
#1 How it happened (part 1)

Hi I'm Ryley, I used to have a wife but she was killed during a robbery when we got out of the theater , the robber was a man looking for money to by more drugs so he was in rush to get drugs and accidentally pulled the trigger to which I tried to push my wife out of the way but the bullet strucked her before I could and next thing I know my wife is crying in my hands pleading not to let her die , but the only thing I could was watch her pass on, so that night my heart shattered into oblivion and only an empty husk remain.

< 3 months later >

currently I'm stalking and mapping all the locations and exits to my wife's killers house while he's sleeping, I then begin to set my plan in action, I'm fully clothed n black and have my hair tied and in a bun under a mask and wearing gloves with a size smaller shoes from a thrift shop to not leave any evidence to what's about to occur.

I pick locked the door open it slowly as to make as little to no noise at all and behind to take light step all the way up stares and begin to open his room door , then I take out a syringe and stab his artery to knock him out, I did it so fast he did not even realize what happened then I take him out of the bed and carry him out of his house then put him in the trunk and bind hm with zip ties then shove some socks in his mouth then got a rope to tie his mouth shot for extra precaution and close the trunk and go back n his house lock the door knob and close it behind me .

I then begin to drive six hours out of town to a deserted underground bunker with only two chairs a generator some lights and torture tools with a bucket of water.

As I get out of the car I hear movement coming from the trunk and so i guess he's awake and freaking out, sure enough he pissed himself and was squirming around trying to get out of the zip ties but as soon as he sees me he make a face of realization.

just doing this for fun if you don't like don't read. also my updates will be random or mostly slow I'm real lazy :O

Wisp_Lifecreators' thoughts