3 Rohit dilemma?!

It's over!!

"What should I do!" Rohit was sweating  river as he saw the middle aged man at the entrance approaching him.

The man's appearance wasn't pleasing to one's eyes at all nor  He was physically fit at all, with a potbelly and round mouth  he seems more  like a Greedy glutton.

He wore an white coat on his body , and a stethoscope was hanging  around her neck with a document file  in his hand. He looked  just like any typical doctor.

Though the distance between him and Rohit wasn't larger than a meter, the other party  didn't even bother to  look at Rohit , he was fully immersed in the documents in his hand.

"Oh! You  young man." Doctor  finally spoke albeit  after thoroughly reading the paper in his hand.

"Yea..h, I am fine it seems". Rohit replied, his eyes open wide, he was surprised and speechless.

The status window was still floating in front of him but for some reason the doctor was completely unaware of it.

It was too unbelievable.

"How can you say, you are fine." The doctor said, raising  his voice .

"Why are young one's  so inconsiderate  nowadays, they can't even take care of their Health." The doctor said in a displeased tone.

"Do you even know, what might have happened to you, if you haven't been taken to the hospital at the right moment."

"Where are your parents calling them right now,  I want to talk to them." The doctor was infuriated by Rohit blunt reply.

Doctors are the most respected Profession  after the teacher in this world, as the majority of people are unaware  of the existence of God, the teachers in this world are treated like deities themselves.

As for the doctor they were just second to the teacher, and were rather called as   half deities or divine Angels capable of Treating and saving one's life.

Some teachers who have produced many future talents in their time are even more respected than the president themselves, the same can be said for the Doctors.

So, what's the point?

Beside being respected they also have the authority to summon their subjects Guardian's if needed, and the subject have to call his parents for an audience.

Rohit's complexion changed when the doctor asked for an audience for his parents, and now he could only lie his way through it.

"I am sorry doctor. But I really feel Good and energetic that is why I previously said that I am fine."

"And I Do apologize for my bluntness, it just slipped out of my mouth."

"And I am really grateful to you for treating me. thank you, thank you very much." Rohit said , his voice and his innocent expression was

If you want to  coax someone then hire Rohit for the job, because he is a master when it comes to wooing.

Don't mention the gender, As it work same for both.

Doctor was speechless by the sudden change in Rohit tone which  was very pleasant to ears and with his beautiful face as an add on , it was a sight everyone would  love to remember.

Doctor lightly coughed to withdraw his attention from the awkward silence.


"It's Good if you understand it, but you still have to call your parents for some formalities." The Doctor said.


Does my wooing technique fail, just like this?!

Rohit heart was in pain, he has already caused too much trouble and doesn't want to create some more.

Moreover, he still has to Apologise to his boss Saurav  for his incompetence.

"No, I can't let this problem continue anymore."

But what should I do?!

Rohit was determined to not  call his parents but so was the doctor but just with opposite thoughts of Rohit.

Suddenly, he heard the system voice again.

[adviced to use spiritual eyes].

Was what he heard, but Rohit was clearly against this idea.

He still doesn't know the true origin of the thing that keeps ringing in his head and calls itself a system.

What was it, why is it here?!

Is it harmless or dangerous?!

There were many questions like these that were wandering inside Rohit's mind ,  and only after clearing all his doubts would he believe in the world of the system to some degree, not to mention listening to its request.

But the current situation was something different all together.

It is true that he was reluctant to use system advice, but he himself was out of options.

No , I will opt for other things! Rohit was against the idea to  heed the advice  of some unknown wandering voice.

"Hmm, you have recovered a bit it seems." The doctor said as he checked Rohit pulse and temperature.

Good, Now listen carefully try to not overexert yourself and remember to eat your fill, don't miss any meal in any sort of situation and rest for today properly. Do  you hear me! The doctor said in a cold tone  his expressionless face was sending chill throughout Rohit's body.

"Yes…yes , I will be careful next time". Rohit nodded his head hurriedly.

"Hm, then I shall take my leave. Remember to call your parents till evening". With these words doctors started walking toward the exit of the room.

What now?! Rohit's face became even paler as he observed the doctor going toward the exit.

Knowing that there won't be no Turning back if the doctor get past the door.

Rohit's mind was in chaos but he can't think of a way to halt the doctor.

"Fine, I will only use it this time." He said through his greeted teeth, left with no option he could only use system help.

Doctor , wait a moment?! He shouted loudly at the same time he activated spiritual eyes.

"Spiritual eyes."!

The doctor turned back and asked with narrowed eyes " what the matter."

As a doctor he still has other works and a number of patients tend to wait for their turn, every second of his time is of unimaginable worth.

So he wasn't very pleased to be hundred by someone when he had already cured the other party problems.

Meanwhile the moment the doctor turned around a new blue window also appeared in front of Rohit with various details on it.

The  windows shows the personal information of the doctors including his name, age, sex and martail status as well as the problem he have been facing.

The doctor is called suraj kumar, he is 28 years old and is married with one child.

Rohit was surprised to see the personal  details unfolding in front of his eyes, it was too unimaginable but the next second his expression turned to sour.

Fuck! Are you kidding me!

Do you really think that I would believe this shit! Rohit said, enraged by the ridiculous Information that was shown on the window.

[Believe me, you won't regret it.] The system voice chimed immediately.

Regret my foot, for regretting something one have to be alive first.

But I am afraid after this I might really die by this Guy hands! Rohit's expression was ugly as a pig, he was having a feeling of ominous lingering around his body.

Fuck, I shouldn't have trusted this crappie system thing in the first place.  Rohit was regretting the idea to use system help, at this moment he was really thinking to call his parents and solve this problem once and for all.

"What now, I still have other patients waiting for me to cure them." Doctor said , His tone wasn't pleasing at all.


What should I do, do I really have to mention those things to him, what if they are wrong, I am afraid things might turn to worse. Rohit was shedding tears of blood but there was none to see them.

"Why did you even call me , if you don't have anything to talk about?" the doctor asked with a darkened expression on his face.

Not only did the other party offended him by not thanking him for treating him, he also wasted my time   without any prior reason, didn't he invite  trouble on his own Accord?

"Tsk, whatever, don't call for me again without any reason." The doctor said and turned toward the door he was about to open the door when suddenly he heard something that made him shudder.

"Is your family alright?!" The words like bullet that directly pierced his hearts.

Turning around he gazed at Rohit with a confused but shocked expression on his face.

"What did you say?!"

Meanwhile Rohit was sweating bullets after saying those words.

Asking a doctor about their family condition directly doubts their medical abilities, in other words it was similar to courting death and at a huge another level.

But compared to what he is about to say the first thing could be regarded as nothing.

"Would…. You believe me if I were to say that I could cure your wife's disease."







