
Prologue: Meeting Mother

"Where is this place?" muttered a young boy, who appeared to be in his later teenage.

He looked in front only to find nothing but black and whites, a black canvas with countless whites inlaid in it, the whites appeared like stars inlaid in the black canvas, and looking at such a scenery the boy can't help but think in wonder, 'It's as if I am in outer space, which obviously is impossible else I might have been frozen to death before I ran out of oxygen.'

"But if it's not outer space, then where am I?" muttered the boy.

He couldn't understand how he got here, the last thing he remembered was opening up his laptop with the hope of writing good fanfic this time for sure, but nothing came to him, sighing helplessly, just as he was about to close the laptop all while thinking, 'I wish I could just experience what I want to write, that way it would be much easier to write,' and suddenly his mind went black and he found himself here.

"What's going on? It couldn't be that I am experiencing it right now, could it?" muttered the young boy, but soon he shook his head, "Nah, it can't be. I mean sure sometimes I believed and hoped that such things are real and had the desire to experience them myself, but even if they are real, I couldn't have been the luckiest one among the 8 billion humans on my planet to have gotten the chance, right? I mean, it's not like I did any specifically good Karma or anything that distincts me from the others, so why would I get the chance?"

After reaching this conclusion, the boy muttered again, "I am sure I am just daydreaming, now all I have to do is wait, and I should be awake in about a few minutes."






A few minutes later.




"Okay, so I am not daydreaming, but what the hell kind of a joke is this, if the ROB wanted some entertainment watching me stand in a place for all eternity, then I am sure he is having the time of his life!!!" the boy was now a bit panic because a few minutes have passed and he is still at the same place as he was earlier, the more troubling thing is that he can't move.

"Hello? Anyone there? ROB-sama? Kami-sama? And anyone else-sama?" The boy tried to shout, but no voice came out of his mouth, 'Oh right, I forgot, sound does not travel in a vacuum, but what the hell, if the sound does not travel in a vacuum, then how the heck am I alive because other physical and biological activities shouldn't work either because of the lack of oxygen!"

[It's because I am keeping you alive.] at this time a sudden voice rang inside the boy's head.

"Wh… who are you? Don't think that just because your voice is sweet and motherly that I will not be afraid of you, so don't suddenly speak in my head, and show yourself!" exclaimed the boy in panic, he would have definitely fallen and ran away if he was able to move, but the thing is he can't that's why he can only steal himself and wait for the inevitable.

[No need to be afraid child, now turn around, I am behind you, I am sure you will recognize me once you see me.]

"But… but I am unable to move, how can I turn around?" said the boy in response to the motherly voice.

[Oh? I am sorry, I didn't notice that since you are so small, anyway, 'flick' now you should be able to move, so turn around child.]

The boy subconsciously nodded and turned around, and when he did, and boy was he shocked, no just being shocked was an understatement, he was out of his wits because what he saw before him is the sight he could never forget.

Before him sat a colossal woman, larger than any planet, with long, flowing cyan hair and five jewels on the crown of her head. She appeared to be wearing a tight suit, appearing as if she is robotic, having a white and light blue color pattern across her body, along with grey gloves and boots.

The fact that he was able to see her alone tantamount to wonder, after all, the colossal woman was larger than several planets, he shouldn't be able to see her, much less recognize her, but the fact is, he did, and there was only one word he could mutter, "Mother!"

[That's right, I am mother, I knew you would recognize me.] said, Mother.

"B… but… wha… how? When…" so many questioned but he was unable to ask, because the one colossal woman, larger than any planet is none other than the Mother from Edens Zero.

[Speechless? Well, this is nothing new, people tend to have the same reaction when they see me.] Mother said, [Although, there have been very few up until now.]

"B… but I don't understand? How could you be…" The boy stopped here, afraid that he would offend Mother.

[Real? Is that it? Let me tell you, child, the space is full of mystery, whose to say that the planet Earth you lived on isn't the work of literature by someone else from some other planet in some other galaxy in the ever-expanding universe?] Mother said, answering the boy's doubts.

The Boy was thoughtful, then asked, "So, um, I get it, I get it that how you truly exist, but what I don't get is, how did I get here?"

[Oh, that's because of a spatial rift caused by the most powerful Dragon King's Roar, since the dragons are mechanical beings, so their roars sometimes travel through the medium of machinery, and your laptop as you call it became the medium, appearing here was just a coincidence.]

"So, it was not truck-kun, or heavenly lightning-kun? But my laptop?" the boy muttered to himself, then asked Mother, "So what happens now?"

[You can just stay here, and watch the adventures of Shiki Grandbell and his Crew of Edens with me, or you can do something else that you want to. The choice is up to you.] Answered mother.

The boy pondered a little, then asked a question, a question that he wanted the answer of, "Mother, is it true that those who make it to you have their wish granted?"

