
What Color is Hope?

If every choice is a decision and every emotion controlled by a train of decisiveness, if one choice is the trigger for hopelessness than what is the choice that would make hope appear? If one decides to be confused than is understanding forsaken? if one decides they can understand than is confusion swept away? If one decides to be hopeful than it must affect all other aspects in a positive light. Surely even the bleak has a lesser affect. Likewise if one decides to submit to hopelessness than everything would be considerably dark. Does Hope bring light? What is Hope to have an affect of great magnitude? Is it not that Hope is a decision? Is Hope only an emotion or perhaps there's more to be found through scrutiny? Is Hope neither and is possibly a quite vast concept summarizing a large range of ideas or ideals? If even the animals of the earth can Hope then is it only offered to the sentient? But perhaps leaving the loose ends of Hope to dangle is the most suitable for it, and call it a mystery of this world.