
The Beginning

I remember the night even though it's already been 3 years. It was cold and there was a small breeze of cold air when someone knocked on our door.

"Hello ma'am we are here from the Ferlender family, we heard there's some commoner here with an unregistered law user." He said while grinning with a devilish expression.

"I'm sorry sir, only me, my husband, daughter, and son are home."

Next thing I knew he had stabbed my mom and shot my dad. I was feeling extremely scared, and right before my dad died he told me to protect my sister. I wrapped my hands around my sister, while they were trying to get closer I kept screaming at them to not get closer. One of the knights hit me extremely hard and I fell unconscious.

I woke up in the middle of a farm, I was extremely hungry and thirsty.

After I remembered what happened I ran back to the town and looked for the house I used to live in, there was nothing less but ashes and charcoal, I started knocking on my neighbor's door, I could hear them talking but none of them opened the door. Then I started hearing people whisper.

"Look, it's that commoner boy from that poor family, they finally died, serves them right."

I could hear them chuckling. After that, I started thinking about revenge and how to survive. I began by stealing some food from the nearby market and started practicing martial arts.

7 years later:

I'm in a cave that's under control of corrupted beasts. Seems like there are 12 low-level beasts, 3 high-level beasts, and one of the rarest types of beasts, a mythical beast. The mythical beast is giving off an aura that makes me feel like if I get any closer the aura alone would kill me. 4 low-level beasts are attacking me from different directions. I use my mana to make a wall of flame around me since low level corrupted beasts are extremely weak against fire, they all get hurt a little bit and they run away, I use my man to move at a little faster speed and infused my hands with mana to kill the 4 beasts, after that the 4 other low-level beasts attack me while the 3 high-level beasts shoot fire mana bombs. A huge explosion makes the cave collapse, some high-level hunters come to the cave.

"Move aside you fucking peasant before I kill you."

I move away, one of them has the law of grass, he uses the grass outside to make a huge ball and uses mana to make the ball of grass move extremely fast and breaks the rocks, they rush in, seemed like everyone had 2-star equipment and everyone's power was at least In the 150 stars range. They attacked with full force and the person with the law of grass made a sword out of grass that was enhanced with mana. With just 1 swing he killed all the low-level beasts they quickly took care of the high-level beasts with a couple of people dying to them, but in a snap of a second the mythical beast was behind everyone and he killed everyone but the person who controlled the law of grass. While he was about to kill the person who controlled the law of grass, I ran behind the beast and hit him with all my strength and mana and the monster didn't even budge, then the man said to the mythical beast.

"Eat him instead, he's a young boy, he would definitely taste better."

The beast turned its head to me, the man started laughing and said to me

"You fucking peasant, this is the most you could do, die for a nobleman like me, trash like you shouldn't exist, you should be happy that you get killed like this."

I look at him with a sight of disgust and then I sigh, my body was trembling and I was barely able to stand straight, the beast was radiating such a murderous intent against me and I felt like I would get crushed by the pressure alone, the beast didn't move at all.

The man was laughing, he then said

"Just die already, even your own mother wouldn't want you to stay alive."

Then I give him a glance and tell him to say that again, he says "even your" I emit a murderous aura and tell him to shut up or ill kill him, then he says

"What could a little commoner like you do?"

I threw my knife right at him, it goes cleanly into his shoulder and he starts shrieking out in pain, the mythical beast looks at him and he eats him, the beast goes back into his cave and he looks at me for a while, then walks close to me and starts emitting a more powerful aura the closer he gets. Then I hear a voice in my head that says

'Impressive young one, I can sense that you are pretty strong, you didn't even try and kill me.'

I get a bit freaked out and ask him how is communicating with me.

'Telepathy, it's a special ability of mine, would you like one of the treasures hidden it this cave?'

"Th-thanks, I would appreciate it."

He gave me a small stick made out of metal, I thank him and walk away. Extremely confused I go to sleep.

I'm very sorry for the very badly written story, I tried my best to give it a good ending but I feel like it's extremely badly written, hope you enjoyed though, the first chapter I've written.

iSlaycreators' thoughts
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