
Delicious Night

The man sucked on his cigarette, then immediately billowing smoke filled the room that was only filled by him and the woman who was now bowing down languidly in front of him. "Sign this contract, then don't even think about running away from me again," he said while holding out a piece of paper containing the contract that Emily had previously asked for. The girl grabbed the paper and read it carefully. She couldn't do anything else but accept the situation. "Yeah--" "One thing is for sure, don't ever expect more from me. Especially ... love. Because, even if you beg, it won't happen,” he continued as he walked away carrying the contract that the woman had signed. Emily never thought she would be reunited with Jonathan Oliver, the man she had spent a hot night with due to a mistake. Now, she has made another mistake which resulted in him being trapped in a loveless relationship.

Alkaffy_21 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Emily stared blankly at the hotel room sky. Meanwhile, Jonathan is still fast asleep after their romance last night. Her body felt crushed because of the coercion that the man put on her.

Jonathan gave vent to her lust without thinking about herself. At this time, just walking, she felt extreme pain in her sensitive area.

Last night, Jonathan was like a madman. He had been enjoying Emily's body almost all night without giving her even a moment to breathe freely.

She tried to get out of bed and wanted to run away like she used to. However, Jonathan had handcuffed her hands to the side of the bed, so she couldn't go anywhere.

"Damn it!" she said.

Emily tried to remove the handcuffs from her hands. However, she finally realized, it was just a waste of energy. Meanwhile, without her noticing, Jonathan watched his efforts with a stifled laugh.

"You think you can run away like you used to? Stupid! I will not be fooled again."

"Let me go! You crazy man!" she demanded.

Jonathan pulled Emily's body and threw her back on the bed. He embraced her and hugged her tightly. Whispering words that made her shudder.

"Aww! My hands hurt, please take off the cuffs."

"You are my woman now. It won't be that easy for you to leave me, honey. Don't even think of running from me. Because that would just be a waste of time."

Emily tried to escape from the grip of the perverted man who was pressing her body again. However, the hug only grew tighter every time she tried to struggle.

"Please don't do this to me. Didn't I serve you last night? That means we've broken even. Let me go, Sir."

"Did you say break even? Wait a moment, let me show you something."

Jonathan let go of his embrace. Now, she could clearly see the beautiful sculpture of the body of the man who held her last night. Her face flushed, thinking back about what they had been doing all night.

"Wipe your saliva, don't tell me you're starting to like my beautiful body, Lady. Could it be you want to repeat last night's hot romance?"

Emily immediately threw fed up. "Not!"

Jonathan used a towel to cover his lower body, then he threw another towel at Emily. "Use it."

Emily grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her body. "Thank you."

"I don't want anyone to see mine."


Jonathan grabbed his cell phone, then called someone on the phone, asking him to come to the room where they were.

It didn't take long, Rion and several aides entered the room carrying several paper bags.

"Just keep it on the table. Then, prepare breakfast immediately."

"Yes sir. What else?"

Jonathan caught one of his aides who had been stealing glances at Emily. "You, come here… quickly!"

"Me, sir?"

"Yes ... come here, quickly!" he ordered.

As the man approached, Jonathan's hand immediately strangled his neck. "What did you see just now?!" he snapped.

"Oh my gosh, S-sir ...," he groaned as he tried to let go of Jonathan's hand.

Emily felt sorry to see the aide's suffering. She screamed, asking him to release the stranglehold that was wrapped around the aide's neck.

"You're crazy! Take your hands off. He could die!"

"You pity him? If that's the case, I'd rather he died instead."

"You freak. Quickly let go, he's almost out of breath!"

Jonathan tightened his grip even more until it made the man turn blue.

The man fell down, he was coughing while trying to get back into the air after being released from the stranglehold of his employer.

"Still lucky I left your eyeballs intact. It's just a warning, if I see any of you dare to look at mine… you're died, understand?!"

His three men, especially the man he had strangled earlier, did not dare to answer, they all bowed obediently to him.

"Let Go!"

"Yes sir."

Emily watched the three of them leave with mixed feelings. She was horrified at the viciousness of the man in front of her.

"Get up!" the man ordered her.

"You're out of your mind!"

"Thanks," he said with a grin.

