
6th grade

This is a complicated story so the year started first class band then science then history then lunch then math then art/gym then language arts, so first of the year I had classes with my friends I loved it I made friends tanner, donny, zane, shawn, kira t. , addison ect..the ones I was close with was marisa and Jocelyn so the year started there was this really cute boy and math he always messed with me he was somthing then I had no where to sit at lunch and there was one place left right by him so I sat by him and he asked me to be his girlfriend i said yes then we sat by eachother at lunch but he always had this other girl sit with us she was my friend at the time kira. Hed never sit by me just her then one day he broke up with me after 2 weeks. Then that day he asked me if I would have s** with him I said no so he got strange but then kira said they wanted to date but then they didnt he was single but flirty with everyone ex I started ignoring him and sitting with Jocelyn at lunch and zane and a few other people it was good then second semester they called me annoying this is mostly why I dont talk much now they said I talked to much I was annoying and never shut up they moved tables and I developed feelings for zane and I told him he was a total ASS TO ME but I was kinda obsessed I'm different now then I got these mood swings and wired feelings of sadness I laughed alot but that's how I hid it I never really cut like I hurt myself but not scaring myself then I started talking to chance he sat by me he constantly had a boner but I didnt know what that was then I wasnt even into sex then so twords the end of the year I got feelings for him and I never told him about my crush so I got his snap chat in the summer we talked and talked I told him I got rejected the first time but we became beat friends fast we were best friends it was great but I got wired feelings and then we started dating u already read this but I got depressed blah blah. Well this is it for this chapter sorry it's short.

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