
Chapter 76: Blood Analysis

Chapter 76: Blood Analysis


Shinobu looked up at Tamayo, inquiring, "So, what's her situation now?"

Tamayo sighed, "Well, her case turned out to be more complicated than I first assumed. That's why it took me quite some time to grasp the full extent of her situation." Her expression conveyed a deep analytical focus.

Curious, Shinobu probed, "Different in what way?"

Tamayo paused briefly before elaborating, "Typically, a demon's blood is extremely responsive to its progenitor's blood. It practically loses its cellular structure when it comes into close proximity, attempting to merge."

"As all demons share a blood connection with Muzan, it's like the most enticing poison to them. Their blood cells willingly break down in an attempt to merge with it, yet it's potent enough that if it lacks strength, it succumbs to the influence of its progenitor's blood, decaying and ultimately transforming into rotten flesh."

"Even I am not entirely immune to Muzan's influence. I can conceal myself from it, but I can never fully escape it," Tamayo clarified.

Shinobu, puzzled, questioned, "What makes her so special? She's just a regular Upper-Moon, right? We didn't discover anything extraordinary about Doma, who held a higher rank than her."

Tamayo pondered for a moment before suggesting, "It might be related to whatever Ace-san did to her that triggered this change," her gaze fixated on Ace with fascination.

"Him? What did you actually do with her? Don't tell me…" Shinobu accused with a skeptical expression.

"Oye! Don't give me that side-eye; at least wait for her explanation," Ace retorted with an aggrieved expression. Internally, he pondered, 'Don't tell me my… contribution had the power to alter demon genetics. I'm just a human, bro.'

"Let me just show you. You would understand it better then," Tamayo suggested, leading us to a table with a couple of petri dishes.

Placing one dish in front of us, she dropped a drop of blood on it. "This is normal demon's blood," she said, pointing to the drop.

She then retrieved a small vial from her pocket, containing dark reddish blood. "This is the pure blood of Muzan without any mix of other blood." With precision, she dropped small droplets into the same petri dish.

Upon contact, the normal demon blood seemed to surge toward the Muzan blood, almost sentient, attempting to merge with it. Before it could reach, Tamayo interposed a small transparent glass, obstructing its path. "Now, I am stopping it from reaching it, so see how it behaves."

Observing the blood drop, unable to breach the glass, it began to split into two pieces, attempting to maneuver around the obstacle. Eventually, it met with Muzan's blood and succumbed to being devoured. Along its course, the blood lost its red color, adopting a reddish burgundy hue due to its disrupted cellular structure.

"This is a normal process, regardless of the demon's rank, unless the demon is special," Tamayo explained.

Ace queried, "So you think Daki is special?"

Tamayo responded, "Maybe, I don't know, but there is certainly something different about her," she continued, "let me show you how it's different."

She then presented two vials of blood, stating, "These two are Nezuko and Daki's blood, respectively." Dropping each into two petri dishes with Muzan blood, unexpected reactions unfolded as Nezuko and Daki's blood contacted Muzan's blood.

Tamayo pointed at the dish with Nezuko's blood. "Notice how Nezuko's blood doesn't exhibit the same aggressive behavior. But if we tilt it a little bit, see how quickly it changes."

As Tamayo tilted the dish, Nezuko's blood, upon contact, engaged in a fierce struggle, as if they were long-standing enemies. The blood drops vehemently resisted mixing, engaging in a battle against each other. However, with the passage of time, Nezuko's blood gradually weakened and succumbed to being devoured by Muzan's blood, revealing an unexpected vulnerability to Muzan's influence.

Shinobu and Ace exchanged intrigued glances, captivated by the unfolding display. Tamayo pressed on, "Now, observe Daki's blood." She gestured towards the second petri dish. Upon contact, Daki's blood exhibited a similar yet distinct reaction.

Daki's blood didn't display the fierce response seen in normal blood nor the competitive struggle observed in Nezuko's case; instead, it remained still. Only when Tamayo tilted the dish did it show some reaction, though not as intense as Nezuko's, before being consumed.

