
Demon's Diary

In a remote jungle nestled between Chu City and Whitewater City within the Da Xuan Country, a thin and frail figure was leaning against a thick tree trunk. Both of his legs were spread apart in a relaxed manner. This figure belonged to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenager. Aside from his unusually pale face, the boy had fairly common facial features. His clothes were loose-fitting and a bright shining steel sword was carelessly thrown by his side.

Wang Yu · Eastern
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656 Chs

Chapter 124: Spirit Communicating Sword Body and Xue Ci

"Are there other demon monkeys on this mountain?" Jin Yu, who had just witnessed the terrifying grey demon monkeys, couldn't help but gasp upon hearing this.

"Indeed, in addition to the one we just killed, there are seven others. The grey demon monkeys are only mid-level in strength among their kind. Among them, there is another with golden fur whose strength is but half a step away from the Spirit Master realm. Even if the two of us encountered it, we wouldn't stand a chance in a one-on-one fight," said Yang Gan with a serious tone.

Liu Ming's face also changed slightly upon hearing this.

"However, you all need not worry too much. Although these demon monkeys are strong, most of them are not very intelligent. With a little trickery, we can lure them out one by one. The only problem is that this method takes too much time. With you joining us, though, we can risk luring out one or two at a time," the youth with a dark face added.