

How many of us actually read our bible today? How many of us read it for more then five minutes or for more then just our devotionals everyday? How many of us think ok I did my Christian thing for the day I'm good to go and love my life like the words in this book don't hold a meaning in my life. Now I'm not judging anyone because even I have done this today and most days in my life even though I know better.

But because of this I have begun to notice a pattern. A lot of people aren't going to like this and a lot of people aren't going go agree with me but I have noticed that people have become so focused on feeling gods presence in a few moments of church that they have forgotten that gods presence is with us always. At home at work at school everywhere we go. Anywhere at anytime god is there. And everywhere u go with everything u do you are either making him smile and be happy or u are disappointing him. At church u cry out to god about how holy and perfect he is and about how much you love him and want him and yet we act as though the only way we have god is when we're singing a song or feeling a tangible presence around us. We have focused so much on the feeling we forgot the one who causes the feeling. We go out and do just enough. I go out and do just enough. I forget god as the I went to work or did school. I forgot god as I fell into sin. I forgot god as I went and acted selfishly or unloving towards my coworkers. I forgot god as I went through life. I forgot the one who is lost important in my life. But yet the one I forget in my everyday life is the one I worship at church. The one who on Sunday I praise with all my words and voice and who I lift my hands in worship is the same one who I abandon as soon as I step out the church doors. I have become so focused on feeling god I forgot about truly worshiping god with my life. I forgot to reflect him I forgot to love him because loving god does not mean just lifting him up and praising him and saying I love him but living a life of worship. Living like Christ and being an example of him to others. Love is sacrifice it's not a selfish desire it's giving of myself to live a LIFE of devotion not just a Sunday of worship

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