
The Beginning: Prologue

Long ago, there were seven spiritual beings known as Seraphim. These seven Seraphim served the Eternal who sat on the throne of the Holy Kingdom, singing praises of love and joy that ranged throughout the entire kingdom. In this Holy Land, was the everlasting happiness that befell all and everyone who lived there. Guarded by the hounds at gates and the Seraphim who lead the angels, the Holy Kingdom was prosperous, and the Eternal smiled with joy upon His children of whom He loved dearly.

Upon these seven Seraphim, was one individual by the name of Ephoria. Ephoria was an angel who oversaw the eternal pool of life while holding a bowl in which pink water overflowed from it. This water was the light of life managed by Ephoria who shined brightly and brought happiness to the world.

But suddenly, Ephoria had gone dark. The pool which had always shined brightly and sparkled heavenly suddenly turned into a black tarp. Ephoria, the only angel who managed the pool of life had turned into a ghost-like shell. Its beautiful dark skin covered in cracks which usually glowed with the pink water had gone dull.

Soon, the prosperous Holy Kingdom had been entrapped in darkness. Without the pool of life, the lands no longer breathed. The fields had all gone dry, the flowers had withered away— the eternal day had turned into night. People panicked with worry and fear. The Holy Kingdom was collapsing.

The six other Seraphim had been caught in a complicated matter. The reason behind Ephoria suddenly going dark was unprecedented. There is no possible way for the pool of life to have stopped if it were not for Ephoria to have done it. This caused some discourse between the Seraphim not understanding why Ephoria would do such a thing. But there was no way to question Ephoria as Ephoria was no longer present. Just an empty shell that sat in a black pool of tarp.

Rafumi, the general of the Seraphim proposed that Ephoria had been poisoned. Ephoria loved the kingdom and the people. Ephoria would never betray the Eternal. The only explanation is that Ephoria had been led astray. But it led to another argument, for that to be possible Ephoria had to have sinned.

After the Kingdom had fallen into darkness, the six Seraphim had awaited instruction from the Eternal who laid Ephoria within its lap. His beloved child, turned into a lifeless shell. His child who breathed life into his kingdom. It was an understatement to say He was furious. The Eternal was ever knowledgeable. He knows all, He sees all. And He shows mercy…. but there's only so much He can forgive.

It was that moment the Seraphim understood what the Eternal had instructed. It was the work of those lowborn devils. Even after showing mercy, they still had the audacity to play tricks. The Eternal would not let them off again.

Saranos was The Devil. He had once been among the Eternals beloved Seraphim but had lost his way and became tainted with sin, an unforgivable act. There was no doubt Saranos had poisoned Ephoria in his everlasting quest of angering his beloved Eternal. With the Holy Kingdom at rock bottom and the Eternal unable to interfere, the devils rummage through imposing sin all throughout the land.

For the first time in eternity, good does not overtake evil but the opposite. The Holy Kingdom had been taken over by the devils and the land and its people had fallen into despair. The Eeternal watched from His tower how His beloved kingdom had been destroyed. The six remaining Seraphim had been at threat of becoming demons tainted by the sins of devils. The Eternal sent them away with one mission.

The six Seraphim in due time were to find suitable vessels on earth which had now been affected with sins due to the devils contamination of Ephoria. When those vessels were found; When the time is right they will rise up once more to defeat the devils once and for all. Until then they were to live amongst humans searching for vessels and any way to restore Ephoria. The Eternal promised with patience no one would ever suffer again. He would never lie.

The Seraphim bid farewell with deep sadness at the departure of there Beloved Eternal who would await there return.

Once on earth, the land had already been tainted by sins and many demons walked the earth terrorizing the people and causing havoc. Creating bouts of fear and despair as they fed on the hopelessness of there kin. The Seraphim soon got to work eliminating the demons rampaging on earth. Through there tasks they met a human who had been vigorously fighting off demons for the past 10 years.

His name was Laceris Slovin. He was a demon hunter in the 14th century as well as a priest. He had established his own cathedral in Russia, a small group called the Demon Slayer Association. It consisted of 4 members. Janis Gilcrest, Aslac Payne, Jean Sylvester and Lanceris Slovin himself. Together the four of them were known as the original Demon Priests. With the help of the Seraphim, the demon priest were able to eliminate the demons roaming on earth. But Saranos wasn't so easily defeated and he unleashed more and more demons upon the earth.

At some point however, Saranos was put into a thousand-year rest by the 5th Seraphim, Hypnoseras. Although they weren't able to stop Saranos they were at least able to put a pause on his havoc. This gave them time to plan and develop there strategies as well as find suitable vessels. With this, the general proposed to recruit demi humans and hunters alike in to the demon priest association from all over the world with the promise of reincarnation to Demi humans.

Over the years those who were the offspring of the four original Demon priests had become demon priests within the dpa and they attended DP academy. The Demon Priest Association was an organization that specialized in supernatural occurrences and maintaining order between the human world and the supernatural world. The DPA consisted of 6 holy beings who sat on the Chair of Judgement those were the six Seraphim while below them were the four original names Slovin, Gilcrest, Payne and Sylvester who sat in the Azure line, the head of the DPA.

Almost a thousand years later after a significant time of peace strange supernatural occurrences started to happen around the world. And with this came the introduction of a new organization who addressed themselves as 'The Laughing Council'. This was a group of seven unknown individuals who were responsible for the supernatural occurrences however, it is unknown what there purpose is and where they came from.

Since then, the DPA has been on high alert solving supernatural cases and preparing its disciples for a battle between good and evil.

But unbeknownst to them all, there plan for harmony and restoration might not be possible as an evil darkness lurks among them, deceiving all those who look and believe.

— Boqin