
Walking Is Hard

'Well I better go see what my new body can do, I need to scout out our surroundings' Adam's vison fades to black as he exits his shared domain.

Adam opens his eyes and quickly gets up to stand, he takes a quick glance at his new skeletal body before walking forward.

CRASH! Adam immediately loses his balance after only a few steps it seems a live human and a skeleton are very different when it comes to balance.

'I forgot that without all the flesh and blood on the skeleton that it's center of mass is completely different' Adam grabs a nearby tree limb and leverages him self up.

Meanwhile Lucy is watching Adam fumble around like a fish out of water and can't help but laugh hystericaly.

[HAHAHAHA, your killing me kid!]

Now angered by Lucy's Mocking Adam snaps the tree limb and uses it like a cane to help him get his balance.

'How about you try to walk without muscles for the first time in your life' Adam's Anger causes him to stumble forward keeping his balance via sheer force of will.

Stunned by Adam's rapid improvement in mobility Lucy quickly forces him to work even harder.

[Your getting the hang of it now try walking without the tree limb!]

Adam stores the tree limb in the system's [Inventory] and continues to walk forward, adjusting his balance while moving untill he finds himself back at the opening of the cave.

[Let's start scouting the surrounding forest, you should start hunting local wildlife if possible]

'Good idea I should grind untill my stats are at least average, if I had not taken the first shot that skeleton could have killed me'

Adam walks into the forest and picks up a few pointy rocks off the ground before retrieving his tree limb and sharpening it into a spear with the rocks.

Adam's Skeletal jaw lifts up into a position vaguely similar to a smile before he stabs the ground with his spear.

'Its hunting season, those animals won't know what hit them'

Next chapter