

"What are you thinking about?" said Maryam as she brought him back from his trip down memory lane.

"You" replied Jay as he got up from his seat with a smile.

"Still thinking about how I kicked your ass in fatal combat" she said laughingly.

"If I remember correctly I beat you 11 to five victories"

"I still kicked your ass in the final match with a combo"

"That's not counted, you intentionally stepped on my toe while playing" Jay replied with slight indignation.

"All is fair in love and war"

"It was a game!"

"Don't be a sore loser" Maryam replies while patting Jay's head even though he is taller, making quite a comedic scene.

"That's it! I want a rematch"

"Nope! I don't feel like playing"

"We are going to even if I have to use force" Jay said as he tried to grab Maryam.

"Nope! catch me if you can" Maryam replied as she dodged and ran with Jay chasing after her. Laughter could be heard as they both ran around the lecture theatre disturbing quite a lot of people. Maryam ran to the lawn just outside the lecture theatre with Jay catching up to her.

"I have got you now!" Jay said as he lifted Maryam up while laughing as Maryam tried to tickle her way out of his grip, then Jay fell while holding Maryam.

They rolled about on the grass for a while then laid on their backs while laughing till a shadow loomed over them blocking out the sun.

"Get a room if you want to flirt, don't disturb the others that are trying to study"

"Hey Ella" Maryam said a little awkwardly.

This was Ella, Jay's department representative. She is a beautiful white skinned, blonde haired girl with amber coloured eyes, she stands at five foot nine inches with a bit small boobs about the size of apples but with an ass to die for. Her ass is quite bigger and meatier than Maryam's but Maryam has a better shape. Ella also went to the same highschool with Jay and Maryam, she is a sort of elder sister figure to Jay. When Jay was bullied in highschool she stood up for Jay although it made things worse it touched his heart. When his grades dropped, she ensured he studied and tutored him. If not for her Jay would never had gotten into this university, he feels grateful even though she feels it was nothing to her.

"Ella.." Jay stuttered as he could feel her glare piercing through him.

"We are sorry!" Jay and Maryam got up and apologised.

Ella's eyes softened at seeing Jay apologising but she still glared at Maryam with a slight glint of jealousy. "You came all the way from your faculty to the engineering faculty for what?"

Ella has had a crush on Jay since highschool but Jay had always had his eyes out for Maryam and treated her as a friend or elder sister. She first met Jay in their first year of high school when she saw a group of boys picking on him. She usually ignores this kind of situation but seeing Jay even though he was outsized and outmanned still trying to fight back made her decide to help him. She practiced martial arts more for self defense but she was still able to beat and chase away the boys even though she suffered some hits.

From then on, she started hanging out with Jay and helping him with his studies, as she spent time with him she started liking him but she did not realize her feelings till Jay met Maryam in their second year of high school and she noticed the way Jay looked at Maryam wasn't the same way he looked at her. Although Jay gazed at her lustfully at times but he didn't have the same look of love he gave Maryam instead he had admiration mixed with lust when he checked her out. When she tried to confess indirectly, he just thought of it as a joke. She was so angry and jealous that in their final year she decided to accept a guy's invite to try and spite Jay and get over her feelings for him but when she told Jay about the relationship he said he was happy for her although there was a slight feeling of loss in his eyes, she dated him for a few weeks but never felt the same way she felt with Jay so they broke up.

Since then she has tried to bury her feelings for Jay but it always leaks out anytime she is with Jay especially when he is with Maryam.


"Um.. I was done with my lectures so I was wondering whether Jay wanted to hang out later?" Maryam answered nervously while receding from Ella's glare.

"He is not free" Ella replied

"But.." Jay tried to butt in

"He has a study session with me" Ella said

Maryam had a crestfallen expression on hearing that, it made her look like an abandoned puppy.

"I can still take you home" Jay said as Maryam's expression turned hopeful.

"But!" Ella tried to interject but Jay stopped her

"Her dormitory is on the way to your home so you don't have to worry, we will still have our study session"

Ella glared at Jay but she could not refute so she had to agree reluctantly while Maryam had a smile on her face.

"Just know that I am going to increase the difficulty of the practice test I give you" Ella said

Jay groaned while wondering why Ella and Maryam don't get along or better yet why Ella does not get along with Maryam. Although they have a lot of differences with Ella being more of a sporty type of girl and Maryam being more of a weeb but they still share some similar interests. Who is he to talk? it's not like he understands girls, he still feels like if guy's brains are like an abacus then girl's brains are like a super computer in level of complexity.

"Alright, we will see you later, we still have another lecture" Jay said to Maryam

"Bye, I will go check on John!" Maryam waved and left. John is Maryam's boyfriend. They have been together since middle school.

Jay and Ella went back into the lecture theatre since the lecture is at the same venue.

"You should really control yourself, I know you have been in love with Maryam but that doesn't excuse your behaviour" Ella chastised Jay as they entered the lecture theatre.

"I am sorry" Jay did not bother to argue since he knows the scolding would never end if he does.


