
Tsukiko showing her might

Seeing the hero's body turn into white orbs of light Kretos was amazed. He touched the white orbs and noticed that they were a pure form of mana, the purest he has ever felt. It was at that moment Kretos had a very intriguing thought. 

'Was the hero's body constructed wholly by mana? He had no real physical presence in this world, is that why I couldn't harm his body?'

Kretos looked at the fading lights and started to smile viciously at the heavens were the white lights were heading towards.

'Heroes are more interesting than I thought. I wonder how his body was constructed, was that his actual body or was that a body created for him to assimilate into this world?... If that's the case then that would mean someone had the power to create a body of pure mana.' 

Kretos looked at the fallen companions of the hero, his sight naturally focused on the supposed mage that controlled and summoned the hero, Jeter. 

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