
Chapter 10

After Kenzou turned around and walked he had a weird premonition, he looked back at Baki whose hair was rising and he was slowly getting up on his feet. Kenzou saw something weird, instead of his normal eyes his sclera was black and his pupils were white.


Kenzou wasted no time and stomped him on the the head with all of his strength. The ground under Baki's head dug a hole that fitted his whole head in there.

He had the feeling that if he let that version of Baki get up he would get his ass handed to him and possibly be killed.

He had a theory on what was about to happen but he didn't want to let his curiosity kill him. He put one finger on his jugular vein and saw that he was still alive.

"He's still alive, this fucking monster wasn't fully serious yet. I made a smart choice not giving him any time. His strength and speed are insane but his defense needs to be worked on."

Kenzou has never seen anybody so talented after training with Yuujirou who learned his entire fighting style with ease, the first few days the ogre liked the 'Unseen attacks' so much that he only used these types of attacks to beat him.

Kenzou turned around and said while walking. "So this is the Hanma blood, these two brothers have not reached their full potential yet. They can still become stronger which is somewhat concerning."

"I need an ace up my sleeve, something that will help me get stronger since I'm not as talented as these freaks...

I'm talking to myself again..."

After this he entered his car and drove directly to the hospital, when the people saw him with all that blood on him they took him to the emergency room.

After they checked on him they told him. "You have an internal bleeding coming from your intestines, it looked like some kind of shock caused this, you are very lucky that they aren't badly damaged."

"Is that so?"

"It could have been worse but it's just and upper Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding."

After the doctors dealt for some time with him they stopped the bleeding and his intestines started to heal themselves at an alarming late, ever since coming to this world it was like even his organs started to become stronger and weirder. They heal extremely fast, like when he was training with his teacher and he used to have internal bleedings all of the time but he couldn't even go to the hospital.

Some pretty unrealistic shit that only happens in manga.

The reason he went to the hospital was because he wants the bleeding to stop faster so he can just go home.

He looked at his phone and saw 50+ missed calls all from a single person. He called Chisato and waited for her to respond.

As soon as she answered the phone she yelled. "Where are you!? It's been four hours!"

"Calm down because this might come in as heavy."

He heard her take deep breaths and then she said. "Alright, tell me."

"I'm in the hospital right now, I'll come home tomorrow."


"You know that meeting that I was supposed to have? The person who wanted to meet me was that person's brother who just happens to be Baki Hanma, I think you know him from his fight with his father."

"Y-you fought that guy?"

"Yes, but there's no need to be so worried, your voice is trembling. He is in a much more worse state than I am right now, while I may stay here for a day he would probably have to spend weeks or even months in the hospital."

"Which hospital are you in right now?"

"I told you, I'll come home tomor-"

"Just tell me the hospital name already!"

Kenzou told her the hospital name and she then closed the call.

He looked at the male doctor who was in the room and said. "Women, I don't understand them at all."

The man smiled and said. "You should be happy that she's so worried about you."

"I guess. But we've known each other for just two or three days I think."

The doctor's eyes almost popped out of their sockets and he said with a surprised face. "What kind of sorcery did you use to make her fall in love with you this quickly."

"Don't know, I'm trying to figure her out myself."

It was true, he didn't really understand her himself.

But that's not what was bugging him right now, it was the Hanma family. If his theory was right Baki was about to fight him while being unconscious, and Kenzou thinks that if you can tap in into that mode then your body will maximize all of your muscle memory and strength so you can defeat everybody that you can see with your eyes.

And with the extreme speed combined with the techniques that Baki has he is sure that he would have got killed if something like that happened.

Kind of like an auto-pilot mode that takes away your consciousness and transforms you into a fighting machine.

But that's just theory that Kenzou had in his head in his old world, he thought that something like that was possible in theory but not in practice, but after seeing the state that Baki was in at the end of the fight changed his mind.

Another thing that Kenzou made in his head was a ranking system. Hanma Yuujirou being the absolute peak of fighting that nobody will ever surpass through mortal means. Himself that is the peak of speed and precision with his ability to attack unseen.

It's not even a fighting style, it's a type of mastery that only those fast enough can do it.

Yuujirou has all of the types of mastery that you could imagine when it comes to fighting: strength, speed, endurance, defense, stamina. If you can name it, he has it.

That's one of the reasons why Kenzou knows that he won't ever be able to defeat him through normal means.

And then there's Baki, who right now isn't the peak in anything but he is halfway through mastering all of them exactly like his father.

Maybe he has mastery over the art of unpredictability which was enough to knock out Kenzou.

