
Dundrid's Shop

-IronShell: Lower Shell District, Blacksmith residential zone

A dead end street corner that hides away from everyone's attention has a few rats fighting over a piece of blue belly whale cheese. The rats are at a standstill of who will be the victor in this tug-a-war battle when all of a sudden they both pause and smell something more potent than their food.

A scrapping sound echos in the alley as a man hole opens up and out comes Orfal. He's still covered in waste from head to toe and sheer stench of his body causes the two rats behind him to faint.

"Phase one of plan get to Dundrids is complete. Now time to elude any dwarfs walking down this cross street and I am safe to enter my buddies forge from the back." Whispers Orfal as he is doing his best to keep his confidence up, hopeful that no one will know of his misfortunate state. Well no one aside from him and Dundrid--who is partly to blame for the selling faulty goggles to Orfal.

Brown dust falls from Orfals pants as he slides his body to the edge of the alley way and pokes his head out into the street.

Orfals face becomes surprised. "Did I stay down below longer than I thought and everyones at the pub getting drunk?"

Dwarfs this side of town spend their time either hammer metal or drinking mead so an emptied street could easily be mistaken for happy hour at the pubs.

"I guess my luck is turning around, maybe today won't be so bad after all" Orfal starts to feel relief for the first time hours and makes his way across the street to the alley on the other side.


[Four hours earlier]

-IronShell: Lower Shell District, Blacksmith residential zone

Two dwarven ladies are walking out of a blacksmith shop. One is dressed in a posh red vest and yelling furiously back in door they just left. "The scoundrel running this shop must be locked up! Wanting to sell copper scrap goods for gold! I won't rest until this place is shut down and you thrown in the mining pits, you hear me! How dare you try to scam the young Lady Heart..*oughf*". This dwarven lady is Throwabelynn Kegbraids, a handmaiden for the House of HearthGiver's young Lady Erizelyn. Before Throwabelynn could finish reprimanding the smithy she is elbowed in the side by Lady Erizelyn, preventing Erizelyn's house name from being revealed.

Erizelyn is wearing a flower patterned neutral colored dress and has a small flower headband circling around her rose golden hair.

"Belynn it's ok I am happy enough get out of the pala-*cough* house. A few gold coins being invested on dwarfs still pursing mastery of their craft is something im happy to do." says Lady Erizelyn to her handmaiden before she turns around with a face red in embarrassment and apologies to the shop smith. "Sorry for my aunties rude behavior sir, Under his Flame."

The Lady then turns around and scurries down the street while pulling hard on her handmaiden's arm to move to another district of IronShell to explore.

Flustered and agitated Throwabelynn starts to speak again "My lady how could you put up with that criminal, I should at least mention it to your brother he is captain of the Iron Defenders, his guards could bring justice to this scammer, I mean just look around us everything is..." Suddenly a draft of air blows out of the nearest air vent and both the ladies faces turn blue and green.

"I think im going to be...*Blargh*!" Throwabelynn immediately starts throwing up while Erizelyn faints on the spot.

Back at the shop the smithy Dundrid who already walked back inside mutters. "Weird ladies, like they never heard a real joke before. Usually I tell dwarfs that rose brooch is ten gold coins and they laugh."

Dundrid, as a joke, ended up selling a copper rose brooch to Erizelyn for 10 actual gold coins. He joked about this price because the brook was a birthday present he made for his mum when he first became a blacksmith. Unfortuniately his mother passed away before he could gift it to her but he always kept it on his counter as a paper weight for sentimental reasonings.

"Oh well, guess it was just fate for you to leave me too little flower, you will be miss-BY SINDRI'S HAMMER WHAT IS THAT SMELL!"

And so begins the infamous Brownfury terror of IronShell's 390th century. An event carved into the fortresses exploration log.

-IronShell: Middle Shell District, Dwarven Iron Defenders Military Camp

"Alright recruits take in a deep breath of your precious IronShell home because it will be a couple months until you return here to taste the fresh air once more." Speaks out the guard captain, who is also of the royal house HearthGiver.

*Sounds of forty recruits breathing in at once*


"Captain I be ready to board the RedEar Crusher"

"Me too cap!"

"Captain we won't waste your valuable time on sappy farwells and dismiss ourselves to board."

All forty recruits that day set the record for fastest departure time into the militaries preliminary undersea excursion training. A training that has been known to lose the lives a few dwarf recruits throughout history.

-IronShell: Upper Shell District, Royal Castle

A butler dressed is the fanciest tuxido dwarven hands have made walks out to a gazebo with a tray full of food and says, "My Queen and King I left your afternoon schedule open so you may enjoy your mushrooms and cheese in peace while relaxing out in the palace garden. Enjoy the songs of the birds and scent of the...*Gust blows by* Oh dear that just gets right into the eyes and burns."

Please leave some comments or feedback of what you like or don't like so far. I have lots of action content to soon now that our protagonist has a reason to change up his current lifestyle, and there is soon to be some involvement from the four dwarven protectors that will give an edge to strengthening Orfal.

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