
Chapter 70: Bold Acts, Blushing Facts {R-18}

Chapter 70: Bold Acts, Blushing Facts {R-18}



Mitsuri's exuberant scream echoed through the air as both she and Ace descended into the refreshing embrace of the waterfall.


The resounding splash reverberated, scattering water droplets in all directions.

Ordinary humans might have suffered broken bones from such a height, but Mitsuri, caught off guard by Ace, showcased her remarkable reflexes and flexibility, seamlessly correcting her posture mid-fall. As for Ace, he simply shrugged off such concerns with his robust physique and the enhanced strength derived from rigorous training.

Emerging from the water, Mitsuri's eyes sparkled with a mixture of shyness and embarrassment, feeling her naked body cradled by Ace's strong hands.

What should I do now? Why did he hug me like that? Does he like me? No, Mitsuri, don't create another misunderstanding. What if he didn't mean anything by that and was just being friendly? But what should I do now?

Before Mitsuri could utter a word, Ace swiftly swam to the other side of the water where the waterfall met the ground, creating a distance between them.

Ace, flashing a playful grin, called out, "Hey Mitsuri, come on over! The water's great on this side!"

Still recovering from her momentary embarrassment, Mitsuri blushed and stammered, "Uh, y-yeah, sure," as she hesitantly swam toward him.

Ace, with a sly grin, welcomed Mitsuri, "Come on, Mitsuri, no need to be shy. It's just water, after all."

"I am not shy, okay?!" she rebuked, a little frustrated that he wasn't catching any shyness vibes while she literally felt the heat under her skin.

What she didn't know was that Ace, too, felt the same heat she was experiencing, but he was just better at not letting it show on his face and keeping it cool.

After all, who could stay cool after seeing her naked body swimming in the clear water in a natural forest? It literally looked like it came from a painting from his view.

Ace, maintaining his nonchalant demeanor, replied with a smirk, "Sure, Mitsuri, no shyness here. Just two friends enjoying a swim."

Raising an eyebrow, Mitsuri finally decided to stop being shy and be bold for once. "Oh, please, Ace. I've seen you blush just now. Don't act like you're immune to embarrassment." Even though she didn't see him blush, she just said it for the sake of it.

Ace raised his brows at her surprisingly bold tone, playfully scratched his head, and chuckled, "Well, I should be at least allowed that, right? After all, how can I not blush when you are right in front of me, in... such a condition? I wouldn't be a man then. And one more thing, I wasn't blushing but appreciating."

Mitsuri didn't know how to react to those words, and before she knew it, Ace had already closed the distance and looked into her with his intoxicating eyes.

Ahhh!! What is he doing?!! Why is he looking at me like that!! Why does he always play with me like that!

Ace, still grinning, leaned in slightly, his gaze unwavering. "You know, Mitsuri, it's all in good fun," he said, his tone teasing.

Feeling a mix of confusion and a fluttering in her chest, Mitsuri stammered, "I-I know, but... don't tease me so much."

Ace, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, pulled back a little, "Alright, alright. I won't."

"Ughh why do you and Shinobu tease me all the time? It's unfair" Mitsuri said, folding her hands on her chest and pouting, unaware that her actions almost gave Ace a nosebleed.

Damn! Hers are even bigger than Daki.

Ace, trying to maintain his composure, chuckled at Mitsuri's question. "Well, it's just our way of keeping things lively, you know? Life's too short to be too serious all the time."

Mitsuri, narrowing her eyes at him, retorted, "Lively? More like you enjoy making me flustered."

Ace grinned, admitting, "Okay, maybe a little. It's just that the reactions are too cute, Mitsuri." It's undeniable – her blushing face, coupled with her pinkish hair, looked both cute and enticing.

Mitsuri's thoughts raced as Ace's words echoed in her mind. 'Cute!! He said I am cute and didn't find me ugly!! Aaahhh!! Am I really cute, or is it just because I am in front of him?'

"You are lying," Mitsuri said self-consciously. She always had low self-esteem in her appearance. That's why she always complimented others on their looks so they won't ever feel bad about their appearances like her.

"Why would I lie to you? Or do you seriously think you don't look beautiful?" Ace responded, his tone carrying sincerity.

"I-I don't know…" she said, unsure.

Observing her self-conscious expression, Ace couldn't help but almost facepalm, finding it laughable that she even is doubting her looks. In his mind, only a jealous woman or someone with a different orientation would consider her anything less than beautiful. Wait...

Hadn't there been a man who once rejected her proposal due to her hair colour, causing her to struggle with low self-esteem?

Damn! What kind of man was he to reject someone as kind-hearted as Mitsuri? Surely, he deserves a one-way ticket to hell for that.

Ace contemplated, deciding it was better to kill her insecurities now and make her realise her true worth. So he slowly advanced towards her, and spoke, "You know, Mitsuri, I don't know which bastard told you that you weren't beautiful, but he's definitely headed to hell. And one more thing let me tell n-no show you how beautiful you are."

