
Breaking in the morning wood


Opening my eyes I can still feel Sia on my chest with a tighter grip than last night. I slowly move to try not to wake her up but she kisses my chin "Where do you think you're going?". Smiling and rubbing her head i start to sit up "I was going to go to the bathroom" I pause after fully sitting up "Why would you like to join me?". Moving her head back she smirks "Even sleeping with me didn't make you show me respect huh?" I smile at her making her realize her miss wording. "No no no thats not what I meant and you know it!" hugging her close I sigh "Oh my stars who would have thought I'd sleep with my beloved so soon!"

Her eyes go wide open as she clamps my mouth shut with her right hand "Shhhhhhh! Someone could have heard you". I raise an eyebrow "What? You dont want them to know about us?…ouch" I let her go and gently push her off. Picking up my rag and toothbrush I walk into the bathroom and close the door.


'Sitting there dumb struck that he just pushed me off I start to feel hurt. But it's not at the fact that he pushed me off no it wasnt that…it was the fact that I actually think I hurt him. Yeah Cleo said that it was a joke and that he wasnt my soulmate but I still want him to be.

'Am I… am I in-' I slap myself 'No this is just your dumb ass attachment issues and the fact that you cuddled all night…in a thunderstorm…with his arms wrapped around you…'.. I sigh laying down in the bed. 'I've always been a sucker for sappy shit and him looking like that doesnt help…you know what? fuck that I'm going to resent all his bs starting now!'


I come out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready to fuck with Asia again. Walking towards my bed which she is sitting on doing what seems to be waiting for me 'Time to strike'. I put my stuff down and hug her "I'm sorry for storming out like that Sia I was just a little sad that you want to keep us hidden".

Backing up I smile lightly "But I'll respect your decision" her face starts flowing with heat "Dont ever fuck with me like that again" she scratches her face "But I'll forgive you just this once". I started laughing uncontrollably "Hahahaha did you-HAHA DID YOU ACTUALLY GET SAD WHEN I LEFT?" falling on the floor I continued my laugh.

Time skip

It took ten minutes exactly for me to calm down. And when I looked back up she looked hurt then mad then hurt yet again. I can tell that she was doing that the entire time I was laughing my ass off. "Oh I-i didn't mean to hurt your feelings by that you know I just didn't expect you to actually feel bad".

She scoffs then gets up "I don't actually care" yawning she goes towards the bathroom "I was also fucking with you since last night and man…do you love those clichés" she starts laughing as the door closes it cuts off her laugh.

I sigh with relief 'well thats a good thing I didn't hurt her feelings…wait did she say she was fucking with me since last night'. I shrug my shoulders "I should have guessed that but eh its whatever".

I start getting dressed starting with some white silky pants I put on a white tank-top following that I put on a white and yellow Hawaiian shirt to give off that 'Paradise' esthetic.

Throwing on some sunglasses with my bedroom slippers I head out towards the dining hall. Walking through the halls I start to look at the walls I ran past last night.

I start thinking to myself

'They actually have some really nice painting in these walls. I saw some trees with streams, animals, a perfect sky you know the whole sha-bang. Looking at the other wall theres some modern art. A painting with a beautiful red wooden boarder that is Black, green, and blue in an overlaying but swirling mess that looked pretty dumb.

But the more I looked at it the more I started to think of where the idea of it could have come from. Shapes started to form in it that took me by surprise. The blue overlapping the black started to look like a face.

A very recognizable one at that…starting with the jawline its semi sharp but has a delicate chin. Cheekbones that are at the perfect height with a healthy almost slender look. Moving up to the forehead it was almost a little to big but that black helped it seem a little smaller.

The hair that was fairly long and it resembled…locs…' but before I could find out I was interrupted by someone. A random person had hugged me from behind. There forehead was at my upper back so they where about 5'8. "And who are you supposed to be?" this earned a chuckle from what surprisingly is a her "I'm the one that drew that painting".

"How is that important?" her hands hug me tighter "No one and I mean no one but cleo is able to stare at that painting so intensely. They always dismiss it calling it trash" she sighs "But you seem to looooove my work"

Letting out a light laugh I remove her hands gently to turn around and see yet another breath taking sights. Dark green eyes that seemed to look at my every action perfectly observing me.

A sharp angled face matched with succulent pink lips. Her nose was big but wasn't wide enough to down play her beauty. Bouncy redish orangish hair sitting perfectly at her shoulders.

All of this cane together to bring out the way shes posed. Almost as if she's waiting to envelope someone. "So lets say that I do love your work" I pause to lean down "What does that mean for me?".

She smiles a crazy mental patient in a mental asylum. "It means me and you have to make babies right now" she grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the other direction.

But the second she turn the corner she stops ?????????:Hey Asia". Asia laughs "So it seems you've finally found the guy that's supposed to knock you up?". I'm guessing she doesn't know its me yet but it's not like it really matters. ??????????: Mhm he was looking at my painting like he understood it-" she shivers slightly.

"I'm going to enjoy him" she starts walking forwards pulling me around the corner. I look over at her to see that she has a empty face well thats to be expected. I swiftly pull my hand from hers "I need to eat food before we do your weird ritual or whatever it is".

She gasps and turns around ??????????: You're right!" she grabs my hand again "Lets gooo!". Now yanking me towards the dining hall she seems a little happier.

