

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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Dodging the inevitable

Owen seeing as the sky was becoming gloomy, he decided to stand up so as to go back to meet his mom and sister.

He was lucky that he wasn't punished yesterday, but he doesn't want to push his luck as his mom was unpredictable.

Walking back to the inn, he could see a shop which sells groceries and clothes. Knowing as his mom didn't bring much clothes for herself, he walked into the shop so as to buy clothes.

Picking five clothes each for his mom and sister, he walked out of the shop after paying the required amount.

Reaching the inn, he walked straight towards his mom and sister room before knocking on it. Walking inside after the door was open, he pass the clothes to them.

"Why did you buy all these?" Asked his mom as he look at him".

"I know you didn't bring any other clothes with you when we left the mansion, so I decide to buy you some so you won't feel uncomfortable in just that clothes" said Owen.

"How were you able to buy this much clothes, I don't remember you having more than hundred coins" said Bethany as she look at her son in surprise.

"Mom, you seem to lost your cool after we were attack at the mansion, so I decide to play it safe as I carry all the money in your room with us" replied Owen.

"I can't believe I forgot about how we were going to survive, it's good to know you can handle things Owen" said Bethany.

"So how's Kara and her mom?" Asked Beatrice.

"They are doing good, in a week time she will be free to leave" replied Owen.

"That's good, you can give them a room here in the inn" said Bethany.

'At this rate if we were to only depend on this money, then after four months, we will be stranded' said Owen inwardly.

"I think getting a job would be the best thing right now" said Owen.

"You don't have to work Owen, especially not in this kingdom, it will only bring you a lot of troubles" said Bethany.

"Mom, why's this kingdom different from ours?" Asked Beatrice as she could tell from the story last night that this kingdom wasn't safe.

"It's because it got completely ruined some years ago, the financial situation in this kingdom is very poor leading to everyone being violent to get what they want" replied Bethany.

"What about the king, is he not seeing what's happening in the kingdom?" Asked Owen.

Even though he doesn't come out of their mansion often, he do hear stories of the kingdom handling different matters in the kingdom.

"His ruling isn't fair in the kingdom, those with money would always be favor by him, while those without are always disregarded" replied Bethany.

"Mom, how often did you visit this kingdom?" Asked Beatrice as she could tell from the way their mom was speaking about this kingdom means this wasn't her first, second or third time.

"As one of the clans leader, I have always been order to pay a visit to this kingdom so as to drop some provisions to the king, so I do know much about this kingdom from my short stay" said Bethany.

"So does that means you and the king are allies?" Asked Beatrice.

"No we are not, the both kings are allies, not their subjects" replied Bethany.

"Mom, do you know of the Donnie family?" Asked Owen as he remember the words of Helen.

"Not sure I do, I don't really like staying too long in this kingdom at that time, it's not a safe place" replied Bethany. "Why did you ask".

"The father of Kara is from the Donnie family, according to Helen, the family is a prestigious one" said Owen.

"Hope you aren't trying to do anything stupid Owen, leave the issue alone, they will reap what they sow, so don't go try causing trouble" said Bethany.

"Don't worry I won't mom, just seeing where they live wouldn't bring any trouble" said Owen.

"Owen just leave the matter, you taking care of them is better than getting revenge" said Beatrice.

"Listen to your sister Owen, why don't you have a calm head on you just like your sister" said Bethany.

"I do have a calm head on me, but I don't like seeing people go scot free after what they have committed" replied Owen.

"Owen, hope you know why we are staying low, we don't want to attract any attention that would lead to the people of Pekresh locating us" said Bethany.

"With the two Kings being allies, it wouldn't take them long to find us if you were to cause trouble" added Beatrice.

Letting out a loud sigh, he heed his sister's and mother's words as he drop whatsoever idea he have in his mind.

Looking through the window and seeing as everywhere was becoming dark, he walked downstairs so as to buy what they will eat.

Taking the foods back to the room, they all sat down to eat before he walked back to his room.

Resting his back on the bed and looking at the ceiling, different thoughts were running on his head as he think of the best thing to do.

'Why can't I bring myself to ask about him anymore, am I afraid of getting hurt after hearing the story?' Asked Owen to himself.

'Will Beatrice even be okay if she was to hear it, can't believe after many years of questioning, finally mom wants to tell us and I'm being afraid to hear it' said Owen inwardly.

'Owen, you are just dodging the inevitable, it will surely come to light one day, so accept it and take the truth now'.

'I have already taken the vow to do what I have to do if you are alive and nothing will change that' said Owen as he clench his fist.

"Tomorrow, all my questions will be answered" said Owen as he close his eyes.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it, it's about werewolf.

This is the name of the novel WEREWOLF LINEAGE. Please do support me ♥️

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