
Chapter 74: Uncontrolled Desires

Chapter 74: Uncontrolled Desires


[Kanao PoV]

I roamed through the forest, following Shinobu's request to locate Ace and Mitsuri, who hadn't returned for quite a while.

But despite covering several kilometres of area around our mansion, they remained unable to be found. So I slowed down my pace, as I pondered the unlikelihood of anything troubling happening to them during daylight after all they were one of the strongest people one can find.

Jumping from one tree to the next, my mind reflected on the profound changes I'd undergone in recent months, sparked by the arrival of a particular boy.

Initially, I dismissed him, as others before him had trained under Shinobu but met a grim fate beneath some demon within a month.

I'd seen Shinobu shedding lonely tears alone at night, yet come the next day, she'd effortlessly wear a smile and playfully tease others.

Her resilience fascinated me. Shinobu possessed remarkable mental strength, and I aspired to reach a similar level one day. However, I harboured a fear about undergoing the same trials that had shaped her strength.

Nevertheless, the traces of those experiences manifested in her. She had found Shinobu slowing down acceptance of new students, and even becoming unusually protective of them. An example would be that she extended their training schedules by several extra months.

But despite her efforts, their fate remained unchanged — all met their demise. Consequently, because of so many deaths, Shinobu became a constant companion on most of my missions, always worried about my safety.

Thus, when I learned the new boy would train in the Butterfly Mansion under Shinobu and even the Love Hashira, I found it astonishing.

So I anticipated disappointment for Shinobu again and bracing for another round of hurt, but I was taken aback when the boy not only matched but surpassed my strength within just one month.

Honestly, it stung my pride. Being defeated by a novice who trained for merely a month, while I had dedicated half of my life to training, proved to be the most humbling experience I'd ever encountered.

And It didn't end with just that. In just his first mission, he effortlessly obliterated a lower moon with a single strike, or so how I heard it went but with how my spar with him went, I knew it was mostly true.

I reluctantly had to acknowledge that he was, undeniably, the most exceptional talent the Demon Slayer Corps had witnessed since its inception.

Surprisingly, beneath the exterior, he wasn't entirely a bad guy. His company was enjoyable, albeit if he stopped using the cheesy line that he would drop abruptly in the conversation once in a while.

But despite their cringe-worthy nature, they managed to coax a bit more emotion out of me than my usual stoic demeanour. Maybe that's why he said it infront of me.

And his capabilities extended beyond the battlefield. Astonishingly, he managed to enhance my breathing style, a style which I had meticulously refined since the age of eight. It seemed almost impossible, yet he accomplished it before my eyes. Moreover, this wasn't just mine that he did it but – he elevated the breathing styles of everyone around him.

Gradually, my admiration for him grew, positioning him just below Shinobu in my esteem. Not only did he refine my breathing style, but he also took charge of our morning training sessions, alongside the girl Yuki he had brought with him.

Initially, I harbored strong aversion toward Yuki. She struck me as a burden, a village girl who seemed to have attached herself to him for a better life.

My disdain deepened, reaching its peak when their nightly activities always disrupted my sleep, leaving me irked by her behaviour that I deemed provocative.

At times, I even entertained the idea of unsheathing my sword to put an end to their disturbances. I can only imagine how Mitsuri was handling those with the proximity of her room just around the corner.

However, as we trained together, most of my resentment melted away. Witnessing the genuine cheerfulness of the village girl, I discovered her passion and vocal expressions of love were simply part of her personality and she was just a little too lost in her feelings towards him..

And surprisingly, Yuki transformed from what I deemed deadweight at the start into a determined individual, actively training to become stronger. And in just a few months, her talent propelled her to almost catch up to my level. It was a stark contrast to the girl I had dismissed as deadweight not long ago almost making my thoughts bite back.

Sighing, I acknowledged the need to curb my arrogance and dedicate myself to more diligent training.

Fortunately, the improvements in my breathing style had a positive ripple effect on my strength, breaking through barriers that hindered my progress.

As a result, my newfound strength instilled enough confidence in me that I believed I could defeat my former self with a single swing of my sword.

As I lost in my thoughts, my focus suddenly shifted as something caught my eye, prompting an abrupt halt to my advancing legs.

"What is that?" I squinted in the direction of a waterfall. Perched in a tree, my keen eyes, always superior to most, allowed me to see clearly even from a mile away.

