

2 years ago...

Aaron is a human. He washed up on a beach with no memory. A demonkin found him and named him. The demonkin that found him is also named Lucy, she is a noble demonkin and her race is a succubus. Her hair is red, her skin is light, her eyes are blue, her face is beautiful, her breasts are very large, and she is skinny, but not too skinny.


Aaron First Person POV:

I am 18 years old, the same age as Lucy and we live in a dormitory that is owned by Lucy's family, we also have the big dormitory all to ourselves.

The school that we go to is the top demonkin academy it is located in the human world. It has a barrier protecting it from humans, and it's only for girls. The school is called Flower Blossom Academy.

Lucy used her status to get me in without people finding out that im human and a boy. I am a loli that has a cute girly face and body, even my voice is cute. I have been at the academy for 2 months and I always wear girl clothes so no one will find out that im a boy. I look like a cute girl loli so I don't have a problem blending in with the demonkin.

Right now it's nighttime and me and Lucy are in our dormitory in one of the bedrooms. Me and Lucy always sleep beside eachother every night. There is something that all demonkin need and that is a human's energy, they get that energy by sex, they can also get energy from other demonkin, but human energy is the one that they need.

"Aaron can I have some of your energy?" asked Lucy.

"Sure," I said like I do everytime she asks.

"You always say yes, so tell me why you always say yes?" asked Lucy.

"You remember when I washed up on that beach and with you haven't had found me then I would have probably died, you also gave me a home," I said grateful to her.

"Yes that's true," said Lucy and we take off our clothes, I am way smaller than Lucy because my body is the size of a loli, but she likes that im a loli.

"Aaron I only sucked your cock, but I want it inside my anus now," said Lucy and I lay down on the bed, lucy then gets on top of me.

"Aaron your cock is already hard," said Lucy, and she sits on my cock.

"Aah!" Lucy moans.

"Aaron suck my nipples," said Lucy, and she brings her breasts close to my face, I then suck her nipples and milk comes out of them, this is because she is able to create massive amounts of milk all the time.

The milk goes into my mouth and I drink it.

It tastes so good? I thought, and Lucy rides my cock.

"Aah! yes, give it to me," said Lucy in an erotic tone.

So good? I thought, and I keep drinking her milk.

"YES! Drink my milk!" said Lucy loudly and my belly starts to hurt because of how full it is from the milk. I don't care that it hurts because I want her to be happy. I then feel that I'm about to cum and Lucy can tell I'm about to cum, so she increases her speed.

"Aahhh!!" Lucy moans when I cum inside her anus.

"So much energy," said Lucy, and she stops riding my cock. She then lays down beside me and we then fall asleep.

2 hours later...

I wake up to see that im on a metal table and my arms and legs are chained to the table. I also see that im naked and that im in some kind of basement laboratory.

I then see a female demonkin who is a Lamia.

"I see that you're awake human." said the lamia and I recognize her, she is the nurse in the academy named Emma.

"Emma let me go," I said.

"You're a human, but I have known for awhile because when you come with Lucy to the nurse's office you have sex and I looked for a moment," said Emma.

"So you're going to kill me, aren't you?" I asked, scared of dying.

"No of course not, but I am a scientist aswell as a nurse and I always wanted to experiment with a human, but don't worry with you let me experiment on you I won't tell anyone what you are," said Emma and she's getting aroused thinking about experimenting on a human.

"You're going to experiment on me with I say no, aren't you," I said.

"Yes, now im going to put you in this glass chamber," said Emma, and she lets me out of the chains, I don't try to run because she is very fast even for a lamia.

She then puts me in the glass chamber big enough to fit a human and she closes the chamber door. I see that liquid is going into the glass chamber and after the chamber is filled with liquid, I fall asleep.

Emma POV:

Emma uses a gene of a demonkin that's dead to fuse it with Aaron.

"This is going to be my best work yet," said Emma excited to see a half demonkin, she knows that the human might die, but she's still excited to see the results.

10 hours later...

Aaron First Person POV:

I open my eyes to see that im still in the glass chamber, but the liquid drains out and the door opens. I walk out of the chamber and I see Emma.

"You survived," said Emma surprised seeing that my looks haven't changed.

"So I guess my experiment didn't work," said Emma.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"Oh nothing, but come back here when your classes are done or ill tell everyone that your human," said Emma.

"Yes I will," I said, and I put on my clothes, I then go to my class that is called magic class.

Flower Blossom Academy has lots of grades and starts at 18 years old.

You can see the characters, looks and other things about them in the character chapter.

Demonkincreators' thoughts
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