
Chapter 1:The Noble's Discovery

In the desolate outskirts of the demon realm,southern continent, the forest of styx, where the air was thick with the stench of sulfur and the ground cracked beneath infernal heat, a small demon noble named Kael roamed the twisted woods in search of his prey. Draegar loved to hunt as this was the only activity he could find pleasure in the outskirts of the demon realm domain of his small baron family.

The domain of his family was poor and even though his family was a noble household they were one of the lowest noble in the demon realm where power was everything

As he prowled through the dense foliage, Kael's keen senses caught the sound of a fierce battle echoing in the distance. As his curiosity was piqued, he followed the cacophony of clashing steel and roaring of mana until he stumbled upon a clearing bathed in blood and chaos.Kael quite his himself a distance away so as not to be affected by the battle

There, he witnessed a lone demon,with a broken horn larger and more formidable than any demon Kael had ever encountered, locked in combat with several others. Despite being outnumbered,and with his body marred with deep injuries the demon fought with savagery, his every movement a deadly dance of death containing both grace and power.

But as the battle raged on, it became clear that the odds were against him. With a final, desperate blow of his sword, the lone demon struck down his opponents , but not before sustaining mortal wounds of his own. As his enemies lay dead at his feet, he collapsed to the ground, his breaths ragged and labored.

Kael continued to watch in the distance for a considerable amount of time..he saw that the demon had stopped moving. He hesitated for a moment , torn between his instinct to flee and his curiosity to investigate further. In the end, curiosity won out, and he cautiously approached the demon, his heart pounding with fear, awe and anticipation .

Drawing closer, Kael's eyes widened in awe at the sight before him. Judging by what he saw Kael concluded that the fallen demon was no ordinary warrior—he was probably a noble of considerable power,as his armor was adorned with intricate runes, and a crest he had never seen before.

Realizing the opportunity before him, Kael quickly searched the noble's body, his hands trembling with excitement

I'm still new to this so please give me your support and if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know

jasonphlgcreators' thoughts
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