
Chapter 8: Friendship Builds

Chapter 8: Friendship Builds


Third-Person Perspective:

The night had settled over the village, bringing with it an air of calm and silence. Inside their temporary lodgings, Ace was still recovering from his injuries. Shinobu had returned, keeping an eye on him and ensuring that the poison didn't bounce back.

Ace's playful nature seemed to have taken a backseat to the seriousness of the situation. He gazed at Shinobu, his eyes revealing a sense of curiosity. "You didn't have to help her, you know."

"That applies to you also; why did you try to help a stranger?" She said

"Well, in my case, I just don't like loan sharks. Thay act as if they own you, and that was enough for me to help her." Ace replied.

Shinobu, leaning on the wall, sighed and said, "I know I didn't have to, but I just didn't want her to become another victim of slavery right in front of my eyes. I have seen too many children end up like that."

Shinobu continued, "It always starts with a child who has lost their parents, then they set some loan traps, and ultimately the naive child gets trapped, and they can easily own that child legally."

The realisation hit Ace that slavery was still legal during this time.

"And you, Ace, despite your playful exterior, have a good heart deep down from how you wanted to help her,"she remarked.

Ace chuckled softly, though he winced from the pain of his injuries. "You think quite highly of me, Kocho-san," he remarked. Yet, inwardly, he couldn't help but think, 'You've barely known me for a day; it's a bit hasty to draw conclusions.'

Shinobu paused, her eyes locked with his. "You may hide it behind your jokes and playful nature, but I see it. I see the good in you, Ace."

After saying that, she stood up and said "You should sleep now, Your body needs some rest. We'll be leaving by sunrise"

Ace nodded to her, watching her leave.

In the quiet of the night, Ace allowed his weary body to rest, feeling that it truly deserved the respite from all the exhaustion that was piled up on his body.

Meanwhile, Shinobu stayed vigilant, her mind occupied by the recent orders from Oyakata-sama and the unexpected encounter with the new arrival, a young boy named Ace, and the mysterious magical weapon he possessed.

Shinobu pondered aloud, "Did Oyakata-sama's mission involve helping this boy join the Corps?"

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As the sun rose, one of the members who had accompanied Shinobu on this mission took on the responsibility of carrying Ace, who was in no condition to walk any further.

Recognizing that waiting for someone else would take too long, Shinobu quickly exchanged farewells with the village's elders, expressing their gratitude for the assistance provided, and left the village with Ace.

Ace, being carried, couldn't help but wonder why they didn't have a male to assist him. Despite the girl's small stature, her strength was evident, and he appreciated her help. However, the awkwardness of the situation lingered in the back of his mind. It felt a bit unusual to be carried by a girl, and he was careful to avoid any accidental contact in places he shouldn't.

In an attempt to distract himself from the awkwardness, Ace initiated a conversation with Shinobu.

"Kocho-san, could you explain how the organisation operates?" he inquired, realising that he had forgotten some of the finer details.

Shinobu regarded him thoughtfully for a moment, then began to explain, "The Demon Slayer Corps was founded around a millennium ago during the Heian era. Since its inception, our primary mission has been to hunt and eliminate demons whenever and wherever we encounter them. However, due to the lack of official government recognition, we try to maintain as much secrecy as possible and are prohibited from openly carrying weapons."

'Weren't you just openly carrying your sword in the village recently?' Ace thought, looking at her sceptically.

Shinobu, reading his expression, quickly replied, "That village is an exception to the case."

"Why?" Ace asked curiously.

"Well, the founders of the village were relatives of our leaders' ancestors, so we have a quite close relationship with them." She explained.

"Oh" Ace nodded.

Expanding on the topic, she continued, "In our case, the village leaders recognized my role, which was an exceptional circumstance due to their historical ties with the Ubuyashiki family."

Listening to Shinobu's explanation about the history of the Demon Slayer Corps, Ace found it quite intriguing. He remembered some details from the anime, but hearing it directly from someone who belonged to this world was a unique experience.

"Maintaining secrecy must be quite challenging," Ace remarked, trying to engage in the conversation. "I imagine dealing with demons is hard enough, but doing it covertly adds another layer of difficulty."

Shinobu nodded as she continued to walk. "Indeed, we have to carry out our duties discreetly, without arousing suspicion. It's the only way to protect ordinary people from the horrors of the demons; otherwise, it can cause widespread panic. Thankfully, demons can only attack at night, so most of the rumors can be suppressed by us."

Ace's curiosity was piqued. "And what about the leaders of the Demon Slayer Corps? You mentioned the Ubuyashiki family. What role do they play?"

Shinobu's expression turned a bit more serious. "The Ubuyashiki family laid the foundation for us. It is only because of them that we have survived this long. Without the support of their resources, we wouldn't be able to function. It is through their accumulated wealth that allows our organisation to operate."

She continued, "Oyakata-sama is our guiding light, overseeing our actions and providing us with guidance and hope to someday eradicate the demons. Their wisdom and traditions have helped us survive for centuries."

As they continued their journey, she continued to explain to him about the Corps.

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Third-Person Perspective:

As Ace and Shinobu moved closer to the designated meeting spot, they kept a lookout for Yuki, who was supposed to rendezvous with them within a 1km radius of their location.

Suddenly, a girl's voice pierced the air, shouting, "Heyyy!"

Ace turned his head to the source of the voice and saw a pale girl with captivating amber eyes and black hair. Her skin seemed to glisten with a light sheen of sweat, as if the rising sun had painted her in a soft, golden hue.

After a brief walk, they reached the figure in the distance. It was Yuki, walking toward them with a worried expression. Her steps were hesitant but purposeful. As she got closer, her eyes locked onto Ace and Shinobu.

Ace couldn't help but grin. "Look who's here, right on time."

Yuki's eyes showed relief and gratitude as she approached them. "Thank you for coming. I was worried you'd leave without me."

Shinobu, always composed, reassured her, "We wouldn't do that, Yuki. We promised to help, and we intend to keep our word."

As Yuki reached them, Ace took a moment to observe her. She had left behind the troubles and debts of the village, and her eyes seemed to carry a newfound sense of hope. Her hair, illuminated by the light, gave her quite a captivating appearance.

Ace extended a hand. "Welcome to our group, Yuki."

Yuki accepted his hand with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Ace. And thank you, Kocho-san. I can't express how much this means to me."

Shinobu, though reserved, couldn't hide the warmth in her eyes. "You should thank Ace, he is the reason you are coming with us.

As the group welcomed Yuki into their fold, Ace couldn't help but maintain his playful spirit. "No need to thank me, it's natural that I will take care of things that are mine," he smugly remarked, flashing a confident grin.

Shinobu sighed at his words, understanding that Ace's self-assured demeanour was part of his personality. Yuki, on the other hand, quickly looked away from Ace's gaze, feeling a mix of embarrassment.

While they engaged in their light-hearted banter, they temporarily overlooked the fact that the member who had carried Ace, a girl named "Fodder Character," had tears welling up in her eyes while thinking, "Am I this invisible?"

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Link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

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