

The meal has finally been cooked. We began eating on the floor while surrounding the bonfire that gives us light and warmth. We talk to each other as we eat.

"So, Mr. Rick, how's being a scientist? Isn't it hard?" I asked.

"Every profession is hard. No job is really easy. Being a scientist is stressing, but I love it. So stress don't matter much for me, actually." he answered.

Marlon also enters the conversation. "I finished engineering years ago. Now, I am inventing my own technological devices. Although, I haven't made any thing successful yet." he said.

While they are talking happily, I heard a strange noise nearby. I can also feel that something is watching us. My hair stands up. I don't know the reason why, but suddenly, I felt it. I look around us, and they asking me what is wrong.

"Sorry, I felt something strange down my spines." I said.

John stands up and also looks around. Then, everybody alerts themselves. Rick used his flashlight to light up the bushes and trees nearby. I take out my weapon and prepare it to fire if any threat show up. We are attentively preparing for something. Then, an old hag, clothed in black, shows up. Her laugh is creepy. I can feel her insanity and wickedness just by hearing her laugh. She then quickly runs away. I fired my gun, but I missed. We follow her, but she's crazily fast. It's insane. We're in great surprise that an old hag was able to outrun us. We failed to chase her down. And besides, I think she knows pretty well about this place. Lisa and Anna panicked. We never expect that something like that would ever show up. Even I myself can't help shaking. I mean, an old hag? I only saw something like that in fairy tales, so seeing an old hag in true life is really shocking. Even Mr. Rick cannot believe on what he had seen. He's a man of science, after all.

After that, we decided to go back to our ship. However, we cannot find the traces that we've left. The flags that Marlon had planted are all gone.

"What the---?!!!" Carl reacted.

"What now? What are we going to do? We're lost." Lisa said.

"Calm down, everyone!" John shouted, "You guys don't need to panic. We just saw an old hag! That's all. I don't think that crazy old woman will be able to harm any of us. We just have to hunt her down."

"She's a witch! Don't you know what a witch can do? Have you read anything about supernaturals?" Anna mocked.

"We don't know if she's a real witch. We don't even know if she can use magic." John said back.

"Well, she just outrun us. I don't an ordinary old woman would be able to do that even if she's familiar in this place." I said.

"You have a point. She's really weird. This place is really weird." Carl added.

"Either way, we shouldn't panic. We just have to find her witch hut or the hell where she lives in. Then, we will fry ourselves a witch." John responded.

So intead of thinking of leaving, we decided to fight. We search for the witch's living place. It's dark and dangerous. I am expecting that something worse is about to happen to us anytime, so I have to be ready and well-prepared. All I think in my mind is how I am going to accomplish my first hunt of a witch. This is should be interesting, but there is fear inside my heart and I can't help myself to stop that. We've reached a place where we found a cave. Rick warned us that caves are usually the place where wild beasts live. But we have our weapons; we can take it down. With all my courage and bravery, I entered the cave with my groupmates. I turned on my own flashlight. We've saw various carvings and drawings inside the cave. There are also unknown writings and symbols. I am looking at the symbols and try to find out what it means. I ask myself, "Why did they draw a skull with a torch in it?" It is creepy.

Then, while I am gazing on the symbols, I heard a cry from above me. It is the old hag. I scream as I saw her clinging on top of the ceiling above me. She shows her long, creepy tongue. She then growls like an animal. Then, she jumps towards me, but I dodged her. I fired my gun to her; her leg bleeds after I hit it. John and the others came to rescue me. The old hag is helpless. We help each other in tying her up using the ropes. Afterwards, I still prepare myself if another witch like her ever appear. John tries to talk to her.

"Who are you? What are you?" he asked in a loud voice.

But the old hag cannot understand him. She is angry, really mad. She began speaking in an unknown language in which we cannot understand. Her eyes bleed, and she shows her fangs in front of us. Lisa and Anna scream. I'm a little bit afraid, too. I did not even think of this as true. Maybe I am just dreaming, and I just need to wake up to reality. I knock on my head, but this is real. This is really happening. That old hag over there, she really is alive. I alert myself. I decided to listen to what John and the others are saying.

Then, after a while, the old hag laughs manically. Her laugh is really creepy. She laughs like an insane person in an asylum. I want to shoot her right here and now to stop her from laughing. Carl and Marlon gun at her repeatedly. She falls down on the ground, and die.

At that point in time, I thought everything's finally okay, but I am wrong. A strange black figure came out from darkness and suddenly appear in front of us. Its claws tear the arm of Carl; he bleeds. I quickly fire my gun to the demonic figure. Its eyes glow in red as it looks at me. John throws the torch to the demon, but it just blows it away. I rushed on to Carl to help him escape. I put his arm on to my shoulders and carry him. Rick used his electrifier gun to attack the demon. It affects it, but did not kill it. He just angered the demon. It quickly rushes towards him and tears his body apart. Lisa and Anna panicked. John and Marlon cannot help Rick anymore. All we can do is escape from the demon, but I doubt that. I can't think properly. I can't even feel my feet anymore. It is just moving on its own.

"Oh my God! Rick died! Huhuhu!" Lisa cried.

We run as fast as we can to escape the demon. However, it chased us. Marlon decided to sacrifice himself. "Go guys! Escape! Get away from here! I will give you, at least, seconds to give you time to escape!" he said.

We all cried. "No!" I shouted at him. Marlon fights the demon with all his courage. Like Rick, it torn him apart. I can see it savagely reaping Marlon's body from afar. Then, an unknown man appeared in front of us. We're afraid, because who knows? He might be one of the crazy bitches in this island.

"Can you guys understand me?" he asked.

I nodded. "Who are you?"

"I will tell you. Follow me!" then he runs quickly.

We have no other choice but to follow that man whom we do not even know. Fortunately, we managed to escape from the demon. The man took us to an underground chamber. There are torches around that light up the entire chamber. I opened my bag and get my first-aid kit to heal Carl's bleeding arm.

"Are you fine now, Carl?" I asked.

He exhales deeply and answers, "Thank you." His face is turning pale. John talks to the man and asks him about his identity.

"I am Richard." he answered.

A woman shows up and meets with them.

"She is my wife, Sisanna." he added.

"How did you guys get here?" John asked.

"We don't know. It's just that, we suddenly came in here. You guys should know that this island is inhabited by a demon."

"A demon? That black demonic figure?"

"Yes. It is the demon. You guys are wondering why not a single of crawling animal is alive in here?"

I entered the conversation and answered, "Yes. Why?"

"It's because that demon ate them all. The tribe who were living in here has nothing to sacrifice anymore, so the demons also ate them."

"So that's why. A while ago, we killed an old hag. Was she one of those tribe people?"

"I don't know. Maybe? It is possible. That old hag might had sacrificed her soul to keep herself alive."

"Thank you for saving us. Two of our friends were killed." John said.

"Don't mention it. It's good to have new companies here. We only get out at day. The demon is lurking in the cave at that time, then at night time, it roams around for a kill." Richard responded.

Sisanna gets a medical herb to help aid Carl's arm. She said that it's truly effective. It was made from the plants that can only be found in here. While me, I can finally rest down for a bit. I closed my eyes, and I sleep.

Next chapter