Intrigued, my curiosity led me to unconsciously advance in that direction, ensuring my movements remained subtle enough to evade detection.

Reaching a distance of 500 metres, a range where everything became clear to my eyes as if right in front of me when I focused a little.

And there I saw it. I witnessed something which I may not ever be able to forget in this life.

It was a scene that I had only read about in books, never experiencing it in actuality.

A scene of a man revealing his unadulterated passion to his woman.

A manifestation of Pure Carnal Pleasure & Lust.

Instinctively, my hand swiftly covered my eyes, refusing to witness what shouldn't be seen. Yet, regrettably, my heart had already seen it enough.

The image I witnessed plunged my mind and heart into chaos. I struggled to erase it, but it persistently reformed in my thoughts.

My breaths grew heavy, each inhalation feeling like lead, while my heartbeat quickened with every passing breath. This unfamiliar sensation was something entirely new to me.

I didn't know why but the fingers that covered my vision suddenly betrayed my will, slowly parting and granting my eyes a view of the forbidden. Despite my attempts to resist, they disobeyed, and a peculiar itch crawled over my body.

"Is... that... Mitsuri-san?" I questioned myself between heavy breaths, though the truth of who she was and what she was doing was crystal clear in my mind.

Despite my understanding of their actions, courtesy of my medical studies, this was the first time I had stumbled upon something of this nature.

I knew Mitsuri's interest in Ace from the start, as it was so obvious that even a fool would know it . However, the realisation that they would engage in such activities in the hidden confines of the forest caught me off guard.

In retrospect, I should have discerned Ace's lustful nature. His constant teasing of Mitsuri with his nightly escapades with Yuki hinted at his targeted pursuit from the very start.

A twinge of hurt also surfaced within me, witnessing Ace in what one could label a crush, and seeing him in that position guaranteed some discomfort, regardless of one's open-mindedness.

It was only natural to develop some feelings for him. He was the only male around me, helped me with my training, made me strong, and possessed a strength and attractiveness surpassing most people I had encountered.

However, I reassured myself that this minor sting would be easily overcome.

But the next overwhelming emotion that engulfed both my mind, body and my previous discomfort was something I never anticipated having to confront—pure lust.

A sensation of itchiness overcame my body as I observed the explicit nature of Ace's movements on top of Mitsuri-san. Each motion evoked expressions of pleasure on her face. Even without hearing the sounds, I could vividly imagine the type of noises she must be making.

Unconsciously, my hands started slowly reaching under my skirt, no…. It was not unconscious . I was acutely aware of where my hand was headed and the inevitable outcome, yet a peculiar weakness prevented me from stopping.

In truth, I didn't want to stop. It was such an unprecedented surge of potent emotions, compelling me to indulge just this once. The notion that nobody would know fueled my resolve – what was the harm in exploring my own desires? It was my body, and in that moment, I decided I could and would satisfy those desires.

In the back of my mind I knew that it was just my hormones influencing my mind to weaken my will, but I chose to disregard it for today.

So I yielded to my desires, indulging in the use of my uniquely gifted eyes to satisfy carnal pleasures as I watched two of my friends engaging in their lustful act.

My hands ventured beneath my skirt, mirroring the rhythm of Ace's thrusts and Mitsuri's moans. As their indulgence intensified, my movements quickened, matching the escalating passion before me.

Biting my lips, I cupped my medium-sized breasts, experiencing a momentary haze that enveloped my mind.

An indescribable euphoria washed over me. Slowly, my arousal kept increasing with every moment until it reached its peak. My entire body shuddered violently, and my eyes rolled back as I momentarily drifted into a dreamlike state, experiencing a climax for the first time.

My body felt as if it had released a tension that had persisted for a long time, leaving me with a newfound sense of lightness.

Returning to reality, I took heavy breaths to fill my lungs, my mind clearing from the haze it was engulfed in before, and I felt my hand was wet.

Curiously, I brought it in front of me, observing that it was now covered by crystal-clear liquid.

As I examined the liquid, a sense of realization and a hint of embarrassment washed over me. The aftermath of my indulgence was apparent.

"Shit," I muttered to myself, realising I had become too absorbed in the moment and done such a thing.

Quickly, I cleaned my hands and adjusted my clothes, determined to leave and erase any recollection of what transpired in this tree from my memory.

