
Chapter 1

"You got to be kidding me you are not God he isn't real," Leon said with a serious face.

"Ok let me show you," God said before shining a golden light coming from his palms at Leon.

"Oh, So you are God and I am dead," Leon said with a sad expression.

"There is another way you can live again that is if you reincarnate with 5 wishes but if you die in that world your soul gets erased," God said.

"I want to reincarnate," Leon said.

"Ok tell me the world you want to go to, your five wishes, backstory and your appearance," God said.

"I want to go to the world of Descendants 1,2,3, etc.," Leon said.

"My first wish is to be Fenrir with all of his applications and ability and make it so I can change between human and my God wolf state," Leon said.

"My second wish is to be a vampire dragon God and make it so I can control my hunger and change between my three forms and my human form," Leon said.

"My third wish is to make it so that I am immortal like Ban from Seven Deadly Sins," Leon said.

"My fourth wish is to make the barrier on the Isle of the Lost stronger and my final wish is to make the power system stronger," Leon said.

"My fifth wish is to be the nigh-omnipotent thunder, God," Leon said.

"For my backstory make it so I am Mal's older brother," Leon said.

"I want my face to look five times better looking than Ben's and the biggest jerk in all the land combined, my eyes should be like Gojo Satoru's, I want an 8 pack, and perfect looking body," Leon said.

"Go now my child to find your purpose," God said before snapping his fingers.

Leon's field of view suddenly changed from a white void to a room and around him he saw a woman with two fat black horns sitting on a chair and at the table in front of him is an old woman dressed in blue clothes 👗.

Suddenly an old woman wearing clothes made from dalmation pup fur and a middle-aged Indian-looking man wearing Brown leather clothes came in.

"Leon go fetch Mal and her crew for me," Maleficent said.

Leon then got up and walked outside.

[3 minutes later]

Leon reached and saw Mal taking a sweetie from a baby.

Leon walked up to them and took the sweetie from Mal and gave it back to the child and then turned and looked at Mal.

"Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos. Mother is calling you guys," Leon said before Vamp sped home.

When Mal and the others arrived everything happened as in Cannon.

[3 hours later]

Mal and the others got into the limo then it drove to Auradon.

When the Limo stopped out of the Limo came Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay comes out of the car fighting, and Leon immediately attracted the girls' attention as soon as he got out of the car.

Leon didn't care about the stares he was getting as there is only one person he will love and that person is Audrey.

Suddenly fairy godmother came up with Ben and Audrey.

Been greeted everyone in Cannon except that Leon was here.

Leon looked at Audrey who was also looking at him.

Leon walked away as he knows the Auradon blueprint so he will try to get the wand.

Fairy godmother, Audrey, Ben, Mal and her crew were surprised as Leon walked away.

When Mal and the others arrived at her room they saw that Leon was standing and looking at a blue sheet of paper.

Mal walked up to the table and looked at the blue paper only to see it is a blueprint.

"What is this for?" Mal asked.

"This is a blueprint for the museum where they are keeping the wand which I heard is protected by one guard," Leon said.

"Which part on here is the museum?" Mal asked.

Leon touched the room labelled WOGM.

"Let's go," Mal said.

"Sister best option is to go at night," Leon said.

"Ok," Mal said.

[At night]

Leon and the others went to the museum 3.6 miles from the dorms.

Leon, Mal, and the others stopped at the museum door and Leon without wasting time pried open the door as soon as Mal cast her spell.

Leon stopped and watched as Mal sang to the statue of maleficent in the Hall of Villans.

Leon felt sorry for her.

Leon then ordered her to come.

Mal looked at maleficent's statue before leaving the Hall of villains.

Leon and the others arrived to see a blue barrier surrounding a wand.

Leon knew he could easily destroy the barrier without any effort but he let everything happen as in canon.

Mal tried finding a spell to destroy the barrier but an impatient Jay reached forward as Mal says.

"Jay don't," Mal said.

Jay ignored her and touched the barrier causing an alarm to blare off.

"Great work Jay now we have to go to school tomorrow," Mal said.

[The next day]

Leon and the others then went to class.

After Class, Mal and her crew went off to do their own thing.

"I wish I could see my abilities," Leon said, sighing.

[Name: Ancient God Leon

[Descendant body Lvl 999: 320/320

[Descendant Soul Lvl 999: 650/650

[Active Skills: blood drain, blood roar, vamp speed, ...

[Modes: Vampiric God, Thunder God, Wolf God, Dragon God

[Passive abilities: Immortal, ...]

Leon walked to the forest, on his way encountered Audrey.

After a short but romantic talk, Leon went into the forest.

After making sure he wasn't being followed.

Leon's eyes glowed blood red and vampiric bat wings sprouted from his back.

Leo flew into the sky. As a hybrid, Leon doesn't have the weakness of the different species he is.

Leon enjoyed flying around but was suddenly hit by a beam of light magic which came from none other than Fairy Godmother.

Leon unphased by the attack, looked at Fairy Godmother and the ten knights beside her.

Leon flew down towards them and landed.

Leon who altered his appearance looked at the Fairy godmother and her knights.

"What are you? Where are you from? Why are you here?" Fairy Godmother said, with a hint of fear.

"My name is Dracula the 4th strongest member of the five gods council, I am from far away, and I am here to do what I have to do," Leon said, releasing his aura which contained enormous amounts of killing intent and pressure.

Leon then disappeared into thin air.

