
Chapter Mathilda

Season 1

Chapter 1

Mathilda grew up in a tribe of deviated half-Native-American Cherokee & Half-black people.

Since the Cherokees didn't accept the half-black people as their own, the half-Cherokee, half-black people left and made their tribe they called Mae.

Mae was named after Mathilda's middle name.

Mathilda Mae Mary.

Matilda was just a baby when she deviated from the Cherokee with her parents to make their tribe escape racism.

It is the year 1899.

Mathilda Mae Mary looked around like a baby, seeing all the grassland.

Her parents set up teepees since teepees are transportable homes.

They stayed on the land for 11 years, and Mathilda Mae Mary was just one month old when she first came to the new land.

The Mae tribe acts like the Cherokee tribe because the members of the Mae tribe came from the Cherokee tribe.

This tribe was created as a Safe Haven for the mixed black Cherokee people.

In the year 1910.

Mathilda's mother was Wolf Clan, making her Wolf clan.

Her father was not.

Things would have been very awkward if he was because, in the Cherokee tribe, you're not allowed to marry someone from the same clan as you legally have to marry someone from a different clan, and this was made a law by the Cherokees to Prevent incest.

The outcome would have been horrible because if you did marry somebody from the same clan, you could get killed by law.


So, most mixed-race tribe members married outside the clan.

People like Matilda's mother and father had to take on their father's clans because when you marry a black woman...

Since black people did not come from the same culture as the Cherokee.

They didn't have any clan, so the children were either referred to as their father's clan or if the mother was a Cherokee and the father was a black man with no clan.

The child would take on the mother's clan.

Mathilda had begged her parents to go & see it, so they booked a flight in an air balloon.

In 1910, Mathilda went to see the movie with her mixed-race parents in an air balloon.

Mathilda Mae Mary arrived & her parents took a detour to a diner to eat.

Afterward, they went to see Old California.

Afterward, they flew back home in an air balloon.

Once they returned home, the tribe asked them, "Where were you?" One of the members named Alice asked.

Mathilda says, "It was awesome! The movie! We saw a movie! It was big & there were moving people in another world!"

Her parents agreed.

Alice giggled, saying, "Y'all saw moving people in another world?"

Mathilda says, "Yeah, it was awesome!"

After a month, the tribe was bantering about it...

Mathilda was at home when her mother, Sarah, came to her and told her pretty grim news "The white people don't like black folk & they don't like Indians."

Mathilda asks, "What are you talking about?"

Sarah says, "They're going to take all of our food. They want us black Indians to starve to death."

Mathilda says, "We should hide the food, then!"

Her father was already on it.

The government was trying to take the food from the Mae Tribe because they didn't want them to get more populated.

Fear filled the hearts of Mae-Tribers; all they wanted was a sanctuary to live in peace with others.

Alice helped hide the goods before the racist government took them.

Five weeks later, the government came & took all the food kept out in the open.

Mathilda told her father to "Keep some food out in the open so that when the racists come, they will take all the open food and because they had taken all the food that was in the open, the racist would think that they had taken all the food because they never found the food that was hidden!" And they did as she had told.

Mathilda yells, "Hide most of the food, Daddy! If they ask why we don't have a lot of food left behind, tell them that we ate most of it!" Most of the food was hidden at Mathilda's request.

The racists did as Mathilda predicted; the hidden food was left behind.

Once they left, Mathilda wisely advised that her parents, the tribal leaders, keep the food hidden in case the racists or other tribes came and stole the food.

Mathilda told her parents, "Keep the food hidden so that other people don't steal it!"

Meanwhile, 34 people nearby were quickly slaughtering people of all kinds.

Ammo was a Cherokee minding his own business when a white man, one of the 34, tackled Ammo from behind as Ammo ate his orange and slit his throat with a rusty pocket knife.

The white man ran off as if he did it publicly, which he did not.

The white man heard Ammo scream in horror with glee as the white man thought...

"One less human." That's all the white man wanted—no more humans.

The white man's name was Jack Jackleg.

Jack Jackleg went on to slit a🤰🏻pregnant white woman's throat and stab her in the stomach, she went into labor due to the stress of it all, and because he missed the baby when he stabbed her, the baby came out fine at the hospital that she was rushed to.

The baby named Ruby Jewel had not a scratch; what a miracle!

The baby's mother, Emerald Jewel, died after her C-section from bleeding out due to her injuries.


At the base of the 34 murderers...

🙅🏻 ⬅️ The leader, named Thomas Butter, yells, "Humanity has done nothing but be Cruel to us, and we as humans must be Cruel back to bring judgment!"

Jack Jackleg paused. He felt guilty for harming a pregnant woman.

Thomas Butter had no idea the child had been born, so Thomas, believing he had killed a child, says to him that "You have prevented the birth of another human and will thus be rewarded."

Jack says that "I failed. I know my job is to end the lives of the unborn, but I failed. The baby was born alive."

Thomas says that "No matter, we'll find her... In the end."

To be continued...

Season 1


Chapter 1

This was moved here from Good Novel because when I would try to go to the link on goodnovel.com, it'd take me somewhere else.

Goodnight_Readscreators' thoughts
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