We can put it like this, if someone has a type of mastery over a category then he won't ever be able to lose to someone who doesn't have a type of mastery.

That's why Kenzou can defeat almost everybody in this world, but who knows, maybe there are people who have reached the peak but he just doesn't know about them.

After some time suddenly someone swung open the door and a stunningly attractive woman with sexy hip-length black hair that has bangs hanging on the right side with two ahoges, green eyes, a mole under her left eye, red round glasses, one earring on her left ear and a voluptuous figure dressed in a tight dress and a jacket came into the room.

The woman looked around and her eyes landed on Kenzou was sitting on his butt watching tv, he looked at where the sound came from and saw Chisato looking at him with a worried expression.

She said nothing and came and hugged him while holding back the tears she was about to spill. Kenzou tends to downplay everything that happens to him in order to not make others worry and she knew that, that's why seeing him being fine in just one piece made her happy.

Kenzou rolled his eyes and looked at the doctor present in the room who was looking at his 'girlfriend's' butt. He stared at him and he pointed with his thumb towards the exit.

The doctor understood the message and exited the room while closing the door behind him.

In order to calm down the woman in front of him he did what every real man would do, he grabbed her butt.


While she opened her mouth Kenzou kissed her with tongue, she kissed him back with more vigor than him and they kissed for like 5 minutes, after a while Kenzou was the one who pulled back.

"Alright, now get off of me since I'm still a patient."


She got off him and sat down on a chair.

Kenzou took his phone from the table near and said while playing Clash of Clans. "Seriously, you worry too much."

She blushed a bit and she said. "Well, I thought something really bad happened to you and you didn't want to worry me."

"Understandable, but me being injured may become a more often thing than you might think."

"What? Why?!"

"Since my job is to literally beat other people up, I have a deal with a very powerful person, the more I fight the more money he gives me."

"Like a professional fighter?"

"Something like that, but in these fights there are no rules and you can even kill your opponent."

"Can't you... stop doing this job?"

"Why would I? Right now I'm living better than I ever did."

She looked down with her hair covering her face and she said. "I don't like it."


"I don't like that you hide all kinds of things from me and you risk your life for money."

"Hey, look at me." Kenzou said in a serious tone.

Chisato looked at him and saw those black dots staring at her, this time his expression was serious. "What I do with my life is only my concern, I will give you everything you want as long as you don't cross the line. I will tell you everything you want to know once I am ready to do, you just have to not rush things. Other than that everything is fine."

He saw her get sad so he said another thing. "I'm sorry if I made you sad but this whole 'love' thing is foreign to me. The only person I ever loved my mother and she didn't even choose me in the end."

She looked like she realized something and for some reason her expression got even more gloomy.

"You can relax since it isn't my intention to fight with my life on the line, and since I only know of one person that can beat me in this world you won't have to worry too much of someone suddenly beating me up."

That brought her back up a little bit, but she was still a little hung on the earlier part. 'He said he never loved anyone but his mother, and in the end she didn't choose him. Does that mean that his feelings were betrayed from a young age by none other than his mother? I kind of understand now why he is like this.'

She started to understand him little by little, even if that was just the tip of the iceberg and just a small part of what made him what he is today. But he wasn't born normal either, his perseverance and commitment to his goals at such a young age is unnatural.

Kenzou's expression went back to normal and he said. "Sorry again, I am not really in a good mood right now since there was something on my mind but you have to understand something. Hanma Yuujirou is my teacher and a lot of people know that, my teacher did a lot of fucked up shit when he was younger and even continues to do so.

Since they can't touch him they went with the next best option, and that's me."

She looked like she realized something and she said. "So... all of this happened because of him?"

"It can be put that way, his sons are really strong and they have the potential to become even more so. And they are very stubborn so that's why today I had to deal with both of them."

He looked away from her and said. "You have the chance to not get involved in this situation if we stop contacting each other, and trust me they will go after you in the future."

Chisato got up from her chair and kissed Kenzou on the lips. "It doesn't matter, I really love you and I won't ever abandon you."

Kenzou smirked and said. "Hmph, just don't regret your choice in the future."

She smiled and said. "I won't"

Afterwards Kenzou sent her home since he'll get discharged tomorrow. As soon as she left the room Kenzou's expression went serious and he said. "Now I'll have to protect another person, I need to start taking this seriously. I'll start by gathering dropouts who don't have a place to go and form my own gang."

He already had a plan in mind regarding this situation, he just didn't want to go with it since it wasn't necessary. But now that there's a person he actually wants to protect it's different.

The most important thing in a fight sometimes isn't power or skill...

It's numbers.

Next chapter