
Chapter one

A girl is walking on a sidewalk. Then a bell rings the girl starts running. She has long blue hair and orange eyes. She runs into a guy and follows backwards. The guy looks at her and they make eye contact. The girl stands up. She says " oh my gosh my so sorry i wasn't looking where i was going". The guy has white hair and red eyes. He says "it's ok I was standing in the middle of the sidewalk". The girl gets up and starts walking away. Then the guy runs up to her and says " want are you going to the school". The girl turns around and says "ha". The guy says " if you aren't in a rush can you give me directions to the school". The girl says "well my teacher is usually late so sure". He says " ok great let's go". And he starts walking.

The girl says " ok so this is room 202". The guy walks up to the door and says " thanks". And she walks the other way. She walks into a classroom, goes to her desk and sits down.

After class the girl walks out. She walks into a hallway and sees the same guy from last time. This time he has weird black smoke around him. The girl stands there staring. Then please start to come. All of a sudden the guy had black demon wings and a tail. The smoke went away. The guy says in an angry voice " great the spell war off (Insert swear word here)". He also says well walking around in circles " I wonder if shun spell war off as well". And he notices everyone staring at him. Then he notices the girl from before. They make eye contact. People started asking questions. He says " don't ask questions". And he says walking away. The girl thinks to herself " should I go after him people will notice me leave and I don't like attention but umm". She starts walking.

she finds him. He is sitting down. She says " um excuse me". He looks up. He says " oh it's do you need anything". She says "well um I never got your name and I never you said don't ask questions but you kind of left without saying anything". He says " well I'm kada you never said your name either". She says "oh well I'm Zay can you answer one question for me what are you". Kada says " I'm a demon oh my friend". Zay says "what about your friend". Kada says " oh well he came here so if you see him tell him to come find me here's a couple pictures of what he looks like". And he walks off. Zay stands up and

She stops and looks down. Zay says " umm shun". There's a fox on the ground. He looks up at her. Black smoke surrounded him and he turned into a guy. Him as red hair that's in a ponytail and green eyes. He also has fox ears and a tail. He says " who are you and how do you know my name". Zay says "well It's Zay and I know your friend kada and he told me if I find you to tell you to come to him". Shun says "oh ok where is he". Zay says " I don't know". Shun says " ok then well you me help find him then". Zay says " um ok". Shun says " great a new friend". He smiles and they start walking.

They find kada in a hallway. Shun walks to him and says " hey kada". Kada says " (insert swear word here) the spell war off you to". Shun says " ya and now we got to walk around like this in the human world for at least 20 years". Kada says "well if we didn't pick the cheapest spell possible this wouldn't happen". And Zay stands there listening to their conversation then she realizes people are walking by staring. She walks up to them and says " um guy everyone is staring at us". Kada says " ok we can go somewhere else". And he starts walking the other way. The others follow.

They walk into an empty hallway. Shun says " kada I'm sorry I was just trying to save money you know how expensive spells like that are I mean the one we got was like $20". Kada says " shun I know what you were doing but still". Zay says " um guys what you are talking about". Kada says " oh right Zay I don't expect you to know what we're talking". Zay says " um This is a little off topic but Shun do you mind telling me what you are". Shun says " oh I'm part fox". Zay says " that's a thing". Shun says " yes it's a thing it's like a werewolf but instead of a wolf it's a fox". Zay says " oh now I get it". Then the bell rings. Start walking to their classroom.