
Demonic Desires

Su Yang was your typical white collar worker , who was going back to his home after cleaning the mess his superiors had made , unfortunately , because of a meeting with truck-kun that day he ended up losing his life . The next thing he finds out after waking up was an 'unfamiliar ceiling' , it takes a while for him to familiarise with his new identity as the crown prince of a kingdom in the cultivation world . Father being the Emperor and mother as the official Empress with real authority, not some random forgotten concubine. Born with supreme talent among his peers , the devilishly charming looks and a strong build-up and good background. The best thing to happen was that he awakened the unique physique of the Demon lord . The host of which is the strongest known person to be born in every one million years . However , an unexpected accident occurred when the bastard child of a forgotten concubine started to show talent just right after his transmigration. " Why does this guy look more of a protagonist than me ?? " Looking at the influence that the bastard child of his cheap Father was gaining, Su Yang finally realised the world wants him to play the role of villain in his life , be his stepping stone and fall for the bastard's rise . But if Su Yang would succumb to the will of the world then , is he still the main lead of our story ?? No... He will crush every person the heavenly dao favours , He will steal their women regardless of their Mom , Sister , Wife , Daughter or someone else. He will rise higher than anyone else . Finally , becoming the one true Demon God. .............. Tags : No System | Villian | Strong background | Strong to stronger | Kingdom control | Rape | Smut | R18 | Harem | Incest | Hidden Identity | Special Physique | Rape victim become lovers | Luck Plunder | Protagonist Hunting |

Saltedfish_me · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 1 : Prelude

' Another day with late work hours '

Su Yang thought in his heart listening to the nonsense his superiors were sprouting in the office .

From the way they talked, he knows for sure that his time to leave the office will extend for tonight as well .

' Can't they come up with something good at earlier ?? Or they have some kind of fetishes in guiding us , the employees in the wrong direction first , only to reprehend later for not meeting the standard because they are not following the right way . '

Not only Su Yang but every single employee sitting in the room has these same thoughts in their mind. Being a person with a boss is really a tough life , no , it is a damn shitty life

' Hey , at least don't throw saliva on my face '

Su Yang frowned when the boss with the bulging belly and pig face came closer to his side spitting saliva all over the place. Judging by the stinking smell he might haven't brushes in ages.

Rubbing the face with his already wet handkerchief, he takes a deep sigh. At this time the FIFA World Cup will be shown live on the TV but because his boss messed up a big deal with the clients he has been stuck in the office for finding a solution.

To know today is the last time in the history when Ronaldo & Messi will be facing each other in a match at World Cup level but he a hardcore fan is deprived of his right to watch the epic showdown between the two legends.

And all of this is to blame for this fatso , If his eyes can kill someone then , this guy's corpse has already weeded several feet in height. That's how angry he is now ..

Placing his elbow on the table and right palm under his chin , Su Yang closed his eyes with a yawn knowing the boss is only going to bore them to death for two full hours before asking their opinion on a suitable solution that the boss himself came up with . Which will still be passed even after 99% of the employees vote in opposition.

" Su Yang , Who do you think is suitable for the position of chief in this project?? "

Thinking, the person asking questions is a regular deskmate in the meeting , Su Yang replied in a low voice while his eye being still closed

" Does it matter ?? It will be either the piggy himself or his damn nephew .."

As soon as his words came to an end , the hall fell in an awkward silence with everyone looking at him with stunned face .

Feeling the silent atmosphere in between the meeting, Su yang felt strange and curiously opened one of his eyes to see what's going on . But what he came in front of his view was a sight he might never forget in his whole life , at least this one ..

A head bald from the centre , nose that is filled with a dirty liquid , mouth that is constantly releasing the disastrous smell and eyes that have turned red but it is unknown if the person is drunk or too angry ..

Seeing his boss zoom in at 500% with bloodshot eyes , Su Yang woke up from his half baked sleep in a hurry . Turning his head , he soon found his desk mate dave is sitting on the opposite side for today's meeting and the boss has just moved a chair closer to him , to test his thoughts in half sleep state. Which seems to have been fulfilled but the experience is not a pleasant one for both the parties .

" Su Yang could you elaborate to us , Who is this pig , You want to nominate?? " A greasy looking man with a pointy nose asked in a curious tone .

