
Chapter 15

Senzaemon looked at Erina and thought. 'You didn't have to accept his dinner invitation, even being in the same room as him is making me uncomfortable.

You as a woman probably can't feel it. But the look in his eyes is apathetic and calculating, he's probably thinking of how to use us in order to reach whatever goal he has.

Truly dangerous, he is the person who beat Hanma Baki in terms of fighting and unlike him he doesn't stay low. He's trying to spread his influence as much as he can.

Even people in higher positions are afraid to even try and mess with him. And there's the fact that you can't tell what he's thinking since he always has that same apathetic look on his face.'

Kenzou opened his mouth and said. "I was always interested in your culinary academy but I never had the time or chance to find out what it's all about. Since my life is somewhat chaotic and I have to move around all the time."

Senzaemon cleared his throat and said. "The goal of the academy is to produce high quality chefs that will revolutionize the culinary world, our graduates are famous all around the world."

Kenzou looked at him in the eyes and thought. 'That's only surface level information, something even a person on the street knows, looks like the academy's got nothing else going for it other than the fact that they are the big bosses of the culinary world.'

"I see, I guess all of your graduates are very skilled when it comes to cooking. But other than fame and money do they obtain anything else?"

Senzaemon closed his eyes and said. "There are other things but, they aren't what you're probably searching for."

"Alright, I'll stop digging into your world. We live in two different worlds after all, don't you think so?"

"You're right. We are famous because of our cooking while you are successful because of your power."

"Yes, and weirdly enough all of these big shots always resort to violence in one way or another. This world is ruled by power and even if you don't want to admit it, you still know it's true."

"Where are you going at?"

Kenzou closed his eyes and said. "Nowhere really, I was just curious if someone of your status would know difference between our worlds, even if you don't I'll tell you."

Erina looked more interested than Senzaemon who had a serious face.

"The world of violence and power is more cruel than all other ones. Here only the top powers get a profit while the others suffer. If you fail in your path to violence you can become crippled or even die.

Or even worse, you piss of the wrong person and your whole family tree will be wiped out. It's such a cruel world for the weak ones."

He saw that no one said anything so he continued. "How do you think the strong ones feel when they know that there are millions of people who pursue their way of life and fall into despair when they fail. Do you think they feel bad for them? No, they couldn't care less.

Every person's after their own benefits, it doesn't matter how righteous they make themselves look they still aren't really right in the head."

Kenzou looked into Senzaemon's eyes and said. "But do you really think we are that different than you? You have to never forgive yourself for what's about to happen with that culinary circle and Yakuza group.

It's a massacre that you ordered, you are the one who ordered the killings of dozens of people. So don't stand on your high horse thinking you are a better person than me when you did something so unforgivable."

Senzaemon started sweating and Erina had a horrified expression on her face, she just realized what her grandpa did wasn't as a small matter as he made it to be.

"That's how a normal person thinks."

They looked back at him with a surprised expression and Senzaemon said. "What do you mean?"

"Everything I said until now is the mentality of the weak, the ones who will always obey the law. You don't have to feel bad because of their incoming deaths since they were the weaker ones.

The weak will always try and make up excuses for their failures. But there's no good or bad in this world, it's just that the winners become the good while the loser becomes bad."

What they went through right now could only be described as an emotional rollercoaster, for a short period of time they felt bad for their actions and now they don't really care about them.

Senzaemon's eyes widened and he realized something. 'He's toying with us for fun! What a scary person, to think he manipulated our minds twice in such a short period of time. He's not human!'

Senzaemon looked at Erina who was looking at Kenzou with mixed emotions. She was unusually quiet today.

Senzaemon thought. 'I'm worried for Erina since she's only 17 and didn't really deal with this type of people in her whole life. Who knows what kind of fucked up ideals he will implement in her head if we stay here longer.'

Too bad it was too late, Erina's impression of Kenzou wasn't a good or a bad one. She just considered him as an interesting individual and she was willing to interact with him more.

Kenzou's charisma is unusually high and people are attracted to him and are willing to listen to his words easily.

One of the reasons for this is that he knows how to direct a conversation in the direction he wishes effortlessly.

Kenzou decided that that's enough for today so he looked at the expensive watch on his wrist and said while standing up. "I think it's late and mister Senzaemon has things to do too. The cooperation is done so we can discuss the payment over the phone."

Senzaemon was confused that Kenzou was willing to let them go but he toot this chance and got up.

They shook hands and Kenzou said. "It was a pleasant night, maybe we should take dinner more often."

"Hahaha, maybe when I have the time." 'There's no way I'm meeting you in person again.'

Kenzou grabbed Erina's hand and leaned in forward kissing it gently. "I hope I can taste your cooking one day."

She blushed a bit and said. "I-if you are willing to come to the academy I'll consider it."

