
Chapter 1

Opening his eyes, the first thing Azazel saw was the red sky and broken moon. He looked around, there are no signs of life from miles away.


He felt it, so much negative energy that he feels like he could throw hundreds of forbidden spells without even breaking a sweat.

The wound from the batte against Alexander was already healed.

His armor was broken but can still be fixed. His hand glowed a purple light as his armor repaired by itself, he even has a purple cape.

"Ahh~ so much negativity! I will be able to recover to my peak in no time!"

He grinned before spreading his senses around, he found a castle around ten miles to the north.

And there is even someone there with enough mana to rival his knights, just below the generals and the sins.

He levitated and slowly flew towards north, enjoying the sights along the way.


Salem was calmly sitting on the meeting hall alone. Thinking about her plans. She smirked as this time will be the last game between her ex-husband, and she will win.

She already picked up a girl, a girl whose desire for strength surpasses her other emotions. She will be perfect vassal for a maiden power.

As long as Salem showed that she is stronger, the girl will remain royal.

And Salem is the strongest, even Ozpin at his peak can do nothing against her, much less a girl like her.

In all honesty, the only one's who can harm her are those who possess the silver eyes, and even then they cannot really kill her.

Suddenly, she felt a presence suddenly appearing behind her. Her eyes slightly widened in shock but she quickly regained her composure.

The person took a seat at one of the chair, the chair that of her most devoted pawn, Tyrian.

She observed the trespasser, and was surprised by his appearance. He was handsome, overwhelmingly so, in her thousands of years of living, this man was the most perfect man she had ever seen.

He has a white hair like her, a blood red eyes also similar to her, he was wearing a black armor with a purple cape, just like how she was wearing a black dress.

Their only difference are their skin tone, while she was pale white, the man in front of her has a bronze skin that gave off a golden luster.

"How.....rare for someone to visit me." She started, she was wary of the stranger that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, however she was confident that she can take him out if he even make a slightest movement she doesn't like.

"Azazel. Your name, miss?"

Salem smiled and answered, "Salem, the Queen of Grimms, and ruler of this land. And I'm...slightly offended that you just barge in without invitation."

"My apologies, I just wanted to see the person that is very similar to me. And I'm not disappointed, the two of us are very similar, and I'm not saying about our appearance, but experience."

Salem raised an eyebrow, though one would notice her annoyance and slight anger, "You speak as if.....you know of me....like you experience what I've been through. Don't speak like that to me boy, I have experience something that no one has."

Azazel chuckles, causing Salem to frown, but she did not do anything.

"You are cursed by the gods, and had everything taken from you, and now wants nothing more than to kill the very gods who caused you pain. Yes, we are very alike."

Salem trembled, what Azazel said was very accurate. She was cursed by the gods to walk the world alone, they robbed her off of everything that makes her happy, but she had never know of someone like her, possibly aside from her ex-husband, but even then he was different.

"How? I have never heard of you...or anyone else that was also cursed by the gods." Her voice was shaking, she actually met someone who experienced what she'd been through.

"Of course you didn't....I'm from a world different from this one, at that place I was known as the God's Enemy, the Demon King, an existence that was feared by the very gods."

Salem narrowed her eyes, she had witnessed what the gods are capable off. She doesn't believe that there is someone who can rival them, hell she even believed that he came from a different world more than his title.

"Don't make me laugh. I have seen what the gods are capable off, they are not someone to be trifled with."

Azazel once again chuckled, "Believe it or not what I said was nothing but the truth. In fact, I was too powerful that all gods gave their blessings to one man in hopes of defeating, of course he failed but I was still injured, the gods took that chance to attack me. I have no other choice but to use a spell that brought me here, away from the gods. Speaking of which, I can't feel the presence of any gods here, why?"

Salem stared at him, still finding his story unbelievable, but she answered nonetheless.

"The Gods left Remnant thousands of years ago, after I defied them and united the world for the sole purpose of fighting, in the end, everyone died, leaving me as the only one left."

Azazel hummed and closed his eyes as he began to thinking. After awhile, he smiled nodded. Opening his eyes, he stared at Salem, who was also looking at him.

He stood from his seat and walked towards her, Salem followed him with her eyes, but she did not expect for Azazel to take her left hand and kissed the back of it.

Her eyebrow rose, she was about to speak when she saw the dark-red lines on her arms disappearing, and a red mark appeared at the place where Azazel kissed.(Just imagine Oga Tatsumi's Zebel Spell from Beelzebub)

"What....is this?"

"Try focusing your magic on that mark."

She was skeptical, but was curious about what does it fo so she send a small amount of her magic on the mark.

She felt it.


Destructive and overwhelming power!

The mark on her hand extended up to her whole arm, incredible amount of power burst out of her body that causes the castle to shake.

Her eyes widened in shock. She felt like she could flatten a mountain with a punch! This power was something she haven't felt before!

If she doubted Azazel earlier she doesn't now. He just gave her power that strengthened her by several times!


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