Mitsuri, initially confused, found herself blushing as Ace praised her. Before she could express her gratitude, he appeared right in front of her, pulling her into a warm embrace.

"Ah~!" A small sound escaped from her lips in surprise from the sudden pull, but it was swiftly drowned by the lips of Ace, who had claimed her into a passionate kiss.

As their lips met, the world around Mitsuri seemed to fade away, leaving only the rhythmic sound of the waterfall echoing in her ears.

Ace's kiss was gentle yet filled with an undeniable intensity, as if he was conveying his appreciation directly through his touch.

As the kiss deepened, Mitsuri found herself unable to think logically; she could only immerse herself in the pleasure she was receiving.

It wasn't just the kiss that she felt; she sensed the firm grip of Ace's hand, his touch caressing her lower back and her bottom, delivering such pleasure that she almost squirmed under his hold.

When the kiss finally parted, Mitsuri's eyes fluttered open, meeting Ace's gaze, almost making a moan escape from her mouth.

Ace smirked, breaking the silence, "Do you believe it now, Mitsuri, how beautiful you are and how much you don't give yourself credit for? Don't let anyone else's judgment define your worth."

"Hngh!!" Mitsuri, still caught in the afterglow of the kiss, unconsciously nodded, a mixture of affirmation and lingering desire evident in her response.

Ace, with a satisfied grin, brushed a strand of Mitsuri's pink hair away from her face.

"Good," Ace whispered, his voice like a soothing melody, as he backed away from her, releasing his hold.

Mitsuri, still catching her breath, finally managed to break free from the trance she was in the whole time. As soon as she did, her whole face became redder than the reddest tomato. The realisation of the intimate moment they had shared sent a flush of embarrassment through her, creating a captivating contrast against her pink hair.

"A–Ace, why did you kiss me?" Mitsuri stuttered, her embarrassment evident in her voice as she attempted to comprehend the sudden intimate kiss.

Ace, his playful grin still lingering, replied, "Why? Because you deserve to feel appreciated, and I wanted to show you just how beautiful you are. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words, don't they?"

Mitsuri's cheeks deepened in rosy hue as she struggled to find words, but she spoke what was in her heart. "B–but what about Yuki-chan and Shinobu-chan?! Won't they hate me now?" The worry was evident in her voice. If it was just bathing naked, she could hide it, but Ace had just kissed her. How could she conceal this from her friends and avoid hurting them?

"Why the hell would they hate you, Mitsuri? Do you think your friendship with them is that weak? And about me kissing you, you don't have to worry about it," Ace reassured, his tone firm and confident.

He had already discussed it with Yuki, and she didn't have any problems with it. As for why he was open to multiple relationships despite Yuki's love for him, the explanation was simple.

He was greedy and the nature of the situation itself. After all, there were only a few men who could restrain themselves to one woman when circumstances allowed for more.

In his case, he found himself in a situation where he wouldn't be confined to just one world or identity. With the need to traverse multiple worlds and adopt various identities, it naturally led to multiple relationships, be they familial or romantic.

It was an inevitability he had to accept, and he believed in explaining it to his loved ones beforehand rather than causing them hurt later on.

"Really?" Mitsuri asked, astonished.

"Yes," Ace replied but added, "But I have something to ask first, Mitsuri."

"Rather than asking about them, are you fine with this? Or did you hate it?" Ace asked.

"No-no, I didn't hate it, I…"

"You liked it then."

Mitsuri couldn't reply, too embarrassed to admit that she enjoyed the kiss.

Ace, sensing Mitsuri's hesitation, softy lifted her chin with a finger, meeting her gaze with a reassuring smile. "There's no need to be embarrassed, Mitsuri. Your feelings are important to me. So, tell me honestly, did you like it?"

Mitsuri, still blushing, nodded shyly, her eyes avoiding direct contact. "Y-yes, I... I liked it," she admitted in a soft whisper.

Ace chuckled, "Good to know. I want you to feel comfortable, Mitsuri."

But then he suddenly pulled her close and lifted her body, so her legs closed around his waist while he held her upper body in his arms. "Then you won't mind if I do this, right?" he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Mitsuri, caught off guard by Ace's sudden move, felt her heart race as he held her close. Flustered, she stammered, "W-What are you doing, Ace?"

Ace, still grinning, replied, "Just testing if you're truly comfortable with this." He then closed the gap between them and kissed her luscious lips again, but this time, it was much more passionate. His tongue invaded her mouth completely, while his hands roamed her back.

Mitsuri's mind went almost blank with the second kiss as she felt his tongue play around her mouth, but what made her heart race was the long, hard, and warm thing that was pressing against her stomach.

It stirred a mix of both nervousness and excitement for what to come.

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