

As Jack slowly rose after sleeping for hours jack forgot what this world has become of itself. When he got up he went to grab serial for himself as he opened the fridge he remembered the power went out as soon as he noticed he thought most of the food would be useless. as jack liked to read novels he had salt so he tried to slat the meat to preserve it as they did so when he grabbed the meat he poured salt in a bag and cut the meat up he dropped the meat in salt. When he finished he grabbed another bag and put the meat in so it dried and bugs did not get in it He slowly waited for an hour but got bored of waiting so he did something in the meantime.

He Grabbed his father's pickax. He was out of breath just picking it up so he wondered where he got the strength yesterday to pick it up so easily. As I tried to swing it my hands felt like they would break from the weight of the pickax. As it hit the ground my hand's felt a num of pain as it sounded bad this is when I noticed the ground where I hit repair itself.

As he thought he went crazy and nothing ever happened. As he got the courage to get up he went to the window and everything was the same as yesterday. He thought nothing happed and yesterday was just a dream. He said that he began to lose his sanity but he regained it when he heard a knock at the door. As he went to hide he heard someone talking so he listened in.

Maar goed dat we de mensen hebben gedood, dit is de wereld voor elven, niet voor demonen Said the weird creatures (this is dutch)

As I didn't understand them They may not be human. As he was afraid of the outside world he didn't go outside he stood inside. But he heard another voice this time by the window as he goes to the window he hears one human another of those strange voices he heard yesterday.

I can give you anything just say your price as I own a business I can give you humans. Said the man in a suit

Wat zegt hij? Said the weird creatures (this is dutch)

while the human was talking they cut him in the throat as he was screening I took a little peak and they looked like elves. They had long pointy ears and white hair with a dagger that had a weird shape it was like a video game dagger it was curved a little with the blade was made out of a red material that I didn't know. The handle looked like it had quartz engravings on it. As I noticed one of them had a little gold crown on his head could he see someone important. Before they noticed me I laid down still scared of the thought that if they saw me looking at them. Would they kill me?

I went to sit down and clear my head of what I saw. When I cleared my head I went and grabbed the pickax still it was hard to carry as I held it brought a sense of safety. This is something that he didn't think would bring a sense of safety.

As I ate I thought about what would happen if they saw me and what would I do to defend myself. As Scared as he was he had to keep strong as he felt tired after hiding he was not physically tired but mentally from all that thinking as he went to sleep he felt warmth in life.