"Why do you seem so happy?" this gets a nice scoff from her "Because you agreed to be apart of it". As we walk into the dining hall everything gets much louder "When did I agree to that?"

She stops "When you said you need food before we do it". Raising my eyebrow I then drop it "Okay will you've got me there but at least tell me you name".

"My name is Lola" and at that point we are in the line waiting for the food. With a smile I day "Its nice to meet you Lola" her face flushes with heat 'I'm just that guy' Laxos laughs 'So you'll do it to her but not the other one?'.

Tasca chimes in 'Why does it matter horn dog' Laxos seems to ignore her. 'Do what you want at this point' disappearing out of my mental view i can finally concentrate on Lolas face again.

She was still blushing but this time it seemed like it was from a different kind of emotion.

Greta: Hi hello I'm your lunch lady Greta and this morning you have Chocolate pancakes with french toast sticks, fruits of all kinda with any beverage you would prefer" turning around she points towards a large fridge

"After everyone finishes their breakfast we can start with desert which you can either have Chocolate cake, strawberry cheesecake, or Pudding"

The line starts moving as people grab what they want some grabbing one and other grabbing several things. But they all seemed pretty eager to eat so the food must be divine.

Peeking ahead I see there are only five more people until me and Lola can get our food. Getting bored just standing there I strike up another conversation with Lola "So how would you know if I'm the one for the…the thing?".

Hugging my arm she smiles "The painting silly I told you" I roll my eyes "Yeah but how does that even work though?". We move forwards with 3 more people until its our turn "Well everyone looking at it thought it was creepy and got a headache'cause it was to how should I put this uhh"

She scratches her head "Oh! I know they said it was to weird and they couldn't make heads or tails of it" we both step forwards "But you liked the painting you where looking deep at it wanting an understanding of it"

I shrug my shoulders "I'm a curious person and I dont back down to easily" her head leans onto my arm "Thats what I call father material"

Moving forwards again I wrap my arm around her "Well I'm fine with having kids" this earned a squeal from her which was pretty cute. Adding on I say "And a cute squeal? I guess I'll be very satisfied"

She puts her head down in a shy manor but instantly brings it back up. We step forward one last time and finally we stand in-front of the lunch lady. "So what would you like" says Greta in a heavy Russian accent "We'll have the couple's meal" says Lola faster than I could say what I wanted.

"Can I also get one of everything?" she nods her head and gets to putting it on the trays. Out of curiosity I ask her "So whats the couples meal?". She looks at me with a questioning gaze before shrugging her shoulders "Its just allot of pink and red food dye in some really good waffles with ice cream and strawberries"

"That actually sounds amazing" Lola nods her head "Thats why I ordered it silly" she's beaming at this point in almost a creepy manor.


Laxos: shes a crazy one' Steven chimes in 'Crazy is good but this is more desperate and obsessed than anything' Laxos scoffs 'Keith and Carla are a thing and she's the definition of insane so he should be good four eyes'

Jack seems to stumble out of no where 'Both of you shut the fuck up' they seemed to listen to him and shut up instantly


"Well I will enjoy every second of it" this series of affection gives Greta the window to chuckle. "Hehe if I would have known you two would be so lovey dovey I would have made something just for you two.

She places the hot food infront of us "But since I didn't I can not" she shrugs her shoulder. Greta signals us to go by pointing her hand to the table closest to the door.

We both grab two trays and head towards a table that was luckily empty. After sitting down I look her into her eyes "I'm gonna be honest with you here I have absolutely no feelings towards you in the slightest I just didnt want to seem like an asshole".

She roles her eyes "You'll learn to love me so its okay". I scoff "I dont plan to try to love you either" taking a bite of the pancake it tastes…'weird almost like' "Paint…".

Trying to shake the thought out of my head I take a bite of the apple and it taste just like the pancake. I try the water the juice hell even the fork.

But its all just paint a really nasty one at that. I hear a chuckle from Lola as she dissipates.

I instantly hop up from my seat moving away from the table as it melts into the ground.

"So whats gonna happen now?" getting no reply I stand there with a very annoyed look on my face. "So do I get a weapon or are you a barbarian " A wrench appears in my hand giving me instant comical relief. "OOOOOHHHHH so you want me to fix the problem huh?". Without getting a reply I start running through the cafeteria to get to the hallways so I can find the painting.

After finding it I put on my "game face" on and stare it down "So I'm not gonna get out of here?" with no reply I can only think thats a no. "SO WHY DONT YOU GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE!!" this earns a snicker from Lola.

"So you're behind this?" I take the wrench and hit the painting. This instantly gives me a massive headache that blurs my vision. "So thats how its gonna be?"

'Carla you wanna help me with this?' Lolas voice pops up 'I don't know who that is but she cant hear you right now'. Sighing I drop the wrench and grab the painting.

Putting it above my head I take a deep inhale before I start rigorously slamming it onto the ground. Slam after slam after slam after slam I start to loose more and more consciousness but I can hear the painting crack more and more

And with one final slam onto the ground it breaks but strangely only the wooden border. "Thats morning wood if I've ever seen it" without waiting for anyone to say anything about the horrible dad joke I fall flat on my face

(Sorry for the rushed ending I kinda ran out of ideas)