
I almost got the idea

Cold sweat ran down Lune's forehead. Especially when she found out that the case she was handling was no joke. Anything that she could make a sacrifice to Lucifer, she thought.

All meeting participants have left and returned to their homes to think of strategies. Why did among the many people have to handle this smuggling case herself? Even though she just joined. Is it okay to let her handle this deadly case?

Jeane was still looking at her, smiling and trying to hold back her laughter.

"Is this what you perceive as a threat to Miss Lune?"

Lune was surprised and answered haltingly.

"Y, yes, maybe?maybe I think about it?"

"Why you ask me? Try to feel what you feel.You won't know until you try. Oh come on, this case isn't that bad. You just need to disguise yourself and catch the duke, right? "

"It won't be as easy as you say, but I will try it. Hopefully this case can raise the interest of the younger generation to become tough metrists like you." Lune smiled.

"Not like me," Jeane got up from her seat and walked towards the door.

"But like you Lune. I praise your toughness" Jeane smiled and left Lune whose heart felt warmer when Jeane gave her advice and encouragement.

If her mother were as good as Jeane everything would have been easier. Jeane was right, she had to quickly find a strategy to catch the duke and after that it would all be over and the metrists would definitely be famous again. Lune was sure of that.

Lune decided to go home and want to think of a very great and effective strategy.

But before she came out, a woman was followed by a man standing behind the woman, embracing Lune and asking her to lunch.Who else but her two best friends – Greisy and Arthur.

"Today you have to go eat with us because yesterday you refused Miss Lune" Greisy asked with a cheerful smile.

"should I go? I still have to think about the strategy to use to catch the duke" Lune objected.

"Oh come on, why bother thinking of a strategy when we have Arthur coming up with a strategy for us?" Greisy patted Arthur's arm.

"I was right?"

"Yes, you're right Greisy, let me think of you two and now let's have lunch. I'm so hungry" said Arthur with a smile.

"Come on!" shouted Greisy Cheerfully.

"No, I can't, "

"Mmm?" Arthur and Greisy looked confused.

"I mean, I, I actually want this time to think of my own strategy . So maybe I'll just go home to start focusing on racking my brains. You're not angry, are you?" she said in an unpleasant tone.

A moment of silence invaded the three of them. Lune feels very bad towards her friends.

A second later there was a sound of crisp laughter escaping from Arthur and Greisy's lips. They laughed with Lune's childlike behavior asking to go to the bathroom. Lune ought to have been more resolute, they thought.

"Oh yeah, very funny Lune. You're really entertaining" Arthur said with a laugh.

"He's right, how can we forbid you to be a more advanced and developed person? Listen to me Lune, we already think of you as our younger sister. Of course we will always support all your decisions" Greisy said softly while stroking Lune's head.

Yes, of all metrists, Lune is the youngest metrist. But she was grateful that the seniors were kind and thought of her as their little sister.

"It's fine if you don't have lunch with us today. But tomorrow after you make it into the duke's palace, you'll have to buy us lunch. Agreed?" Arthur grinned at Lune's confused face.

"Uhh, don't listen to this idiot Lune, go home and find a strategy to calm the metrists. Promise in the name of metrist and Keanazella that you'll succeed Lune" Greisy held Lune's hand to channel her spirits.

It felt like now the flames of passion were burning Lune's soul and she nodded quickly and promised.

"I promise I will catch the duke and win the name metrist again. By metrist and Keanazella. I promise" Lune said solemnly.

"That's just my sister, now go home, little sister, quickly finish your case and come back intact. Understand?" Arthur stroked Lune's head.

"Understood sir!" Lune exclaimed while making a respectful gesture and they laughed together


"Uh .. Finally I arrived" Lune wiped the sweat on her forehead. Today Vuryta is hotter than usual.

Lune changed her uniform and went to the kitchen and took the leftovers there.Her brain needs to eat to think.

Lune went to her desk and started doing calculations and strategizing while eating her food. She checked the data she got from Jeane earlier.

"In this data, it is said that this soul stone smuggling business has occurred since the second generation of the Blaxton family where Ackerly Blaxton asked Lucifer's help to make them the greatest and strongest generation of demons over the emperor. Lucifer is willing to help the Blaxton family on the condition that the Blaxton family must prepare the soul of a woman they love so much to become Lucifer's slave. Ackerly agreed and signed the contract by dripping a drop of blood on the paper,"

The hair on Lune's neck felt goosebumps when she read Jeane's article. She thought, why are the Blaxtons doing all this? Isn't the demon caste in third place? Isn't that good enough to be called a great dynasty?

Lune continued reading the article, this time more thoroughly and carefully.

"At first everything went well. But when it was time to give sacrifice, Ackerly was not willing to give up his wife's soul and continued to buy time so that Lucifer would not take his wife's soul now. Smelling offense, Lucifer immediately attacked and intended to kill all the Blaxton family. The Blaxton family suffered defeat. which resulted in the destruction of Vuryta. The event of the destruction of Vuryta is called "Vury Bomb 1". Victims are everywhere and there is nothing they can do because of the severe damage and also because the soular lords are so few left that they don't have enough strength. years, that event subsided. The people of Vuryta began to rise and rebuild their city and economy. The Blaxton dynasty also began to build a new government by continuing to make an agreement with Lucifer. Actually this was only coercion from Lucifer and not purely from the wishes of the Blaxton family. himself wants to end this agreement but if they end it, Vuryta will return to the control of the devils and the Blaxton family will really be slaughtered. Slaughtered? "

Again, Lune felt goosebumps. The more you imagine it, the more sinister Lucifer will do to bind his victims to continue binding contracts with him. from the most subtle, devilish way to the grossest way. From just threats to bloodshed they played.

Lune turned the page of the next article and she couldn't read anything there. The writing was blurry and began to fade due to the old and rotten paper.

Lune was forced to find the next data in the city library. It's really, really annoying. She stretched her body and yawned several times.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Lune walked towards the door and wondered who the hell was visiting her house.

Lune was surprised to open the door because she found that person. People who usually never come here because of his 'busy' life.

The man walked in arrogantly and stared at Lune who was nailed in the doorway with his trademark sharp gaze.