The boss who was initially planning to vent out his anger on Su Yang looked back with a stunned face . He know Su Yang called him a pig because of being in a half sleep state but who is this person daring enough to ask the pig's name ?? Don't you understand this guy Su Yang was talking about me or you too wants to humiliate me a little by knowingly asking such a question.

Looking at the back he find out the person was his own nephew and thinking of his idiocy nature he can't help but curse in his heart .

' Really , A pig teammate.. '

' Wait , if he is a pig then , as his uncle I too am... No , this is nonsense this guy Su Yang has spread . Yes , all of this is too blame on him. '

Thinking of this he shook his head in a hurry and turning his attention back to Su Yang's face said in a cold manner :

" Su Yang , Don't you know sleeping during a meeting is a violation of the clauses you signed with the Human Resources Department. "

" But Sir , I didn't sleep in the meeting but was only listening to it with my eyes being closed . "

" Isn't it same ?? "

" Ahem.... "

Su Yang wanted to saying something in support of his claim but looking at the cold looks his boss gave him , he swallowed the words back in his throat.

" I am sorry ... "

Bowing his head a little he apologized for the mistake that never happened.

" **Tsk **Tsk , if sorry could solve everything in this world then , do you think there was a need for police?? "

" Boss , What do you mean ?? "

Not understanding what his boss was selling in the pot , Su yang asked with a frown . Though he don't know what did this guy's word would mean but it won't be a pleasing thing either .

" What do I mean ??? Well , It's nothing much. As a capable and disciplined superior , it is my duty to correct the behaviour my subordinates have while being in the company . And as per the clause you signed with the company , finding a person irresponsible during the work hours is intolerable and is punishable by the double for the loss you have caused .. Being a generous person I will leave you with an an overtime of two extra hours in exchange for the compensation after this meeting. "

Raising his lips in a curled up smile , the boss said with a smirk which made the whole office shudder. And all of them thought a thing at the same time :

' Su Yang , you really managed to make boss pissed off. Man , you are done for the next whole week for sure . '

Listening to the words of his boss , Su yang know very well this guy is just using the authority he has been tasked with in an inappropriate manner and many of the time it is even used for the personal intrest . Like this once , it is clear the office work hours have ended half an hour ago but he is charged with the mistake of 'being irresponsible during work hours' which is clearly targeting him with help of the authority.

Even , If this guy said the meeting was being held during the afternoon and Su Yang was sleeping that time , Almost every single person here will nod their head in affirmation. After all , who asked this guy to become their boss ?? Isn't it this group of loyal dogs sitting in the room .

" I understand..."

In the end , the word that came out of his mouth was also of a dog well-trained by his owner .


Time : 11 PM at night

Su Yang was returning home via road with his clothes being completely soaked in the rain water .

It has been an hour since the weather became rainy and as being pretty late for ending his office shift for tonight , he failed to find any transport vehicles to drop him at the station.

Even the old phone has run out of battery because he forgot to switch on the cable after putting it in. Resulting , he can't ask for a friend or E-service provider for a ride .

" Today should have been a great day in my life. Ending the office shift early , watching the match with cold beer and hot snacks , since it is Sunday tommorow , I might as well go to sleep late at night.. But.... But... "

Taking a pause in the middle of the road , Su Yang looked at the dark cloud in the sky with some anger and opening both of his hands in a wide manner with his fist clutched , he gave a violent shout .

" Because of that old fucking piece of shit . My whole day and night has been wasted. I don't know if I will stay healthy tommorow after being so much soaked in the water , Especially when the the weather is still a little cold . And it is all to blame on that fatso pig , Bastard , that son of a bitch..... "

Soon He felt the lightness in his heart after venting out his emotions and with a bitter smile continued :

" I will leave that guy's company as soon as I got a new appointment letter . Being with that group of fellas always made me insecure. You never know when you will ran out of your life ..*ouch "

Suddenly , he bumped into a man with a well built figure . Because of sudden force applied on his shoulder , he lost his footing on the slippery road and fell towards the road side .

" Sorry , oh no .... "

" Ahhhhhhh"

The man himself was running in the rain looking for a shelter to hide but who knows he would meet Su Yang in the middle of the road and unlike Su Yang he was covering his head with a bag to protect himself from getting wet , by accident he bumped into him . Turning his head back to the person he wanted to apologise but the man has already fallen at the road . At the same time a truck passed by him in fast speed , splashing some red liquid on his face ...

Looking at the ground there was only a headless corpse left with blood coming out of the top.

He accidentally killed a person !!!

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