

A girl named ULMI is almost get killed by her husband but she summons a demon a powerful one who take her with him far from her previous life what will happen next....... This story is of such a husband victim woman 'Ulmi' who earlier loved her husband very much but now hates her equally. In front of that hatred, she considers her life too small and thinks of giving up her life, when a handsome demon saves her life, he wants to know the reason for giving up her life. That woman named Ulmi gives both reasons for her love and hatred for her husband, now she wants to take revenge from her husband for the atrocities committed on her. Will Ulmi be able to take revenge on her husband? Will she be able to understand the love of her savior demon or will she fall prey to the hatred of the same demon?

sharmaarunakks · Fantasy
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40 Chs


Here Ulmi's heart started panicking due to Uthappa not coming home. She was realizing today that she really loves Uthappa. She could not understand Uthappa's true love. She started crying remembering Uthappa that how Uthappa had saved her life? How did he take full care of her… he didn't allow any problem… even if the bite was silent in her feet, how did he get hurt… how did he take care of her… he used to cry for her… how did he become a vegetarian by staying with her? had gone..

"Why didn't I know all this..."

How much trouble has she caused Uthappa? How she and Drav got married by deceiving Uthappa…how went to his kingdom with Drav without Uthappa…

"Why couldn't I recognize his love..."

How many excuses did Uthappa make for not letting go her with Drav…

"But I was so blinded by the love of Drav that breaking Uthappa's trust… hurting his feelings and secretly married Drav… why didn't I ask him even once… didn't even think it necessary to inform…"

After thinking this, she started soabing. Drav had gone out since morning, otherwise what would have happened to Ulmi knowing the real reason behind her crying. He immediately took care of himself by wiping her tears. She knew that Uthappa would not forgive her easily. Otherwise why he looks at her with such disgust. She is dying of self-indulgence just like that. Uthappa's indifference from above was giving more pain. Only then, seeing Drav coming from outside, she engaged herself in work. Today's face was flushing. Last night Drav could not kill Uthappa. He was sorry for this, as well as he was sad that Ulmi was also living somewhere severed from him. he asked Ulmi

"Why are you treating me like this?"

Ulmi turned her face and said

"Nothing... otherwise..."

Drav put her hand on his face and while turning her face towards him again asked the reason for her changed behavior, Ulmi snorted like a poisonous serpent, looking at drav like a serpent asked

"Why do you want to kill Uthappa?"