"phew! we are finally done for the day" Jay sighed as he laid on the desk in the lecture theatre.

"My brain feels like Mush"

"Stop exaggerating and let's get out of here" Ella said while rolling her eyes at his behaviour.

Jay groaned as he stood up "Can't we move the study session to another day, I don't think I can take any more knowledge"

"That's what you said yesterday 🙄 and I listened, not this time mister"

"Alright! alright just stop pulling my ear" Jay pleaded as Ella pulled on his ear. "Fuck!" Jay said as she released his ear "What are you? my mom!"

"I can be your sugar mommy if you want" Ella teased as they walked out of their faculty building to the parking lot.

" haha! more like I would be your sugar daddy" Jay replies as he presses a button on his car key to a sedan that looks to be very expensive.

'A different car today' Ella thought to herself. Jay comes from a wealthy family as everyone can see from the cars he drives but nobody knows anything about his family as he never seems to talk about it even when asked about what they do, he avoids the question or answers they run a business but as to what that business is he never answers. Though it adds a mysterious quality to him, it makes Ella feel he does not trust her.

Jay drives out of the parking lot with Ella and they headed to the faculty of Law where Maryam studies as they had agreed he would pick her up. When they got to the entrance, they saw Maryam with a boy a bit taller than her by two inches with glossy black hair and pale white skin, he has a flat face, small nose, thin eyes with glasses and a small mouth, his face can be considered androgynous. They both approach the car as Jay stopped the car at the entrance.

"Hey John! how's it going?" Jay said as they approached.

"I'm alright Jay, thanks for taking Maryam home" John replied.

"No problem! she's also my friend"

Maryam hugged John "see you later" and entered the car. John waved as Jay drove off.

"we are really not hanging out today, Jay" Maryam said while Ella glared at her.

"I am sorry May, I really can't, I have been putting off this study session for days"Jay replied making Ella to smile.(A/N: May is Maryam's nickname).

"it's alright"

"or you can come study with us" Jay says trying to pacify her. Ella glares at Maryam with eyes that says 'I will rip your heart out and stuff it down your throat if you say yes'.

"I'm fine" Maryam replies while shivering from Ella's stone cold glare.

After getting out of the school campus, Jay drove for a few minutes before getting to a beautiful two story building with a sign out front that says rose dormitory. This is Maryam's dormitory, it is a privately owned dormitory with an affiliation with their university so it only caters to students.

Jay stopped at the entrance so Maryam could get down. "Bye Jay" Maryam said as she stood at the entrance. "Bye May" Jay replied before zooming of with Ella.


"phew! I feel refreshed" Maryam says as she came out of the bathroom in her room naked with her boobs jiggling and her chocolate brown nipples standing proudly while drying her hair with a towel. Maryam spread her towel on a hanger then laid on her bed.

'I wonder what Jay is doing' Maryam thinks to herself. Complex emotions surface in Maryam's heart as she thinks of Jay. She never thought she could think of Jay as anything other than a friend till what happened years ago in the cafeteria, she had always kept herself loyal to her boyfriend even though it was hard being in separate schools without phones for months on end, that was until that happened with Jay. She started having feelings for Jay since then but she still loved her boyfriend as they had been childhood friends till he confessed to her in middle school and she accepted, so she started avoiding Jay while trying to sort out her emotions to the extent of finally trying to have sex with her boyfriend but he refused saying he wants them focus on their studies for now. She couldn't avoid Jay forever as they had applied to the same university.

They met again at their university orientation, she tried to run away from him but Jay caught up to her and held her against the wall 'it turned me on when he did that' Maryam thought to herself but instead of doing anything to her, he started apologizing for what happened and claimed it was all his fault although she knew she was the one that initiated it. He said he would not let her go till she forgives him. They restarted their friendship that day though it was a bit awkward at first but they got over.

Her feelings for Jay have been getting stronger day by day to the extent she thinks about him all the time, even her wet dreams are about him. Thinking of the memory in the cafeteria, with his arms surrounding her one of her hands gradually slid towards her pussy while the other went to her nipple. "Jay.. mnh" she moans as her hands strokes her clit while the other pinched her nipple.

'harder! Jay' she thought as shestroked her clit faster and clamped and fondled breasts rougher.

'not enough' she stuck two of her fingers into her vagina while imaging Jay putting his dick in her.

"yes! aah.. mmhh! fuck me! Jay" her tempo increases.

"Don't stop! harder! nnnh!" she moans as she rubs against her g-spot.

She moves her other hand to pinch her clit while she fingered herself furiously.

"I'm cumming! oh god! Jay I'm cumming from your dick! mmmmggnh!" she screamed as she squirts all over her bed.

"hah, hah" she panted for a bit, 'I have done it again' the guilt came back but with the guilt came more lust and excitement. Through the night if you pay close attention to Maryam's room you would hear squelching sounds and moans.

Hey, if you see any mistake please notify me and don't forget to leave a review. Thanks!

1maginationcreators' thoughts