"What are your thoughts on these reactions?" Tamayo inquired.

"Hmm… From what I can see, Nezuko's blood, while not as powerful, is of the same grade as Muzan. Meanwhile, Daki's blood is of a lesser grade but possesses the quality to resist the influence of its progenitor," Ace observed.

Shinobu nodded, agreeing with Ace's observation.

Tamayo affirmed, "You two are mostly correct about it. Daki's blood has somehow managed to completely ignore Muzan's influence unless it has too much close contact to it. She is even more disconnected from Muzan than me and Nezuko."

Shinobu shot Ace a side-eye upon hearing Tamayo's words, but Ace brushed it off and stated, "It's most likely due to the technique I used on her that caused this."

"If you don't mind, can you use that technique on me? I really want to get out of this state," Tamayo eagerly asked, clasping her hands.

"Uh…I think the current time is not right. We'll do it later since this process makes the person sleep," Ace explained hesitantly.

"But don't worry, I'll do you later when I have the time," Ace assured, feeling that phrasing felt a bit off after pondering it in his head.

"Right! We'll address that later... Now, where was I? Ah, yes, about Nezuko's blood. I believe she has the same potential, if not greater, than Muzan," Tamayo continued.

"How? Isn't Muzan the progenitor of all Demons? How can she have more potential than him?" Shinobu questioned in astonishment.

"It's because of the substance I found in her body, the very thing Muzan has been fervently searching for over thousands of years!" Tamayo exclaimed.

"Blue Spider Lily?" Ace said.

"Yes, and it's not just in her blood. While researching Nezuko's body, I discovered it. I couldn't believe she possessed something like that – the Blue Spider Lily, one of the rarest things on Earth. To test my suspicions, I also examined her brother's blood. To my surprise, he had it too, and in a stronger concentration than her," Tamayo explained.


"Maybe that's why Nezuko was able to control her urges," Shinobu suggested.

Hearing Tamayo's words, Ace contemplated, 'Maybe that's why both the brother and sister were able to retain consciousness even after becoming demons and even became immune to the sun. It wasn't just Sun Breathing; but because somehow, they must have ingested the Blue Spider Lily when they were young. If I recall correctly, it also aligns well with one of the theories I read somewhere.''

'But there is still one question in my mind?'

"Why was Muzan not able to identify them when he attacked Tanjiro's house?" Ace asked.

"Hmm… It's because checking for the Blue Spider Lily is a complex process; you have to delve deep into their physiology. It can't be done on the spot, as the Blue Spider Lily hides deep inside the body. If I hadn't been researching Nezuko's body for a cure, I would never have discovered it," Tamayo explained, shaking her head.


"I have one more thing to say?" Tamayo suddenly said.

Ace and Shinobu looked at her, to hear what she wanted to say.

"I think Nezuko can successfully become immune to the sun now if she tries to go out!" Tamayo exclaimed, releasing her breath. Achieving immunity to the sun was a significant development for any demon.

"What?!!" Shinobu's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, she can. Even at this very moment, if she goes outside, I am 80% sure she can," Tamayo affirmed.

Shinobu fell silent at the prospect, realizing that a sun-immune demon would be akin to a natural disaster for them. If they could resist the sun, no amount of sun-baked swords would harm them. Other than Ace.

"What!! She can become immune to the sun?" Suddenly, a high-pitched voice emanated from the other side of the room where Daki was bound to the bed. She displayed a shocked expression on her face, clearly having overheard their conversation.

"Don't get too excited, Daki. It's not for you. You'll still be toast if you try to go into the sun," Tamayo interjected, silencing her.

"Hmph. Are you forgetting I am a demon? I can easily gain that if I absorb her," Daki retorted, huffing.

"It's ironic coming from a prisoner, talking about killing one of us. Don't think you can get too bold. Or did you forget the taste of my glaive? I am more than ready to remind you of it; it leaves a permanent mark," Ace warned sternly.

Daki fell silent, not solely due to the recent threat but because, when she heard him say "glaive," it reminded her of a different kind of glaive that also left a permanent mark on her.

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