
Demon Seductress Unleashed

Top researcher Zhao Xinyi has just made a breakthrough that would stun the world. However, she would realize a little too late that she had been tricked by her master and guardian. In her last moments, she wanted nothing, just to take down the power-hungry master that had used her. But what happens, when the heavens play a trick on her? She is given a chance at rebirth, however, she is now at the bottom level in their world, Xinyi would have to learn to adapt and take charge of this world again. But it doesn’t help that her soul is now bonded with the ensnaring seduction act making her too desirable to every man that sees her. Want to know how Xinyi takes back what belongs to her? Read to find out!

Lucy_Stone_1071 · Urban
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17 Chs

Breaking In

As soon as she finished dinner, Zhao Xinyi did all the cleaning needed, making sure that the Yu trio didn't suspect that anything was wrong with her.

Even though Father Yu was in level 3, in the first district, there was no family that had external help because everyone wanted work that could help them earn points. The money flow in the 1st District also wasn't anything special, and Zhao Xinyi still regarded the Yu Family house as trash, while here, it was the peak of luxury they had available.

As for Zhao Mei, the previous owner, although she had been adopted and was counted as a family member. But in reality, she was treated like a helper in the Yu family.

From doing all the physical chores to making their life easier, they shamelessly used her skills and didn't allow her to gain any point, even when she helped his company to make money.

Of course, while the host, Zhao Mei, had been able to live with it, Zhao Xinyi wasn't willing to do that. Firstly, she had plans to leave the 1st District as soon as possible since it was the first step in getting back everything that Fang Yijun had taken from her.

As soon as she was done with the dishes and the family of three had also retired upstairs, she went back into her room.

Her brows scrunched up as she took in the style of the previous owner. Even though she barely went out in the past, she had a wardrobe that was tailored to her style and taste.

However, the material and style of all the clothes that the host owned were crude and boring.

She finally settled on a pair of black pants and black tops that made her white skin even brighter.

Tonight she had only one mission, to break into the Bureau of Security. The Bureau of Security barely had any role they played in the first district as none of them rebelled or wanted to overreach.

They had gotten used to being here, and since leaving the 1st district was one of the hardest things to do, it was understandable that most of them never tried.

Their house was a low duplex, and jumping down from the window was an easy task for Zhao Xinyi.

With the memories from the host, she navigated the already dark 1st district up until she was standing in front of the Bureau of Security.

Standing in front of the big black gates with several small buildings inside, Xinyi took a deep breath before searching for all the camera spots. Unlike surveillance systems used on the earth before the reform, cameras were difficult to spot as they wanted martial artists to be unable to avoid them. However, Xinyi had a lot of experience with the cameras and had even modified them some years back.

Usually, other than the people that installed it, any other person would have trouble finding the cameras. Since it was the 1st district, Zhao Xinyi wasn't expecting it to be difficult for her.

Very quickly, she found most of the camera spots and moved against them. Although it wasn't as easy as she hid in a corner before entering a new hallway or path to find the camera spot first. Zhao Xinyi was surprised after passing two stages and saw that the cameras were arranged with a special formation.

For the 1st District, this was unexpected, but it was not enough to stop her. She snorted in her mind as she continued to bypass the cameras.

Since the Bureau of Security was always led by a level 4 officer, Zhao Xinyi wanted to use his access to hack into Zhu Fan's computer.

She climbed to one of the tall buildings so that she had an overview of the whole compound. From where she was, it was easy to know which building belonged to the level 4 officer from the arrangement.

However, her eyes narrowed with a deep look as she saw the building with lights on.

She had waited till midnight so that there would be very little activity here. However, it seemed like this officer was a workaholic. Even at this time, he was still at work.

Like the top genius she was, Xinyi had two plans for a situation like this. Since the man decided that he was going to be here, she had no other choice than to make him listen to her using her seduction skill.

With her mind made up, she jumped down from the building and made her way towards the office with the light on.

The light in the office was dim, allowing shadows to be seen if someone was passing through, and so Zhao Xinyi crouched low, leaning to the window sill until she opened it.

However, nothing would have prepared her for the sight in the room the moment she jumped in.

Right there in a large room surrounded by computers, a man with looks that seemed to have been blessed by the heavens sat, his fingers flying fast across keyboards.

It was easy to see that he was controlling more than three computers at once, and yet, his concentration didn't seem to be used up.

But the shocking thing was, right in front of the man, a woman was standing there. From her angle, she couldn't tell what was happening, but as she sat on the window sill to jump into the office, the woman in a cloak pulled off her cloak, revealing a completely naked body bared open for the man.

Zhao Xinyi didn't expect to see such a scene, and she rolled her eyes internally. With looks like that, it was no surprise that the man was a playboy.

However, she didn't mind, as it only made matters even easier for her.

She leapt in, landing on one knee in the office, and the man seated looked up, his gaze locking on her.

Chills crept up Xinyi's spine from the sharpness and power in his gaze, and for a minute, she felt like she had been transported to ancient times and was in the presence of a sovereign emperor.

It took her a minute to recover, and she tried to meet his gaze so that she could use her skills on his mind.

She also made a mental note to knock the little whore that was accompanying him.

However, the man was faster than her as he stood up, his full height making the room feel a lot smaller for the two ladies.

"Who sent the both of you?" He spat out, striding towards Zhao Xinyi with raging emotions. With one hand, he knocked out the woman that had stripped naked and paid no attention to her body that fell to the floor with a loud thump

Moving closer to her, it was easy for her to see how young he was. He looked like he was in his early twenties and looked like an emperor. Zhao Xinyi felt like a combination like that would be even hard to find in the 2nd district where he was from.

But his question stunned her even more. She cast a glance at the now unconscious naked woman, was this woman breaking into this place just like her?

Seeing that neither of them replied, the man scoffed and continued.

"It's okay. Whoever it is will show up once I take your lives."