[It is, do you want to be reborn?] Asked mother curiously, she seemed quite interested in the child.

The boy nodded, and asked, "If it's possible, I would like to be reborn… in a fictional world that is, with a specific power."

[Which one? And What power?] Mother asked again, she didn't mind the boy's wish. It is a rule, those who meet her have their wish granted, and since the boy met her despite it being an accident, he did meet her, so she will grant his wish.

"In the Fictional World Named: My Hero Academia, with 'Satan Gravity' as my Quirk," The boy said, with some hope, the world of My Hero Academia is not so dangerous world, well not so dangerous if you have a strong family background, like that of, "Yaoyorozu Clan, as a child of Yaoyorozu Clan with the same age as that of the main cast of Class 1-A."

[Why that world? Why that Quirk? And why that Family Background?] Mother asked with a bit of curiosity in her tone.

"Well, it's because before meeting you, I wanted to write a fanfiction based on My Hero Academia fictional world, but I am not a very good writer and couldn't write anything interesting so to speak, as such my life itself will be the book everyone will read.

As for the quirk, 'Satan Gravity' it is a powerful and unique quirk, with this quirk I can play around as much as I want, and 'Yaoyorozu Clan is a powerful one, whatever I do will be fine, so long as I don't cross the limit." The boy answered honestly.

[I see, I shall grant you wish, Good luck then child] Mother nodded, and snapped her fingers, and off the boy disappeared.

Just before the boy disappeared, he said to Mother, "Thank you very much Mother."

After the boy had disappeared, Mother turned to look at the person who had been hidden all this while, [I wonder why you didn't show yourself to him Ziggy?]

The one known as Ziggy did not look at mother, but peering deeper into space, he muttered, "My time has come to an end, now it's the era of Shiki, let that child do as he please, that was my wish to you all along."

[Heh, I shall comply.] Mother nodded and closed her eyes as Ziggy's body crumbled into dust.

At the same time Inside a hospital ward in Yaoyorozu owned private hospital in Musutafu City.

"Uwaaahhaaa… uwaaahhhh…"

The sudden cry of a newborn child can be heard in the hospital ward, as the tired mother of the newborn finally took a relieved sigh.

"Nurse Shizune, clamp the umbilical cord of the baby." Said the doctor who just delivered the child.

"Yes, Doctor Tsunade." The nurse, named Shizune nodded, and immediately after cleaning up the blood on the child's body with warm water, she clamped the umbilical cord attached to the boy's stomach, and after wrapping a warm towel around the boy and a cap on his head, Shizune passed the baby to his mother for breastfeeding.

The mother may have may have been tired due to the delivery, but she is a mother, despite everything, she did not hesitate to bring her baby closer to her right breast and helped him suck on her nipple.

Dr. Tsunade nodded, and said, to Nurse Shizune, "Shizune, start preparing a medical report of both Minami and the baby, meanwhile I will go to the adjacent ward for the deliver of Nanami, if nothing goes wrong, her deliver should also be completed within the next 2 hours."

"Yes, Dr. Tsunade." Nurse Shizune nodded, and immediately started to get to work.

At this time Tsunade sighed and after taking a look at Minami and her baby, she walked out of the room.

Outside the room, she can see her brother Nawaki nervously waiting, and as soon as Tsunade walked out, he immediately stood up, and asked, "Nee-san, how is Minami, and the baby?"

Tsunade nodded, "The delivery was successful, and a boy is born."

Nawaki took a relieved breath, "Thank goodness."

But before he could completely relax, Dr. Tsunade said, "Nawaki, you have become a father now, I hope you understand what that means, not to mention, you had the gal to knock both Manami and Nanami, so your responsibility is only doubled."

Nawaki nodded with a blush, "I will do my all to be the best father there is."

Tsunade sighed and was about to say something when suddenly the gate of ward in which Nanami is admitted opened and a Nurse with pink hair walked out, and said to Tsunade, "Dr. Tsunade, Nanami-san's about to deliver the baby."

Tsunade nodded, "Nurse Sakura, are all the preparation done?"

Nurse Sakura nodded, "Yes Dr. Tsunade." And passed a file to Tsunade.

After taking the file, Tsunade started walking in the direction of the ward Nanami is in, and said to Nawaki, "By the way, you can go inside and keep Minami accompanied."

Nawaki nodded, and hurriedly walked in to keep his wife Minami accompanied after the child birth.

On September 23 of Year XXXX, two children were born in the Yaoyorozu Clan, a boy between Yaoyorozu Nawaki and Yaoyorozu Minami, and a girl between Yaoyorozu Nawaki and Yaoyorozu Nanami.

The boy was named Yaoyorozu Shiki, and the girl was named Yaoyorozu Momo.

By the way, Minami and Nanami are twin sisters and wives of Yaoyorozu Nawaki.

The people of earth would later come to recall September 23, as the day the Demon King and his Shining Star was born.