
Deep in his heart

Deep in his heart it’s only me in there I asked for true love I got it but not in the way I expected- Erica A human gets herself mixed up in the world of the night creatures with no way out. Follow our protagonist as she goes in crazy adventures,finds more about herself and finds love

Kushi_Minami · Fantasy
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19 Chs

School rush

The school exams is just two weeks away and that means more studying for me. The whole situation with Matthew and Nathalie has gone down now,I do bump into them once in awhile and Nathalie always takes the chance to mock or belittle me,thankfully Matt at least never said a thing but he always has a disdainful look directed at me.

I have being in the library for the almost the entire day. I went back to the hostels when I felt the exhaustion kicking in, For awhile now the room has being quiet because Zara isn't around.

It's nighttime and Zara is still not back from wherever she went,I'm starting to get worried. These days Zara rarely comes back to the hostels,sure she is normally out in the night but these days she isn't even around during the day.I can't do anything but wait for her to come back since I have no idea of where she could be,also the exams are almost here and she is nowhere in sight. I just hope she is alright.

Zara POV:

I'm so drained it has being awhile that the battle between the two princes has being going on and we as the loyal subjects are to fight alongside our liege,the crown prince.

I was shocked when I was suddenly summoned to fight alongside the crown prince,I rubbed my eyes several times just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Apparently the second prince was recruiting rogues into his army,I don't know why the second prince won't just accept the fact that the throne was never his. I can't imagine a world with the second prince in charge that should be the same as everyone kissing their lives goodbye.

I'm back on school grounds and it is midnight,most people are asleep by now. I entered the room as quiet as I could but Erica still heard the door and woke up. It's impressive how she is able to hear the slightest of movements or probably i am terrible at moving quietly.it's a really good ability for a normalie.

Zara is that you asked Erica,it seems she was waiting for me. Yeah,good morning babe,sorry for waking you up.

It's no problem I wanted to see you anyway if I woke up later you might already be gone by then said Erica.

This is it about my absence I guess said Zara

I'm sorry if it looks like I'm being intrusive but I'm worried about you said Erica.

Well it's just a inheritance problem said Zara

Oh,I'm so sorry about intruding into your family matters. It's ok I get that you are only looking out for me said Zara,'my family matters' well that one big family snickered Zara.

I can now rest,thank goodness,I just hope this is all settled fast but knowing the kind of person the second prince is this will still be going on for awhile.