
Update & Chapter 3: The Exam

Alright so as to the update I am back the end of school-year was hectic and the I had to go to Nebraska the land of no internet so yeah sorry. and have am about to drop one main chapter and two side chapters. On a more sad note I am dropping Of Sins and Virtues I just don't have any clue were want the story to go. I mean it got like a tenth the views of this story so most of you probably haven't read it anyway just letting you guys know. No on with the chapter


And so began ten months of hell for Deku. First Deku trained harder than ever before in physical training to lay groundwork for his techniques. He also started researching quirks in depth and also looked at auras. He also learned some things about his own quirk. First of all the most quirks he could handle were 3 or 4 if he focused really hard. Second he could do combo moves with two quirks. Third, he could not release quirks individually so if he wanted to change out a quirk he had to start from 0. Finally it worked with mutation quirks but he couldn't look human again until he did a full reset so generally he would stick to ones with smaller changes. Maybe emitter and transformation quirks were better suited for him. Through all of it he never fell behind in school. He also put in some work to a costume idea. To start with it needed relatively stiff gloves and hard pads on the knees and elbows. Green for the main color and relatively thin shoulder pads for defence. It also had to be relatively lightweight. (Okay I know the only difference from his old costume is shoulder pads and a stiffer exterior on the elbow and knee pads but seriously these are all necessary for how he would fight with Muay Thai training.)

Just like that it was time for the entrance exam as he was walking he sensed Bakugou and said. "Hey K-Katchan, good luck out there." Deku realised that Katsuki's aura had grown yet denser was it because he was prodigy or was it because he had been training? Probably both but really some pro heroes didn't have this much… still comparing it to All Might was like comparing a candle to a bonfire.

"Move aside Deku unless you want a taste of my quirk before the event… oh wait, that would actually play to your advantage." Said Bakugou

"No I would like to do this without your quirk because if I use yours I am all but sure to pass this is something I need to do without your power I need to be able to stand on my own two feet" Said Deku with a little more confidence.

"Well that is good cus' if you found a way to mess this up even with my quirk I would have to beat you up for making my quirk look weak." Said Bakugou

Both headed in and sat next to each other. They wound up in different testing areas so Deku just prepared himself by doing some basic stretches. When the gates opened it was so silent and everyone only noticed after the process was complete. A tall serious looking guy rushed ahead of everyone with his engine legs. His aura was steely gray and was streaming off the backs of his legs. Deku smiled and quickly copied that ability and began to give chase. By the time they reached the first robots, Deku was only half a step behind. They both started destroying robots with great speed with hyper powered kicks caused by their boosted legs. Other kids caught up soon enough. Deku may have had less experience with the quirk but he made up for it with raw power. As he was fighting he saw a girl with gravity powers. He decided to pick that up too. Finally he saw a kid with a belly button laser? He picked that one up as well. It seemed powerful enough as an emergency move.

A few minutes into the exam deku had already racked up 35 points. He was a total newbie with his quirks but he was still keeping up well enough. And then he heard it, a giant rumble enough to shake the ground. He turned to see what had happened only to find a robot bigger than the buildings themselves. He turned to run when he heard a voice, a small cry of pain. The lay the gravity girl pinned under some rubble before he even had time to think he pressed his fingers to his face and jumped boosting himself with his engines he flew towards the robot and then he fired his stomach laser. It hurt he thought his stomach would explode but the firepower pierced a hole straight through the robots head as he fell he began to lose consciousness. He felt a sharp impact to his face as he looked over to see the gravity girl next to him floating on some rubble. All he could do was mutter thanks before passing out.

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