
Returning to the Mainland

The beautiful face of a petite woman stared apathetically at the orderly chaos outside the airplane window. Around her, people shoved luggage into overhead compartments and hustled to find their seats. Flight attendants assisted wrestled with wailing children and served refreshments.

Song Feng Ting nursed her splitting headache, a warm cup of water in hand. She closed the door of her compartment and put on a bluetooth speaker. She knew she shouldn't have taken Wenxin's advice.

The monotone voice of her AI assistant WINTER disrupted the peace. "You have an incoming call from Wendy."

Feng Ting sighed. "Put her through."

"Xiao Qi! How was it? Fun right?!" Feng Ting winced at the loud exclamation.

"Sis Wenxin, I have a massive hangover right now. My head is about to explode. Is this what you meant by fun?" She deadpanned.

Ming Wenxin had insisted that she should celebrate her last night in Japan by tasting all the possible cocktails and drinks from a famous bar. Feng Ting recalled the array of colorful drinks that filled the table and shuddered. The bartender had given her weird looks all night.

Ming Wenxin gave a mischievous laugh. "The point of life is to do something crazy. As your senior sister, I have an obligation to help you enjoy yourself. You never have gotten drunk before, something everyone should experience at some point in life," she finished sagely. "Anyway, how was it?" She asked eagerly.

Feng Ting took a sip of water, rubbing her temples. "The Yuzu sake was the best. I took a sip of everything else but the flavors just mixed together by the end of the night. They made my head dizzy so I fell asleep early . . . in my room." She struggled to keep her tone even.

"Ehh? That's it? How disappointing, I thought you would have done something crazy while drunk," she muttered. Feng Ting's face blackened. You don't even know . . .

"Anyway are you coming back today?"

"Yeah, I'm done with the degree and I finished all the other projects in Japan. I can finish the final chapters for the manga in China and email them back." Feng Ting paused and added. "Do not pick me up at the airport. Your annoying fans would make my headache worse."

"Xiao Qi! How could you?! As your most responsible senior sister, I must come pick you up! I haven't even seen your face in person yet! How about I cover myself up? I'll even disguise myself as ー"

"You're not coming." Feng Ting interrupted the wails. "The plane is taking off. I'll text you when I land." She ignored the sputtering protests and ended the call.

Feng Ting sighed. "This is a freaking nightmare." Her face reddened, recalling last night.

. . . . . . Flashback to one night ago . . . . .

Sakura Hotel: Tokyo Japan

Feng Ting stumbled into the elevator. She wobbled, before punching in the number for her floor. The walls were moving . . . Good thing she had booked a room in the hotel where the bar was, or she would have collapsed on the streets.

Ding! The elevator doors slid open and she stumbled out.

"Xiao Qi, this is the 8th floor. Your room is on the 7th floor." The vague voice of WINTER echoed in her head.

Feng Ting waved her hand. "Close enough," she mumbled. She turned to the left. "Last door to the right." She murmured.

As she turned to the hallway, she saw several men in suits. She blinked and continued forward.

The guards looked at each other, then at the obviously drunk, but beautiful woman wobbling in their direction. Her long black hair and simple black dress gave off an innocent and yet dangerous feeling.

"Threat?" One muttered.

Another snorted. "Are you blind? What kind of assassin shows up drunk? What movies had you been watching . . . "

The leader stepped forward. "Miss, please go back. This area is off limits." He stated.

"My room is there," Feng Ting pointed at the door.

"That is not your room. You can go to the lobby and check." He swiftly grabbed her shoulders and pushed toward the elevators.

"You're all too loud!" Feng Ting felt dizzier the more she stood. "Unhand me." She grabbed the hand on her shoulder and flipped him onto the ground.

Shouts filled the air, intensifying her headache. Feng Ting dodged a fist instinctively, and weaved between the men. Her tiny figure held a surprising amount of strength.

10 minutes later, 6 men were knocked out on the ground. Feng Ting stood at the door, feeling for the door knob. Oh wait . . . hotels use key cards. She searched herself but couldn't find it, so she shoved her watch at the reader.

"WINTER, open this door." The light in the reader turned green moments later, and she stumbled into the room.

She headed immediately for the bed and jumped on it like a starfish.

"Mmhm, pillow feels nice." She snuggled deep into warmth. "Smells nice too . . ." she wrapped her arms around tightly around the pillow.

The man furrowed his brows at the woman latching onto him. He turned back to his laptop.

"Get out." A low voice broke her peace.

Feng Ting blinked blearily. There was a stranger on her bed . . . a good looking stranger. And he was ignoring her for a laptop. . .

"Handsome brother, you've got the wrong room. I didn't call for someone. But you can stay with me for the night. I don't lack money." Feng Ting giggled.

The man caught a glimpse of her face and stiffened. "You . . . " His hand slipped.

She frowned. "Turn it off." The entire room was dark, except for the bright laptop screen. It hurt her eyes.

Feng Ting snatched the computer and peered at the screen. "What a dumb proposal," she mumbled, "the configuration for the software is wrong". Her finger flew over the keys. The man watched in shock as she completely redid everything with lightning precision.

Feng Ting slammed the laptop shut and slid it away. "Now sleep." Her mind became more fuzzy. Huh, the handsome brother vanished and a pillow appeared again. She climbed over the pillow . . .

"Boss!" Several injured guards burst into the room. They gaped in horror, seeing a young woman climbing on top of the Big Boss who was in a bathrobe. Feng Ting raised her head and gave them a death glare.

"YOU! Get off the boss!" One guard yelled. He was wailing internally. They had let an intruder in and the boss was getting his tofu eaten!

The man's dark eyes slid to them. "Retreat." Feeling a curtain of ice fall over them, the guards hastily left the room.

The man looked at the girl who had fallen asleep. Her hair splayed over his chest, her limbs tangled with his. Small breathes tickled his collarbone.

His body heated up as his heartbeat quickened. This foreign feeling was slowly eating away his rationality.

He closed his eyes, calming the inner beast that was roaring for the temptation right before him. His mouth curled into a smirk. "Interesting."

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