He let go of her hand and said. "I'll see in the future since I'm a busy person. Well, you can leave first since I want to finish my drink."

After they left Kenzou sat down on his chair and started looking at the view. "That old man knew that I was trying to get into their minds so I had to step down. But that doesn't matter since a seed has already been planted in his granddaughter's heart.

Manipulating her in the future will be easier and maybe I can even make her carry one of my future children. Growing up in a rich life but without a father sounds interesting but I can easily predict the outcome if that's all."

He thought about it more and said. "Sounds kind of pointless, I don't want a kid that will grow up to become a cook. I'll think about it later if it's worth the investment."

He doesn't really feel lust towards other women since he has Chisato at home. The only thing he's interested in is satisfying his curiosity, since he feels like conquering the world or other bullshit like that isn't worth the effort.

Another thing he noticed since coming to this world is that he was starting to change, he could feel it. It was like this was trying to transform him into a whole other person and he couldn't really do anything about it.

Even his facial structure started to change and the scar on his face was getting smaller and going more upwards on his face.

The physical changes weren't that annoying as the emotional ones. His emotions that he had bottled down for his whole life were starting to come to surface against his will.

With all of the ridiculous stuff happening he was surprised that there exists no superpowers or anything similar.

Something he found surprising is that Yuujirou didn't give him any unexpected visits, he heard that he battled Baki again after seeing that new style that Baki unlocked. And let's just say that he was satisfied with the fight.

Going back to the topic of Baki, the mode he used in his fight with Kenzou was a type of mastery that Kenzou had theories about.

Kenzou named it 'Ultra-Instinct'. It's when the body acts on its own so it can defeat the enemy in the best possible way. It removes all sense of self so all that's left is a fighting machine that will kill or neutralize the enemy.

That's another type of mastery that he included to the list, if Baki can master that then he will be able to tap into that state whenever he desires and still retain his personality.

While Kenzou was chilling thinking about random things suddenly the door to his private hall was opened.

He looked at who had opened the door and saw that it was Jack Hanma. But there was something different about him, his expression was... weird.

He looked like he had the shittiest day of his life. The face of a true negativistic person.

"What do you want?"

Jack looked at Kenzou in the eyes and said. "Why are you so strong?"

Kenzou looked at Jack with a confused expression and said. "What?"

"Why are you so strong? I trained all of my life in order to beat my dad but Baki's the one that's done that while I even lost to his pupil."

"So, what are you trying to say?"

"It's not fair, only the talented ones always win."


Kenzou travelled the 10 meters between him and Jack in an instant and smashed him to the ground.

Kenzou's fist was on Jack's face which was caved in to the ground. "What the hell are you saying? Isn't it enough that you lost to me two times in a row?"

Kenzou's face darkened and you could see he was somewhat angry. "Listen to me you fucker, if I let you do as you want for so long doesn't mean that I can't get mad."

He let go of his face and turned around. "I'm giving you a last chance, if you want to live leave and never show up in front of me again."

He heard a sudden sound so he looked back and saw Jack with blood all over his face but with the same expression. "I'm tired of losing."


Kenzou raised his leg and stomped him on the head. But Jack bit his foot and didn't let go.


Kenzou raised his foot with Jack hanging from it and stomped his foot again on the ground.

The floor under them broke and they fell to the next floor.

A ton of rubble buried Kenzou but he just punched it and it exploded. He looked at his foot and saw that Jack was still biting onto his foot. It was starting to hurt a lot since he was actually biting into the sole of his foot.

"You're starting to piss me off."

Kenzou made a spear with his hand and lifted it up.


He landed the spear hand directly into Jack's neck, his neck broke and he instantly died.

"Fucking pain in the ass.

Did you actually think that you could get a random powerup like your brother did when all you do is take steroids and eat?"

He looked around and saw that luckily he was in a private hotel room. This restaurant has hotel rooms too if you want to spend the night here.

He started walking away but he noticed that Jack's jaw was still etched into his foot.

Kenzou took the jaw out of his foot and noticed that it not as deep as he expected. But his foot was still bleeding so he had to give it to Jack. To risk your life just to make Kenzou bleed.

"I kind of feel bad about you, don't warriors usually want to die in a grand way?

But you picked the wrong opponent and you had to pay the price."

He started walking away but he suddenly stopped. "Ah right, here's a reward for making me feel anger again."


He turned around and kicked him with all of his power.

Jack was sent flying straight through the glass wall into the air. Kenzou looked down and saw Jack's body falling to the ground in some random tree.

His corpse plunged into the tree and he became an early Christmas decoration.

Kenzou started walking away for real but not before saying. "Maybe I shouldn't have done that. It will take a lot of time to cover up, now I have to waste resources so it doesn't get on the news."

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