5 Hot bath

- You can't suffer now with what you did in the past, Dede... it's impossible to go back and solve it... one learns and moves on...

- I know, Tom... it's easier said than done... I'm sick of feeling hurt, paying for what I did out of obligation. – her eyes focus the white ceiling - I didn't know and didn't enjoy it.

Holding her face in both of his hands, Thomas kisses her forehead and face wet with tears.

- Follow me. - guiding Delilah to the bathroom, he opens the bath tap and lets the tub fill with the hot water. Then Thomas looks at his watch. - Don't leave here in less than an hour, do you understand?

With a twinkle in her eye and a half smile, she presses her finger to his chest.

- I bet it's almost time of your favourite TV show and you want to watch your series by yourself without anyone making comments, right?

- Elementary, my dear, elementary... I don't need an annoying little voice saying that something would be impossible... I know that but still enjoy watching it...
