
Chapter 3

Ben's body felt unfamiliar to him. There was something unusual about it today. He just couldn't put his finger on what exactly it was. He shrugged the feeling off.

'How long did I take?' he suddenly remembered the 5-day test. The strain gave him a headache, but he tried to remember just when he had started. 'I started at night…' he vaguely recalled. 'So, does that mean it's already the next day?' The flow of time had evaded him. He scratched his head.

"Not too bad" the warrior sounded unimpressed. "Four days, really isn't that bad" he said.

'Four days!!!' Ben felt his body sway. 'How… how could that be?'

Sparks flew into the air as burning twigs cracked in the fire. The man was sitting on a rock tending to two rabbits roasting near the flames.

Ben's stomach growled. So, he hadn't eaten in four days? He felt unbearably hungry. He stared at the meat, salivating as he noticed the fat and juices bubbling on its surface. He squinted. Were those spices he could see? He looked bashfully at the man.

"Forget it. If you eat now, you will probably die" the man said without turning to face him.

'What is this devil speaking about?' he wondered. 'Maybe those are demonic creatures!' he pushed himself away at that thought. Who could bear to eat any more of that poison?

"Hahaha" the man laughed. "If you eat now, your stomach will definitely tear and burst. You took so long with that flesh in your belly. What did you think would happen?" He turned the rabbits and smiled as they sizzled.

Ben remembered the pain he had gone through. Something bad must have been happening to his insides for sure. If he had known that would happen, probably wouldn't have eaten that flesh. Even then, his stomach roared.

"So, tell me kid," the man asked as he sliced off a chunk of meat, "why are you still alive?" He chewed slowly as he waited for to Ben. 'Ah, so succulent' Ben thought.

"I… I have to become stronger…" Ben started weakly. "I have to rescue Laysa, and then I will protect her" he said.

The man bit off another chunk. In this world, who didn't want to protect those they cared for? Who wanted to be weak? But how many were able accomplish this? Did strength ever come so simple?

"Sir," he swallowed hard, "did I pass the test?" he asked, his voice quivering.

"It's not yet over kid. Get some rest. We will continue tomorrow."

Ben sighed. He watched as the smoke rose. Maybe it would carry his hopes to the gods, but he wouldn't pray about it. It's not like they ever heard him anyway.


Morning came with the cheerful singing of birds. Their tiny shadows barely visible on the dead leaves littering the forest floor. Some seemed to follow the two figures as they marched out of the forest.

Ben was breathing heavily. His body had yet to fully recover from the demonic Essence, but a herbal paste the man had given him seemed to be working its magic.

A large cottage was visible in the distance. Rather unusual for someone to build this close to such a forest, but it was rare for Demonic Beasts to venture this far out anyway. It felt good to see signs of human civilization.

They left the sled and its contents about a dozen meters from the cottage and walked towards the door. 'It is not like anyone is going to steal it out there?' Ben thought, still shocked at the man's carefree attitude. Being a homeless runway, he wouldn't have had any qualms stealing anything he could get his hands on. His eyes fell on warrior's muscular back. 'You would have to be a madman to steal from HIM' he reminded himself.

The soil had been worked into a number of rectangular beds, most with some weird variations of vegetables and flowers, others with seedlings and some still appeared bare. Almost everything seemed to be dying. 'Ah, what an incredible lack of skill' Ben thought to himself. This was simply shameful. He was sure he would do better on his first try.

A large pond was visible behind the cottage, but who knew if it could even support tadpoles? He shuddered.

The man formed a fist and banged on the sturdy wooden door. Ben raised his eyebrow with concern. 'If you use that much force you will break the windows!' he didn't dare to say it. He only hoped the thick cloudy brown windows would prove their worth. There was no reply. The man banged again. Dust and small rocks were shaken of the wooden walls. 'Ah they will surely break now!' he prepared to cover his ears.

'Isn't this man afraid of anything? After all, anyone willing to live so close to such a forest was probably very strong.' Ben looked at the failure of a garden. 'Or foolish' he thought.

The door was banged a few more times. Ben simply had to admit that these windows were really of an impressive make. To be able to withstand this violence for so long, and it was even possible to see through the brown glass in some spots. Truly a hallmark of quality!

"Tsk" the warrior was annoyed. "I think I will start cutting these plants now!" he shouted in a threatening voice. There was still no reply. He pulled out a knife from his waist and walked towards a nearby flower bed. 'What is this man thinking?' Ben looked incredulously. 'There is clearly no one at home. And besides, those terrible plants have already been abandoned.' He shook his head, mentally anyway.

"Let's start with this abominable tomato!" the man shouted loudly, holding out his knife, the motion exaggerated. A trace of righteousness could be heard in his voice. 'Well, he is doing a favor to the world, if that's really a tomato' Ben reasoned.

Boom! The door flew open. "Don't you dare touch my precious babies!"

Ben was shocked. This old man would come out to save those disgusting weeds?

"Hmph, finally out old man?" the warrior scoffed, putting the knife away.

"Hmph, so it's you, Jihon" the old man replied with annoyance.

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