1 "Darkness All Around"

"Ok Alisha stay calm". I tell myself. One minute I'm safe in my bed,in my room. And the next I'm trying tumbling down nothing but darkness. And finally I hit the bottom of darkness with a heavy " THUD ". "Ow,now that's going to leave a big blue bruise" I said this out loud not fully aware that somebody or something may be in the darkness with me. " For someone in your situation you seem a bit to much in good humor for my taste,let see if I can change this mood of yours from good humor to a really terrifying experience,shall we?" The next thing I knew there were screams,cries for help and horrifying laughter that seemed to envelope me in every direction that I turned. Any and everything I could think of to do that thing or that somebody behind the voice would not make me it stop. No matter how much I begged or pleaded it would not stop. " Well that's better" it said. "What are you doing to me,why am I here,what did I do to deserve this,this whatever you want to call it?" Screaming out loud having to over the horrifying sounds the air around me was making. Of course on that things command. " With a short whistle from deep in it's lungs it all stopped rather abruptly. I hear myself thanking it over and over again. Anything to get those sounds to stop and to get out of my head. " I'm afraid they will be inside you and deep inside your head for a long time to come as I see fit that is." It said" I wanted to lash out tear it's throat out even as it spoke. "Aren't we a feisty one,are we?" It asked. I didn't know if I wanted to respond to that question or not. All I know I wanted to be back in my room safe from all of this,if that is even possible at this point. The point of no return is the feeling I'm getting with each passing minute and minutes turning on into hours. With it's visits only coming once an hour,it felt like that anyway. Maybe it's checking to see if I'm still here or maybe checking to see if I'm still alive. I don't know why I'm here or what game it has me playing. And how it's driving me crazy, the not knowing is the part I'm talking about. The not knowing when it's going to end. The not knowing if I'm going to get out of this alive or not. All the not knowing's it's enough to drive a person insane. And I'm nearly there. It feels like there is never going to be an ending to this ordeal. Why I feel like that I have no idea. What's to happen next so on and so fourth. Are you getting the picture yet???