As I prepared to leave, a sudden thought struck me. Shinobu had entrusted me with the task of bringing back both Ace and Mitsuri. And If I returned right now without them, she would undoubtedly worry and might come searching herself. The thought of her witnessing what Ace was engaged in would be disastrous.

"Should I wait for them to finish?" I pondered, feeling a little awkward after all she just had an orgasm watching them.

"I'll just try not to look at them," I convinced myself, settling back onto the tree branch.

But in just five minutes of steadfastly staring at the ground, my inability to control my curiosity won, and I found myself glancing back toward the direction of the waterfall. To my shock, what I saw almost made my jaw drop to the ground.

Surprisingly, they were still engaged in their intimate act. However, it wasn't the continuation that caught me off guard, but rather the location.

They were neither on the ground nor submerged in water, but right in the middle of the waterfall, on a small platform where water cascaded around them.

Observing Mitsuri clinging tightly to him, the sheer excitement and pleasure were unmistakable, evident in the expressions on her face.

It nearly reignited a dormant desire within me, and though I struggled to control myself, I couldn't bring myself to look away. I continued to watch as they explored various passionate and unconventional positions that hadn't even crossed my mind.

Unbeknownst to me, a subtle yearning to experience such things myself began to take root in my heart, a desire I hadn't even realised was growing within me.

A growing restlessness gripped my heart once more, but this time, it harbored a more perilous desire. It yearned not only to witness their actions but also to hear their words. I attempted to dismiss the thought, to cast it away, yet it clung to my mind like a persistent parasite, refusing to release its hold.

"They won't notice me, as long as I am careful," I reminded myself.

With that reassurance, I stealthily closed the distance between us, meter by meter, making certain each step remained silent and inconspicuous.

Fortunately, Ace's intense focus on Mitsuri's body proved to be on Kanao fortune; he remained oblivious to her stealthy approach.

Finally, I reached what I believed was the closest distance possible without alerting them.

As I settled into position, the proximity allowed me to clearly hear both Mitsuri's moans and Ace's grunts. The intimate sounds filled the air, intensifying the already charged atmosphere.

I could feel my heart racing, the illicit thrill of being so close to their intimate moment amplifying the sensory experience. Despite the initial attempt to just observe, the desire to hear their whispered words became increasingly difficult to resist. The internal struggle between my curiosity and the awareness of the potential consequences waged on as I remained hidden in the shadows.

As I continued to listen, their lustful conversations fueled my own desires. The intense yearning within me escalated, and I found myself instinctively touching my own body again, attempting to alleviate the growing itch that had taken root deep within my womb.

Lost in the intensity of the moment, I couldn't fathom how much time had passed. The flow of time became meaningless as my attention was wholly consumed elsewhere.

Just as I was on the verge of a second orgasm, a glint caught my eye, freezing me like a statue. It was my own reflection on my bracelet, portraying a girl with hazy, cloudy eyes, a flushed face, and an expression I never fathomed having.

The reflection acted like a splash of cold water, evaporating any arousal and dawning the realisation that I had become…. a voyeur. "What am I doing? I need to leave from here," I muttered, chastising myself. Hastily, I stood up, adjusted my clothes, and began to run away.

But in my rush, I misstepped, and the unmistakable sound of a twig crunching echoed loudly through the forest. Panic seized me as I sprinted away with all my strength, desperately hoping they hadn't heard.

Yet, my hopes were swiftly dashed as a strong hand clasped my shoulder, wrenching me around. I found myself gazing into the deep, cold blue eyes that had sent shivers down my spine.

But then as if realising my identity, the coldness dissipated, and the hand on my shoulder also retreated

After that, I managed to somehow convince them that I had just arrived and was searching for them as per Shinobu's request. Mitsuri-san seemed to believe my words, but there seemed to be some suspicion in Ace's eyes. But I didn't try to convince him more.

It was the best course of action at the moment; as appearing desperate to prove my innocence could only backfire and increase their suspicion.

Thankfully the reflection on my bracelet had served as a wake-up call to me, and had snapped me out of the arousal-induced haze. Otherwise…. I don't even think.

As we returned to the mansion, I saw Shinobu waiting for us on the verandah greeting us. Eager to retreat to my room, I attempted to slip away while she engaged in conversation with Ace and Mitsuri.

However, my worst fear materialised as Shinobu suddenly posed a question I desperately wished to avoid.

"Why were you so late, Kanao? It's already been 5 hours."

'Nooooo!'Inwardly screaming, I dashed away, with a flushed face.

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