

*tap tap splash


Heavy rain is pouring in the middle of the night and a man with an umbrella is seemed to walk on the streets with an exhausted look on his face.

'Uff... Finally, it's over

'Now I can relax this whole week'

The man kept walking and the rain is becoming more and more aggressive. After some time he decides to take shelter and walked toward a shade which is near a park. After squeezing some water from his clothes he looked toward the sky which is covered with thick clouds.

'Hmm... what's that?

He spotted something glowing in the clouds.

'It seems like a shooting star but isn't its size increasing'

He started panicking because the star seems to come straight toward him but he realized he cannot run from there because he have less than two or three seconds before it strikes the area. He started smiling because of the absurdness of the situation and when he calmed down he looked towards the thing coming towards him and found that it looks like a sort of orb emitting a very strong white light.

"How beau...."

That's what he muttered before everything including the whole park turned into dust and what was left was a five-meter-deep crater.


In a faraway place, a ball of light is suspended in nothingness and in front of it a being in golden robes is sitting in a chair made up of clouds.

[So this poor soul is struck by my sneeze]

The entity whose face is not visible seems to be thinking about something and resting his face in his hands.

[Since he is killed indirectly by me, his soul is sent into my domain]

[Now the question is what should I do with you, hmm.. let's see]

The entity raised his hands and thousands of scenes started flashing before him and then he randomly pointed towards a scene that stopped and transformed into a portal.

[This world seems fine but a little dangerous for him to survive]

The entity waved his hand and the soul comes toward him and started glowing then it shots towards the portal and then vanishes along with the portal.

[*Yawn* Now then, time for a short nap]

[1000 years should suffice]

The throne transformed into a very luxurious bed and the entity immediately fell into slumber.


In a deep forest, a body of a 12 or 13 years old is lying in a pool of blood and has a giant hole in place of his chest.

After some time the body jerked and the hole started closing and sometime later the eyelashes of the boy started twitching.


*cough* cough*



breathing heavily

'where am I'

'Who am I'

'My head is spinning

After half an hour his mind started stabilizing

'I remember getting hit by that meteor

'I shouldn't have survived that right.. right?

After some inner monologue, he started inspecting his surrounding and find himself covered in blood and mud.

'This much blood

'And this is this...

'This is not my body

'Now everything makes sense, I didn't survive that meteor, but after dying I transmigrated to this body

'To think that this kind of thing which happens in fantasy novels, is happening to me

'And for some reason, I don't remember my identity and any of my family but I have all the common knowledge of my previous world'

'Well I have already died there so there is no point to worry about that, I should focus on my current situation

After coming to this conclusion, he gets up and started walking in a random direction.

'First I should get out of this forest

'I think this path kinda seems familiar

'It feels like I have been here before

After he walked for some distance, he can see the clear field at some distance and a small hut in the middle, and some cattle are seen grazing grasses near the hut.

He unconsciously started walking towards the hut and then a very bad premonition hit him when he spotted some blood stains in the entrance.

He peeked inside the hut and saw the scene that he will remember for the rest of his life.

Inside the hut is three mutilated corpses of a middle-aged man, a woman, and a small girl child. There are even gnaw marks on the corpses like some animal has been chewing on them.

This is the first time he has witnessed this kind of gory scene and his hand is raised to cover his mouth but suddenly his vision became blurry.


'What's happening?

'My eyes...

He touched his face and noticed that tears are rolling continuously from his eyes.

' Why am I crying?

He started to get confused as a deep wave of sadness engulfed and then a new set of memories started emerging in his mind.

He clutched his head and started screaming at the top of his lungs and rolling on the doorstep.


Memories started filling his mind and his pain kept increasing, after some time he started to calm down. His face seems pale and his body is also slightly shaking.

'Just as I expected this world is not normal, a demon killed this boy when he is collecting firewood and his family must be killed after him.

'Since I have no name, I will accept the identity of this boy from now on I am Jin Kawahire.'

Jin buried his family in the backyard of the hut and started going towards the city which is 10 to 12 km away from his home according to the memories he received.

After half an hour he found blood stains on his path and found two corpses. After examining the corpses he is stunned because he recognizes the uniform they are wearing very well, deep brown haori and a Nichirin sword.

'I am in demon slayer world.'


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