"You know, just now he could have died."

Jonathan glared at Emily. "Are you trying to defend him?"

"I'm not defending him. What you did earlier could have put his life in danger. He's a human, not an animal!"

Jonathan grabbed Emily's body, then brought his face closer to Emily, who was scared.

"If I wanted, I could have killed them all like cockroaches, including you. So, don't keep arguing with me."

Emily was lost for words. She was horrified to have come into contact with a terrible person like Jonathan.

Jonathan removed the cuffs that were wrapped around Emily's hands. They were red from the tight grip on them.

"Read this," he ordered, handing over a piece of paper containing proof of payment for the car service that he damaged last night.

Her eyes widened at the sight of so many numbers. "Are you kidding me?! It's too expensive."

"Let's just check into the workshop I subscribe to, that's a fact."

"But where can I pay for all this?"

"I don't know where, huh?" he teased.

Never mind that much money, in her bank account there might only be a few million left, and that's what she's been saving all this time.

Actually, her could have used the money claimed for your late mother's life insurance, but the money was still in the hands of her uncle and aunt.

"Can you pay for the damage to my car?"

"I will repay."

"I want cash."

"Please, this is a lot of money."

"Then I have a special offer."

"What's that?"

Jonathan grabbed Emily's loose hair, then played with it with his hands. "Like I said, be my woman ..." he whispered.

"Wh-why should I? Many other women may voluntarily become your lovers."

"I'm not asking you to be my lover, just be my woman."

"What is the difference?"

"Hey! Do not be too confident. Do you think you deserve to be with me? I just want your body to satisfy my desires, that's all."

Emily was at a loss for words, she was confused about how to face the man in front of her.

"Still, why should I?"

"Just want."

"If I refuse?"

"Prison awaits you, easy, right?"

"Damn it!"

Jonathan chuckled. "Up to you."

"Give me some time to think. I'll try calling my uncle and aunt for help."

"Okay, just one hour."

Emily widened her eyes. "Are you crazy? One hour? That won't be enough. This also concerns my future!"

"You don't need to be afraid, I will guarantee your future. Take it easy, after I'm bored, I'll let you live freely and get paid accordingly."

"Wait, I'll try to contact my family."


Emily is confused about having to make such a big decision in her life. After all, she knew very well the meaning of the 'woman' that the man was referring to.

That man thought of being a mistress lowered her pride, but she was afraid of having to go to jail.

Emily grabbed her cellphone, she wanted to try to persuade her uncle and aunt to help. However, her body trembled violently when she saw a message from one of her friends last night.

[Mil, I see your uncle's house is empty. When I asked people around, they said they moved house a week ago. Has your problem been solved?]

[Sorry just replied. Are they sure uncle is moving house? Maybe he's just gone on vacation.]

[Too bad they're actually moving, Mil. The proof is that the house was empty and had been sold. Haven't your problems been solved yet?]

[Not ... gosh, I need the money now....]

[Sorry, Emily ... I can't help you. Later, if there is any information, I will definitely tell you.]

Emily massaged her forehead, she was sure that her suspicions about her two relatives who had replaced her mother after her absence were true.

The insurance money for the death of the mother was entirely arranged by the two people. Not without reason, because when the mother died in an accident, she was under 20 years old at that time.

It's gone, all this time she's had trouble asking for monthly rations to survive, especially now that the two people are officially running away.

In fact, her intention was to ask them for the rest of the money. However, it seemed that it could never materialize and she had no other choice but to surrender.

"So how?" Jonathan asked while kissing Emily's hair.

Emily knew that her decision was not right, but she had no power to refuse, plus now all her rights were taken away by two savages like her uncle and aunt.

"Okay, but I want things to be clear ..."

Jonathan chuckled. "Okay, I'll make things clear. Deal?"

Emily could only nod slowly, she resigned herself to the bad luck that befell her. Later, when she was free, she promised to find the two men to take revenge and take back her property with the power and money Jonathan gave.

Jonathan has been fondling Emily again, since the incident three years ago, for him Emily is like an addiction that he finds difficult to forget even though they only did it for a moment.

"Before that, I still want to enjoy you," he whispered as he carried Emily towards the bathroom.