
Ch 5. Humans

As I Arived back to the village I ran to my mom. "Mom i got a Bodeer today, we can eat good tonight."(Bodeers are a weird deer boar hybrid that have the body of a boar that has antlers and a deer color scheme.) "Thats great son come let's hurry and get the house work done so we can eat." said mom. "Mommy I love you."

We worked on the house work for about an hour then started to cook the Bodeer. as we were cooking the Bodeer I asked mom "Hey mom Elder Rune said that we look alot like humans is that true?" "Sweetheart why do you ask? yes we do look alot like them but in terms of personality and strength we are extremely different, you see are race craves battle but are not chained down by it, in that alone we entirely different."

"Moreover, our race is unlike all the other races as we have decent emotional control from our births, while if you look at humans each one has a different level of emotion control and based on are nature alone as 99 percent of us are good, based on all races definitions with a only a tiny bit being evil. we also have are birth abilities but those are something that you will find out about later."

"So what your saying in conclusion is that our races emotional control amongst our unique abilities is what makes us different, but if that's the case wouldn't we be better then the humans?" I stated. "No not at all you see we still have some flaws and they have some strengths, take for example our emotional control isn't exactly perfect, as we just process emotions faster. However, this also means we can be overwhelmed by a emotion strong enough and those same emotions can drive us the same as humans. Moreover we can't populate as fast as then and we don't have a 100 percent certainty to have magic, but that's all you need to know for now. Anyway let's eat."

As I ate my dinner I took in the conversation we just had and wondered what exactly are we Kenthr. after I got done eating went to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night to screams, I then stood up and looked out my window to see the village on fire. what is going on?

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