
Demon Seductress Unleashed

Top researcher Zhao Xinyi has just made a breakthrough that would stun the world. However, she would realize a little too late that she had been tricked by her master and guardian. In her last moments, she wanted nothing, just to take down the power-hungry master that had used her. But what happens, when the heavens play a trick on her? She is given a chance at rebirth, however, she is now at the bottom level in their world, Xinyi would have to learn to adapt and take charge of this world again. But it doesn’t help that her soul is now bonded with the ensnaring seduction act making her too desirable to every man that sees her. Want to know how Xinyi takes back what belongs to her? Read to find out!

Lucy_Stone_1071 · Urban
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17 Chs


While Zhao Xinyi was busy treating herself to hot coffee and pastries. The four guards that had escorted her out returned to their master.

"Master, forgive us!" The four of them exclaimed as they fell on their knees in apology.

Wei Zihao was seated on his chair, his eyes moving past the surveillance cameras that were being shown on about three screens at the same time.

"There's no need to keep all four of you here if you can't even stop two women from entering the Bureau," Wei Zihao scolded, his expression stern.

The four of them shivered on their knees as they thought of him sending them back. Not only would they be punished, but the family would also not let them remain if they felt they were useless.

"Master, we had gone to train as we didn't expect that the people here could be so daring," one of them finally summoned the courage and replied.

"The stripper is a cleaner that works here. If you had done a clean sweep of the building before you went for your training, there's no way you would have missed her,"

From the surveillance cameras, he could clearly see that all the lady had done was hide in a corner after work hours until everywhere was dark and empty.

She had then stripped and covered herself with a cloak before coming into his office.

With one swipe of his fingers, he deducted her value points, sending her from the peak of level 2 straight back to level 1.

After that, he terminated her employment as a cleaner in the Bureau of Security.

He had been more irritated by the woman that had the courage to strip in front of him, and thus, he had dealt with her first.

After that, he started to comb through the videos again, ignoring the four guards that were still kneeling in front of him.

However, no matter how much he searched the cameras, the only time he saw Zhao Xinyi show on the camera was for a second when she arrived in front of the Bureau Of Security.

His mind went back to how she had dodged him a few minutes back, and his eyes darkened. Was that little girl capable enough to dodge all the cameras?

The cameras were hard to find, which was the greatest challenge to dodging it. Also, he had instructed his men to install them using a special martial arts formation.

He didn't want to believe that the little girl was indeed capable of dodging it. However, after searching for a full five minutes and seeing nothing, Wei Zihao had no choice but to believe that Zhao Xinyi had indeed dodged the cameras!

If her face hadn't been remarkable enough that it was hard to forget, he suspected that finding her would have been a little hard with how she had escaped all detection.

Also, when he thought about how she had confidently demanded that she needed access to his computers. She was clearly not a stranger to the overriding that one could do with their access level.

"Shadow one, go after the second girl. Bring me every single information on her before the sun comes up,"

He turned to the other three, "Shadow two and three, the two of you should give me feedback on what happened in the recruiting technology program that you were placed in charge of," with a wave of his hand, he dismissed the three of them.

Since he had decided to come to the 1st District for some matters, he had pulled some strings to make the 1st District have some recruiters from the Bureau Of Technology. But from what that girl had said, it seemed like some unfairness was going on.

Only Shadow four was left in the room, and he kept his head bowed, the aura from his Master making it hard for him to breathe.

"The cleaner from tonight is the daughter of their local Mayor. Pay a visit to her father in the morning. I would not like to be disturbed."

The Bureau of Security had absolute power in the 1st District. However, since the higher-ups would change the operating officer every year, the people also had a fixed family that they looked up to.

The Lin Family was the richest, and almost every member of their family was already at the peak of the 3rd level. If they wanted, in the next one or two years, he was sure that they could migrate to the 2nd District.

Lin Hui was the youngest Miss of their family and was lucky to have gotten a role in the Bureau of Security, with her family pulling the strings.

As Value Points were the highest currency in their world, any work that could pay with Value Points was more honourable than any other role, regardless of what they had to do.

However, none of them expected that Lin Hui would have designs on their master and be brave enough to seduce him!

Since she dared to do it, Wei Zihao believed that she ought to have the courage to receive the punishment that came along with it. However, he didn't want to see her family trying to disturb him the next day about this matter and got Shadow four to handle the matter.

After assigning tasks to the four of them, Wei Zihao leaned back in his chair, his eyes deep and calculating.

Even after sending Shadow one to investigate the girl, he couldn't help himself from thinking about her every action from when she had climbed into his office.

Was she really a girl from the 1st District? Or was she someone sent to monitor him?

He shook his head, feeling like that was impossible.

If she was sent to monitor him, she didn't need to participate in the Technology competition as that was meant for people that wanted to get more Value Points and be recruited by companies in the 2nd District.

The more he tried to guess what her motive was or why the air around her was so special, the more intrigued Wei Zihao found himself.

Eventually, he locked the computers and stood up, determined to find some answers for himself.