
Chapter 45: Tony's Capture



Chapter 45: Tony is Captured

"He's just more laid-back, no ill intentions."

Jean said, in fact, she didn't really mind Wolverine. If not for that, Wolverine wouldn't persistently cling to her.

Of course, Jean had no intention of cheating. In movie terms, girls like to play with dangerous guys but won't take them home.

Professor Charles Xavier pondered for a moment and said, "Erik might cause trouble soon, Jean. Let Scott stay here on guard. As for investigating the matter of mutants turning back into ordinary people, there's no need to pursue it any further."


Although Jean didn't understand, she nodded. At that moment, a thought crossed her mind and she said, "I'll come over too."

Professor Xavier thought Jean just wanted to avoid Wolverine, so he didn't refuse. Right now, he only hoped Magneto wouldn't cause any major chaos as mutants couldn't withstand any storms.


Several days later, at night, Times Square. Scott, wearing sunglasses with laser eyes, glared at Logan, aka Wolverine, with an unhappy expression. Clearly, he had nothing to do with this guy, yet he volunteered to come here. Anyone could see that he had ulterior motives.

Logan chuckled, "Scott, I thought you might be lonely, so I came here especially to keep you company. No need to thank me. By the way, your motorcycle is pretty good. I had a blast riding it, so I won't return it just yet."

"You flirt with my woman and ride my motorcycle?"

Scott was so angry he almost used his laser eyes to blast Logan. He coldly snorted, "If you stay away from me, I would genuinely appreciate it."

Logan acted as if he hadn't heard and turned to Jean, asking, "Jean, I've been dreaming of a dam every night recently. It seems to be from my past memories. Can you help me with your telepathic powers?"

Jean was proficient in telekinesis and telepathy, being one of Professor Xavier's disciples.

Jean said, "Your memories are too vague, even the professor couldn't do anything about it, let alone me."

Logan didn't give up and kept asking Jean for help. Scott became increasingly displeased, but to maintain his composure, he didn't do anything to Wolverine.

While Scott and Logan were competing and getting jealous, Coulson led a group of agents guarding another location in Times Square.

"With Magneto's personality, he will definitely cause trouble. Everyone should not let their guard down. Also, get rid of all metallic objects on your person, leave nothing behind."

Coulson said, "The R&D department has developed a freeze gun without any metal components, which is perfect for dealing with Magneto."

The freeze gun doesn't actually freeze people; it contains cobra venom. One shot can make a person fall unconscious.


Everyone nodded in agreement. Coulson looked out the window, furrowing his brow. If Magneto really came to cause trouble, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s power wouldn't be enough.

Coulson sighed inwardly, "If Mr. William would join S.H.I.E.L.D., it would be great. Unfortunately, he has a significant bias against us. It's true that we have sins in S.H.I.E.L.D., but we have always been guarding this world."


The world-famous Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island off the coast of Manhattan. On this night, the Brotherhood of Mutants had knocked out the guards on duty and gathered beneath the statue. Excitement and anticipation filled their eyes.

At the location of the statue's torch, Magneto and Mystique stood side by side, gazing into the brilliantly lit Manhattan across from them.

"Tonight, Manhattan will be reborn."

Magneto smiled faintly, then turned to Mystique and asked, "Has Tony Stark arrived?"

"He's on his way."

Mystique said, "I disguised myself as Pepper and called him, saying to meet him at the Statue of Liberty. Given his relationship with Pepper, he will definitely come."

In addition, the real Pepper was in the car. I made some alterations, and Iron Man couldn't contact her."

Before Mystique finished speaking, wild music sounded in the distance. Soon after, a figure clad in armor flew at high speed from a distance, emitting a blaze of light.

"Why did Pepper invite me here?"

Tony was somewhat puzzled. At that moment, J.A.R.V.I.S. suddenly reminded him, "Scanning detected the second major enemy on the Statue of Liberty. Please retreat immediately."

The second major enemy referred to Magneto. Tony was arrogant but not foolish. He knew very well what his fate would be if he encountered Magneto. As for the first major enemy, it was undoubtedly that powerful and attention-seeking Ghost Rider.

Tony's expression changed, and he immediately prepared to stop. Just then, Magneto raised his hand, and the Iron Man suit, beyond Tony's control, flew toward the Statue of Liberty.

Tony tried to launch missiles from the suit but couldn't open the launch port. The entire suit was enveloped by Magneto's magnetic field. In fact, Tony couldn't even call for help, let alone fire missiles.

Then, Magneto lightly shook his right hand, and the screws on the suit began spinning rapidly. Before long, the entire suit disintegrated, floating neatly in the air. Tony fell to the platform with a loud thud.

Magneto sneered, "This is the god they worship. Without his suit, he's nothing."

Tony, not one to back down, sneered, "At the very least, I won't end up like someone, getting beaten up in the streets."

Magneto's face turned dark, and he waved his hand. Tony crashed into the wall with a thud and let out a scream.

Tony gritted his teeth and vowed to develop an anti-Magneto suit. When the time came, he would learn from that kid and beat Magneto mercilessly on the streets, with as much cruelty as possible.

Tony thought of something and hurriedly asked, "Where's Pepper? What did you do to her?"

"Don't worry, she's not here."

Magneto said, "Do you know why I brought you here?"

Tony breathed a sigh of relief and then coldly snorted, "So this is what you call an invitation. I've truly learned something. Next time, I'll invite you to my place as well."

"I invited you here for two reasons: one is for the Iron Man suit, and the other is to hang you on the Statue of Liberty for display."

Magneto said, "I want the whole world to know that mortals can't contend with gods. You are an outstanding mortal, perfect for this role."

"Hang me on the Statue of Liberty?"

Tony was dumbfounded. He hastily said, "Magneto, let's talk this through. Absolutely not."

Tony feared nothing except embarrassment. If he were really hung on the Statue of Liberty for display, he wouldn't need to go out anymore.

"What right do you have to negotiate with me?"

Magneto sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the Arc Reactor from Tony's chest flew out and landed in Magneto's hand.

Tony writhed in pain, as there were shrapnels in his bloodstream. Without the Arc Reactor, the shrapnels would soon reach his heart and kill him.

While Magneto reassembled the suit, he said to Tony, "Tony Stark, hand over control of the suit, and I'll spare your life."

Tony didn't want to die, so he chose to compromise. He unlocked the Mark suit, allowing anyone to use it.

Naturally, Magneto and Mystique didn't fully trust Tony. Mystique connected the Mark suit to a notebook and quickly modified the software—software designed by other hackers; the Brotherhood of Mutants had plenty of talented individuals.

"It's done."

After a moment, Mystique nodded to Magneto. Magneto raised his finger, and the shrapnels in Tony's bloodstream flew out with a mist of blood.

"You humans are completely powerless against me. To me, it's as simple as lifting a finger."

Tony lay on the ground, gasping for breath, and said, "Thank you for saving me. By the way, what's your account number? I'll transfer money to you."

Magneto gave a disdainful snort. Iron wires flew up from the ground and bound Tony, carrying him to the top of the Statue of Liberty, where he was hung on the edge of the crown.

Tony was a mix of embarrassment and anger, roaring in the cold wind, "Magneto, I won't let you get away with this.



I would like to take a moment to extend my heartfelt appreciation and give a special shout out to an amazing individual who has recently become part of the VIP VAULT (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑) wow!*✰ in our Patreon community- Muhammad Imam

(*ˊᗜˋ*)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*

Thank you for being an invaluable pillar of support,


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