee shops, schools, as well as in the police force".

Mayla looked taken aback that he; in such a rush as well as short amount of time figured all of that out she looks at him in awe he then he says "Nah I'm just playing I just wanted vandalize some stuff:)". Azan then leans back "But if I'm being serious we needed the cops to be there as a distraction to buy us some time...next question" Mayla then looked at Jenifer. Mayla: Jenifer that was actually my only question soooo you go!" says Mayla sheepishly as she props herself up up on her arms. Jenifer: Okay so my question is why are you so calm about all this...are you some secret murderer?"


As I look at the two who are staring at me I realize that I have to answer them now or live like a bitch later.Leaning back I say "Well as I said before I have no moral compass but thats more of a short explanation but the truth is...I'm a special subject I guess but I have enough control over myself to just use apathy for whatever". I look over to see them looking at me like its a normal thing witch makes me feel how I always do 'Empty?' says a raspy female voice 'yes yes Tasca its empty'.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush with this one do you guys work for a super strong goofball?" 'I hope using up one of my two questions so soon can help me figure these people out'. Mayla: Yes we do and their name is Cleo but that short for Cleothor witch is the name of the forbidden child of Zeus and Freya" 'So that wasn't a dumb question...'. "Okay next question...do we get powers from joining?" this time Jenifer is the one to answer this question "As a matter of fact we do but its only for improved health and it keeps you mind in cheek if you ever get nervous".

"There's no need to be rude bombshell I just wanted to know" 'You should ask for a threesome' says Laxos. Before Azan could speak again there was a gun shot that hit the car door "PINK!" (idk what a door getting shot sounds like so don't judge me). Jenifer: This is our time to go so step on the gas" I then hop in the back and pull my guns out "Both of you go in the front so I can have some fun with these thing that will get lost in the next episode" I then smile as they instantly hop in the front of the car and start to speed off.

I cock my gun and change my ammunition to exploding bullets "Being a nerd is great~" are the last things I say before I role down the window and start shooting at the car behind me. "DOES YOUR CAR LIKE THE TASTE OF BULLETS?!?!" after getting no reply from my very funny remark I shout "WELL SINCE YOU DONT WANNA ANSWER THEN HOW ABOUT WE FIND OUT!!!". I unload the first half of a clip into the front of their car to break the lights and hit the engine"Speed up and head into the woods" I sit back inside the car and change the clips to paint balls.

I then take out a bomb one of my kunais and some copper wire after tying the string around the bomb and through the bottom hole of the kunai. Mayla: You better do something fast before we have to fight them face to face" I role my eyes and scoff "I've got this" are the last words I say before i yeet the bomb and the knife at the car. "KATHUNK!" as I look backwards I start shooting the paint balls at the windows seeing the car swerve I tell Jennifer to slow down. I get up to climb out as I go on the roof of our car. 'Are we going to do the thing?' asks Tasca all I do is grin and scream "BOMB BOMB MOTHA FUCKAS" 'Tasca cut the nerves' 'on it' was her reply before I jump on the car and start punching the glass window.

"Hey there kids don't mind me I'm just...out for a stroll?" I then take out a knife then start ramming it against the window until there is a small hole. 'Azan we will be in the forest soon' so I take out a new clip filled with smoke bullets. After changing the clip I start unloading the bullets into the window through the hole. I then go the the other side of the car, light the bomb with a bullet and hop back on the roof of our car and climb in.

"SPEED UP NOW" I then reach in the front and slam the turbo button not even ten seconds later we hear a loud BOOOOM!! as we get past the entrance of the forest. Mayla then pulls over and sighs "So do we go check the car or what?" was the last thing I could say before Jenifer opens the door then starts throwing up. Mayla reaches her hand out to pats her back but Jenifer stops her and sits up " You go check the car you fucking psychopath and another thing you-' she then started to throw up again.

I sigh "Fine you cry baby" after getting out of the car I get my katana off of my hip and hold it in a ready stance as I get closer to the car. As I'm getting closer I hear "bang bang bang BANG" before the car door falls off of the upside down car and a person starts dragging themselves towards me.

The person open their mouth to speak but then a shot rinds out "BANG!" then the figure that shot them walks out of the shadows. ???????: Agents M300 and J 289 commander Alice has said to bring you three back as soon as possible so as of right now I will teleport us to Captain Cleo's courters". Before we can speak we are teleported away and the last thing I hear is "you'll be asleep until we find out what to do with you" and then everything goes black.